Rights and Capital in Fionia Bank A/S

In pursuance of Section 6 of Executive Order no. 226 of 15 March 2007 on the
issuer's duty of disclosure, we hereby announce that the total number of voting
rights in Fionia Bank A/S is 1,814,052 and that the company's total capital
amounts to DKK 181,405,200.00. 

It should be noted that a maximum of 1000 votes may be cast for shares
belonging to the same shareholder and that, with the exception of Fionia Bank's
Share Fund, no shareholder may own more than 10 % of the company's capital
without the Board of Directors' consent. 

The calculation of the voting share capital does not include shares, except for
shares belonging to Fionia Bank's Share Fund, that exceed the ownership
restriction of 10 %. 


meddelelse nr 8_eng.pdf