Activity results for the first quarter of the year 2007

The activity results of Panevėžio statybos trestas AB company group for the
first quarter of the year 2007 and the activity results not inspected by the
company auditors were prepared in accordance with the International financial
accountability standards. 

For the first quarter of 2007 the income of PST AB company group amounted to
127.339 mln. Lt (36.880 mln. EUR), and compared to the income for the first
quarter of 2006 - 33.683 Lt (9.755 mln.EUR) - it increased by 3.8 times. 

For the first quarter of 2007 the net profit was - 3.236 mln.Lt (0.938 mln.
EUR).  In the first quarter of 2006 the company group suffered losses in the
amount of 0.234 mln. Lt (0.068 mln. EUR). 

For the press release regarding the activity results for the first quarter of
the year 2007 refer to the company website at 

Dalė Bernotaitienė
Finance Manager
Phone: 8 45 505 507;