Share Capital and Voting Rights

Stock Exchange Announcement 12 - 2007
OMX, The Copenhagen Stock Exchange

1 June 2007

Share Capital and Voting Rights 

Under the section 17 (2) of Executive Order no. 226 of 15 March 2007 we hereby
announce that Forstædernes Banks' share capital totals DKK 466,750,000 divided
into 18,670,000 shares of DKK 25 nominal value. 

Each share carries one vote. Nobody may, however, cast more votes than 1/1000
of the actual share capital at the time, whether on behalf of himself and/or

The Executive Board


Contact person:
Steffen Torvits, Investor Relations and Communication Manager, tel. +45 22 22
20 36 

This announcement has been issued both in Danish and English. In case of any
discrepancies, the Danish version shall prevail.

