Volume of transshipment at Ventspils nafta termināls Ltd increases by 2.3 million tons in four months

From January to April 2007, Ventspils nafta termināls Ltd, the subsidiary of
the joint stock company Ventspils nafta, handled 4.4 million tons of crude oil
and petroleum products in total. That is by 2.3 million tons more than in the
corresponding period in 2006. At the moment, oil and petroleum products are
being delivered to the terminal of JSC Ventspils nafta by rail and sea as well
as through diesel pipeline. 

In four months this year, diesel accounted for the highest proportion of the
total structure of transshipped cargos. Volume of transshipped diesel accounted
for 71 per cent, or 3.3 million tons of all cargos at Ventspils nafta termināls
Ltd, and was supplied not only through petroleum products pipeline, but also by
rail and sea. From January to April, car petrol delivered to the terminal by
rail and sea amounted to 0.7 million tons (16%), while crude oil and petroleum
products delivered by sea accounted for 0.3 million tons (7%). 

JSC Ventspils nafta already informed that increase in transshipment amount at
Ventspils nafta termināls Ltd can be explained both by receiving of diesel
through petroleum products pipeline successfully started at the beginning of
2007, and effective cooperation with Euromin Holdings (Cyprus) Limited, a
company of the international oil trade consortium Vitol Group being a
shareholder of JSC Ventspils nafta and the co-owner of Ventspils nafta
termināls Ltd. 

In April 2007, Ventspils nafta termināls Ltd handled 1.2 million tons of crude
oil and petroleum products - 0.8 million tons of diesel, 0.2 million tons of
petrol and more than 0.1 million tons of crude oil and petroleum products
delivered to the terminal by sea in tankers. 

Ventspils nafta termināls Ltd is a subsidiary of JSC Ventspils nafta. 51% of it
belongs to JSC Ventspils nafta while 49% to Vitol's company Euromin Holdings.
The terminal renders transit services - receiving of oil and diesel petrol
through pipelines as well as receiving of oil, diesel, car petrol and other
petroleum products by rail and sea, their storage and transshipment. 

Ventspils nafta termināls Ltd is the largest of such companies in the region,
and its crude oil and petroleum products shore-tank farm reaches 1.2 million
cubic metres and has no analogues among similar companies in the nearest

JSC Ventspils nafta
For further information, 
please contact Gundega Vārpa 
calling 7229793 
or e-mailing to: gundega.varpa@vnafta.lv.