Disclosure of total share capital and number of shares with voting rights

Reported via Company News Service to the Copenhagen Stock Exchange on 1 June

Notice to the Stock Exchange no. 301
Keops A/S
Central Business Registration 36 85 00 19
ISIN code: DK0010250588

Disclosure of total share capital and number of shares with voting rights

Pursuant to Executive Order no 274 of 21 March 2007 regarding the Issuers'
Disclosure Requirements we hereby disclose the following information as per 1
June 2007:

Nom. share capital	Number of shares DKK 1 	Total number of votes
181,522,253	181,522,253	181,522,253

Please address questions relating to this Notice to CFO Michael Rosenvold or
Company Secretary Klaus T. W. Lund on tel. +45 3341 0000. 

This document in the English language is a translation of the Danish original
document. In the event of inconsistency, the Danish version shall apply. 

