Athena IT-Group, Introduction to First North on 29 May 2007

|                                      |               Copenhagen, 23 May 2007 |
Athena IT-Group A/S - Introduction to First North                               

Please be informed that Athena IT-Group A/S will be admitted to trading on First
North in the below ISIN code with effect from 29 May 2007.                      

| ISIN         | Name in the   | Orderbook ID  | Shortname  | Number of shares |
|              | Official List |               |            | of DKK 0.25      |
| DK0060084374 | Athena        | 40624         | ATHENA     | 3,200,000 shares |
|              | IT-Group      |               |            |                  |

GICS classification: 45102010 - IT Consulting & Other Services                  

Trading lot: 40                                                                 

For further information please see the prospectus and the company announcements.

For further information, please contact: Simon Søberg Jørgensen, tel. +45 33 93 
33 66


athena - optagelse til handel - uk.pdf