Ratos: Bisnode makes strategic acquisition in the Netherlands

Ratos's subsidiary Bisnode has signed an agreement to acquire the
Dutch company WDM BV, a leading provider of marketing services to
consumers in the Netherlands, Belgium and France."This acquisition will strengthen Bisnode's position in Europe in the
area of marketing services," comments Lars Save, CEO of Bisnode. "WDM
is a leading player in the Benelux countries and a quality provider
in France - a region in Europe in which we have previously had a weak
presence in consumer marketing."

WDM had reported a 2006 operating profit (EBITA) of SEK 55m on sales
of SEK 579m, with approximately 400 employees.

Bisnode has made an additional seven strategic acquisitions to date
in 2007: Agent25 (Sweden), Membit (Sweden), Inter Dialog (Norway),
Creditscorer (UK), Oy Analytic Direct Communication ADC (Finland),
Emric (Sweden), and Wisur (Austria). These seven acquired companies
had combined sales in 2006 of SEK 185m and an operating profit of
approximately SEK 19m.

The acquisition of WDM is conditional upon approval of the pertinent
regulatory authorities.

Ratos, which owns 70% of Bisnode, will not provide additional

For further information, please contact:
Bo Jungner, Investment Director Ratos, +46 8 700 17 00
Lars Save, CEO Bisnode, +46 705 901 822

Financial calendar from Ratos:
Interim report January-June          21 August 2007
Interim report January-September 9 November 2007

Ratos is a listed private equity company. The business concept is to
maximise shareholder value over time by investing in, developing and
divesting primarily unlisted companies. Ratos thus offers stock
market players a unique investment opportunity. The equity of Ratos's
investments is approximately SEK 11 billion. Ratos's holdings include
Anticimex, Arcus Gruppen, Bisnode, Bluegarden, Camfil, DIAB,
GS-Hydro, Haendig, Haglöfs, HL Display, Hägglunds Drives, Inwido,
Jøtul, Lindab, MCC, Medifiq Healthcare, RH/RBM, Superfos and Other


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