NKT shares - insider transactions

The Nordic Exchange
Nikolaj Plads 6	
DK-1007Købehavn K.

25 May 2007
Release No. 11

NKT shares - insider transactions 
In accordance with Section 28a of the Danish Securities Trading Act, which
requires us to report NKT share transactions by Board members, Management
members and their closely related parties, we hereby inform you that NKT shares
have been traded as specified below: 
Name:	Christian Kjær
Status	Board member
Issuer and securities code	NKT Holding A/S - DK 0010287663
Type of transaction	Purchase of shares
Date of transaction	24 May 2007
Market of transaction	The Nordic Exchange
Size of transaction (number of traded shares)	15,775
Market value of transaction (DKK)	8,198,425

Name:	Arne Dan Kjærulff
Status	Board member
Issuer and securities code	NKT Holding A/S - DK 0010287663
Type of transaction	Purchase of shares
Date of transaction	24 May 2007
Market of transaction	The Nordic Exchange
Size of transaction (number of traded shares)	574
Market value of transaction (DKK) :	298.480

Please address any questions to the undersigned on telephone no. +45 4348 2000.

Yours faithfully,
NKT Holding A/S
Michael Hedegaard Lyng


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