- Presentation of acquisition of a majority holding in the Finnish bank eQ and the related mandatory tender offer

Straumur-Burdaras Investment Bank hf. will hold a presentation for market
participants on Tuesday, 22 May 2007, at 16:30, in the reception room of the
Bank's headquarters, located at Borgartún 25, 8th floor. Fridrik Jóhannsson,
CEO of Straumur-Burdaras, will present the Bank's acquisition of a majority
holding in the Finnish bank eQ and the mandatory tender offer related to the
acquisition. Antti Mäkinen, CEO of eQ, will be present at the meeting. 

Light refreshments will be available.

For further information, please contact Jóhanna Vigdís Gudmundsdóttir, Director
of Corporate Communications, tel: +354 580 9133 or +354 840 9133; or Björg
Björnsdóttir, Project Manager Corporate Communications, tel: 354 580 9113 or
354 840 9113.