U.S. Department of Health and Human Services awards an exclusive contract to Bavarian Nordic for the delivery of 20 million doses of IMVAMUNE®. Financial guidance for 2007 is raised with DKK 300 million.

Today the  U.S. Department  of Health  and Human  Services (HHS)  has
awarded a  contract  to  Bavarian  Nordic  for  the  manufacture  and
delivery of  20 million  doses of  the company's  MVA based  smallpox
vaccine, IMVAMUNE®, for the protection of persons considered to be at
risk for smallpox.

*         Total contract value: USD 1.6 billion
  The total value of the deal, including contractual options, is USD
  1.6 billion, of which the base contract amounts to USD 500 million.
  In addition to the delivery of 20 million doses of IMVAMUNE®, the
  base contract will support additional research and development of
  the product to fulfil the requirements for the potential use of
  IMVAMUNE® during an emergency. In addition, contract support will
  be used to fund non-clinical and clinical studies necessary for
  Bavarian Nordic to register IMVAMUNE® as a safe and effective
  smallpox vaccine in healthy people with the U.S. Food and Drug

*         Advanced and and milestone payments: USD 150 million
  Advanced and milestone payments in the contract amount to USD 150
  million of which USD 125 million are paid in 2007 and 2008. This is
  the first time a company has received any advanced payments as part
  of a contract under the BioShield programme.

*         Contractual options worth USD 1.1 billion
  The optional part of the contract, with a value of USD 1.1 billion,
  includes further clinical studies to extend the licence to include
  people infected with HIV, children and the elderly, as well as
  procurement of up to an additional 60 million doses of IMVAMUNE®.

*         Contribution margin from the base contract is approx. DKK
  1.5 billion.

*         The delivery of the 20 million doses of IMVAMUNE®
  The delivery of the 20 million doses to the Strategic National
  Stockpile (SNS) will occur in stages once Bavarian Nordic has
  fulfilled the requirements for the potential use of IMVAMUNE®
  during an emergency.

*         2007 Financial guidance raised
  Based on milestone payments in 2007 Bavarian Nordic raises its
  financial guidance for the full year results from revenue of DKK
  130 million to DKK 380 million and result before tax from a loss of
  DKK 350 million to a loss of DKK 50 million.

Peter Wulff, President & CEO of Bavarian Nordic said:"We are proud and delighted that we now can deliver the world's first
safe and  effective  smallpox  vaccine for  the  protection  of  U.S.
citizens against  bioterrorism using  smallpox virus.  From the  very
first presentation of IMVAMUNE® for  the U.S. government in 2001,  we
have had  a constructive  and trusting  collaboration with  the  U.S.
authorities. Therefore  we do  not  consider this  contract to  be  a
single  transaction,  but  rather   the  beginning  of  a   long-term
partnership with the U.S government.

It  is   encouraging   that   the  U.S.   authorities   through   the
recently-established Biomedical  Advanced  Research  and  Development
Authority (BARDA),  has enabled  larger milestone  payments in  among
others contracts like ours. This ensures a positive cash flow in  the
contract throughout the executing period."

Kvistgård, 4 June 2007

Asger Aamund


Peter Wulff, President & CEO
Telephone: +45 33 26 83 83

Paul Chaplin, Executive Vice President & CSO
Telephone: +49 173 3791 737

Media: United Kingdom
Mary Clark, Capital MS&L
Telephone: +44 207 307 5330

Media: United States of America
Elizabeth Dempsey Becker, Bavarian Nordic Inc.
Telephone: +1 202 536-1576

Conference call
A conference call will be held  Wednesday, June 6th 2007 at 9.30  a.m

UK dial-in:         +44 (0)20 7162 0025
US dial-in:         +1 334 323 6201

For  additional  countries,  please  visit  the  company's   website:

