First North: New share for trading, Resurs CNC AB (108/07)

At the request of Resurs CNC AB, 556554-6750, the company’s shares will be traded on First North as from June 7, 2007.

Short name:	RES B
Number of shares:	15 000 000                            
ISIN code:	SE0002027946
Round lot:	400
Orderbook ID:	40847

GICS Classification
Sub Industry code	Sub Industry
20201040	Human Resource & Employment Services

Index code 	Index name
20	Industrial
2020	Commercial Services & Supplies
202010	Commercial Services & Supplies

This information is distributed at the request of the Certified Adviser, Bankaktiebolaget Avanza AB. For further information, please call Jonas Björkman on + 46 8 562 250 70.

