eQ CORPORATION       STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE        22.5.2007                    

ON CHANGEs IN HOLDINGS                                                          

Pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act, we hereby      
notify that eQ Oyj has received notifications from Straumur-Burdaras Investment 
Bank hf., Fennogens Investments S.A., Notalar Oy and ANHA Benelux SPRL regarding
changes in their holdings in eQ Oyj.                                            

Straumur-Burdaras Investment Bank hf.'s holding of shares and votes in eQ Oyj   
has exceeded fifty (50) per cent. Fennogens Investments S.A.'s, Notalar Oy's and
ANHA Benelux SPRL's holding has fallen below five (5) per cent of all shares and
votes in eQ Oyj.                                                                

Straumur-Burdaras Investment Bank hf. holds 20,920,740 shares in eQ Oyj which   
equals approximately 62.05 per cent of all shares and votes in eQ Oyj. Fennogens
Investments S.A., Notalar Oy and ANHA Benelux SPRL do not hold any shares in eQ 

eQ Oyj has in all 33,713,449 shares. The total amount of the votes of all shares
is 33,713,449.                                                                  

NOTIFICATION FROM Straumur-Burdaras Investment Bank hf.                         

In accordance with Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities Markets Act, we hereby
notify the Financial Supervision Authority and eQ Corporation (”eQ”) that       
Straumur-Burdaras Investment Bank hf (“Straumur-Burdaras”) has by sale and      
purchase agreements dated 21 May 2007 acquired 62.05 % of the shares in eQ. As a
result of the completion of the sale and purchase, Straumur-Burdaras' holding in
eQ has exceeded 50 % of the share capital and voting rights in eQ as follows:   
Name of the target company                                                      
eQ Corporation, Business Identification Number: 0767347-8.                      

Date of change in holdings                                                      
21 May 2007                                                                     

Exact proportion of voting rights and share capital in eQ                       
As a result of the completion of the sale and purchase, Straumur-Burdaras'      
holding in eQ is as follows:                                                    

| Number of shares    | Proportion of     | Proportion |           |           |
|                     | share capital     | of voting  |           |           |
|                     |                   | rights     |           |           |
| 20,920,740          | 62.05 %           | 62.05 %    |           |           |

The registered share capital of eQ comprises a total of 33,713,449 shares       
entitling to 33,713,449 votes.                                                  

Shareholder's full name, Registration Number                                    
Straumur-Burdaras Investment Bank hf, registration number 701086-1399           

NOTIFICATION FROM FENNOGENS INVESTMENTS S.A.                                    
In accordance with Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities Market Act Fennogens  
Investments S.A. ("FI") hereby notifies the Financial Supervision Authority and 
eQ Corporation ("eQ") that FI has sold by a sale and purchase agreement dated 21
May 2007 all shares owned by it in eQ to Straumur-Burdaras Investment Bank hf.  
Following the completion of the sale and purchase, FI's holding in eQ has       
decreased below the limits set out in Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities    
Market Act and FI does not hold any shares in eQ. In accordance with Chapter 2, 
Section 9 of the Securities Market Act, FI notifies the following information to
the Financial Supervision Authority and eQ:                                     

1. Name of the target company                                                   

eQ Corporation, Business Identification Number: 0767347-8.                      

2. Date of the change in holdings                                               

21 May 2007                                                                     

3. Portion of the number of shares and votes of eQ                              

Following the completion of the sale and purchase, FI's portion of holdings of  
the shares and votes in eQ has decreased as follows:                            

| Shareholder        | Number and portion of the  | Number and portion of the  |
|                    | shares and votes before    | shares and votes at the    |
|                    | the sale and purchase      | time of notification       |
| Fennogens          | 12,559,730 shares and      | No shares, no votes, 0 per |
| Investments S.A.   | votes, 37.25 per cent of   | cent of shares and votes   |
|                    | shares and votes           |                            |

eQ has in all 33,713,449 shares. The total amount of the votes of all shares is 

4. Complete name of the shareholder and registration number                     

Fennogens Investments S.A. (registration number 0455 885 746).                  

NOTIFICATION FROM NOTALAR OY                                                    

In accordance with Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities Market Act Notalar Oy 
("Notalar") hereby notifies the Financial Supervision Authority and eQ          
Corporation ("eQ") that Notalar has sold by a sale and purchase agreement dated 
21 May 2007 all shares owned by it in eQ to Straumur-Burdaras Investment Bank   
hf. Following the completion of the sale and purchase, Notalar's holding in eQ  
has decreased below the limits set out in Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities
Market Act and Notalar does not hold any shares in eQ. In accordance with       
Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities Market Act, Notalar notifies the         
following information to the Financial Supervision Authority and eQ:            

1. Name of the target company                                                   

eQ Corporation, Business Identification Number: 0767347-8.                      

2. Date of the change in holdings                                               

21 May 2007                                                                     

3. Portion of the number of shares and votes of eQ                              

Following the completion of the sale and purchase, Notalar's portion of holdings
of the shares and votes in eQ has decreased as follows:                         

| Shareholder        | Number and portion of the  | Number and portion of the  |
|                    | shares and votes before    | shares and votes at the    |
|                    | the sale and purchase      | time of notification       |
| Notalar Oy         | 3,385,010 shares and       | No shares, no votes, 0 per |
|                    | votes, 10.04 per cent of   | cent of shares and votes   |
|                    | shares and votes           |                            |

eQ has in all 33,713,449 shares. The total amount of the votes of all shares is 

4. Complete name of the shareholder and Business Identification Number          

Notalar Oy (Business Identification Number 1087167-8).                          

NOTIFICATION FROM ANHA BENELUX SPRL                                             

In accordance with Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities Market Act ANHA       
Benelux SPRL ("ANHA") hereby notifies the Financial Supervision Authority and eQ
Corporation ("eQ") that ANHA has sold by a sale and purchase agreement dated 21 
May 2007 all shares owned by it in eQ to Straumur-Burdaras Investment Bank hf.  
Following the completion of the sale and purchase, ANHA's holding in eQ has     
decreased below the limits set out in Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities    
Market Act and ANHA does not hold any shares in eQ. In accordance with Chapter  
2, Section 9 of the Securities Market Act, ANHA notifies the following          
information to the Financial Supervision Authority and eQ:                      

1. Name of the target company                                                   

eQ Corporation, Business Identification Number: 0767347-8.                      

2. Date of the change in holdings                                               

21 May 2007                                                                     

3. Portion of the number of shares and votes of eQ                              

Following the completion of the sale and purchase, ANHA's portion of holdings of
the shares and the votes in eQ has decreased as follows:                        

| Shareholder              | Number and portion of    | Number and portion of  |
|                          | the shares and votes     | the shares and votes   |
|                          | before the sale and      | at the time of         |
|                          | purchase                 | notification           |
| ANHA Benelux SPRL        | 3,376,000 shares and     | No shares, no votes, 0 |
|                          | votes, 10.01 per cent of | per cent of shares and |
|                          | shares and votes         | votes                  |

eQ has in all 33,713,449 shares. The total amount of the votes of all shares is 

4. Complete name of the shareholder and registration number                     

ANHA Benelux SPRL (registration number BE 0877.095.774).                        

eQ Corporation                                                                  

Antti Mäkinen                                                                   

For further information:                                                        
Antti Mäkinen            tel. +358 9 6817 8686                                  
CEO                      Mobile +358 50 561 1501                                
eQ Corporation	      email 

Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
Main media