Resolutions of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of joint stock company "Nordeka" held on 05.25.2007

Riga, 25 May 2007 

Resolutions of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of joint stock company
„Nordeka” held on May 25, 2007 

The Annual General Meeting of shareholders of joint stock company „Nordeka” was
held on May 25, 2007. The meeting resolved following resolutions: 

1.	On the first item of the Agenda „Approval of Annual report of joint stock
company „Nordeka” for the year 2006”: 

1)	To take notice of the report of the Management Board, the report of the
Supervisory Board and the statement of the sworn auditor. 
2)	To approve the Annual Report of JCS „Nordeka” for the year 2006 prepared by
the Management Board and revised by the Supervisory Board. 

2.	On the second item of the Agenda „Distribution of the profit of joint stock
company „Nordeka” for the year 2006”: 

The profit of joint stock company „Nordeka” for the year 2006 in the amount of
130 636 LVL use to cover loses of previous years. 

3. On the third item of the Agenda „Approval of budget of joint stock company
„Nordeka” for the year 2007”: 

To take notice of the budget of joint stock company „Nordeka” for the year 2007
prepared by the Management Board and revised by the Supervisory Board. 
4. On the fourth item of the Agenda „Election of the sworn auditor of joint
stock company „Nordeka”: 

1)	To elect AS „BDO Invest Rīga” (licence No.112) as auditor of the Annual
Report of JSC „Nordeka” for the year 2007. 
2)	To determine the remuneration for the auditor for audit of the Annual Report
of JSC „Nordeka” for the year 2007 within the approved budget of JSC „Nordeka”
for the year 2007. 
3)	To assign the Management Board of JSC „Nordeka” to sign the contract with
the elected auditor for audit of the Annual Report of JSC „Nordeka” for the
year 2007. 

5. On the fifth item of the Agenda „Election of the Supervisory Board of joint
stock company „Nordeka”: 

1)	Release from their positions members of the Supervisory Board of JSC
“Nordeka” Juris Savickis, Aldis Pauniņš, Edijs Eisaks, Valdis Jefimovs un
Nataļja Savicka as from May 25, 2007. 
2)	To elect in the positions of the members of the Supervisory Board of JSC
„Nordeka” for three years, determining the beginning of the duties of the
Supervisory Board as of the May 25, 2007: 
1.	Juris Savickis,
2.	Aldis Pauniņš, 
3.	Edijs Eisaks, 
4.	Valdis Jefimovs, 
5.	Nataļja Savicka. 
3)	To determine the total monthly remuneration fund for the Supervisory Board
of JSC „Nordeka” 3500 LVL (three thousand five hundred lats), to assigning the
Supervisory Board of JSC „Nordeka” to determine the distribution of the
remuneration fund between members of the Supervisory Board considering the
amount of duties and contribution in the development of the JCS „Nordeka” of
each member of the Supervisory Board. 

At the same occasion, we are informing that the Supervisory Board of JSC
„Nordeka” on the meeting of the Supervisory Board on May 25, 2007 decided to
elect Juris Savickis as chairman of the Supervisory Board of JSC „Nordeka” and
Aldis Pauniņš as deputy chairman of JSC „Nordeka”. 

On behalf of the Management Board of JSC „Nordeka”,

Chairman of the Management Board

Dainis Pinkis
Member of the Management Board