- ICEQ comprised the following at the end of 25rd May 2007

ISK	7.063.722	
365	8.528.170	
A	13.915.825	
ACT	9.004.819	
ATOR	11.906.522	
BAKK	7.043.585	
FL	14.059.982	
GLB	39.191.290	
HFEIM	2.077.086	
KAUP	2.467.696	
LAIS	35.737.334	
MARL	634.149	
MOSAIC	9.399.801	
OSSR	675.358	
STRB	27.662.217	
FO-ATLA	5.282	
ICEQ		3.164.681

Investors are advised to read the ICEQ prospectus on Kaupthing Bank's Fund
Center, www.kbsjodir.is, or on the news page of the Iceland Stock Exchange:

Rekstrarfélag Kaupþings banka hf.