Annual General Meeting proposals

Annual General Meeting proposals

Board of directors
For the Annual General Meeting of West Siberian Resources Ltd to be held on
Tuesday May 22, 2007, shareholders representing approximately 36% of the votes
propose the re-election of the entire board of directors. 

Current directors Mr Eric Forss (chairman), Mr Maxim Barski (managing director),
Mr Claes Levin, Mr Oleg Fomenko, Mr Nemesio Fernandez-Cuesta and Mr Fred Boling
are proposed for re-election. It is also proposed that the remuneration for the
Board for the period until the next AGM be fixed at SEK 2,000,000  (currently
SEK 2,000,000), to be allocated in accordance with the resolution of the Board
of Directors.

Shareholders representing approximately 36% of the votes also propose that Mr
Fernando Martinez-Fresneda is elected as an alternate director for Mr Nemesio

Mr Fernando Martinez-Fresneda (55) is a Mining Engineer from the ETSIM, Mining
Engineer School at the Politechnic University of Madrid and has a PDD in
Business Administration from the INALDE in Bogotá.

He is currently the Managing Director of Repsol YPF`s office and operations in
the Russian Federation. Prior to his current position, Mr. Martínez-Fresneda was
Petroleos Sudamericanos' General Manager in Ecuador. Since 1981, he has held
various positions in the Repsol organization including being Repsol`s General
Manager in Colombia and Bolivia. 

The audit committee has proposed the re-election of Pricewaterhouse Coopers AB
with the authorised public accountants  Klas Brand and Johan Rippe as

The Annual General Meeting of shareholders will be held on Thursday May 22,
2006, at 2 pm at the Grand Hotel  in Stockholm. Media and analysts are welcome
to attend the meeting. The Notice of the meeting and the Board's proposal are
available at

For further information:
Maxim Barski, Managing director, West Siberian Resources Ltd., tel. +7 495 956
48 82
Eric Forss, Chairman, West Siberian Resources Ltd., tel. +46 8 613 00 85 or +46
70 523 86 62

Also visit

West Siberian Resources Ltd is an independent oil company active in Russia. West
Siberian´s depository receipts are currently traded on First North of the
Stockholm Stock Exchange under the symbol WSIB.

