Handelsbanken: New regional bank in Stockholm

Handelsbanken has created a special regional bank for the
metropolitan Stockholm region.

Pär Boman, Group chief executive of Handelsbanken, says, "This is
about focusing our efforts. Our branch offices in and around
Stockholm are doing business as never before - therefore we are
concentrating our regional specialists in the Stockholm area to a
joint unit."

The head of the new regional bank will be Thommy Mossinger, executive
vice president of Handelsbanken. He will take up his new position on
7 June.

For further information, please contact:
Pär Boman, Group chief executive, tel: +46 8 22 92 20
Johan Lagerström, press officer, tel:  +46 8 701 1395, mobile: +46 70
265 80 14


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