Regarding new members of the Board

This is to inform, that meetings of the Supervisory Board and the Board of
Bankas SNORAS took place resulting in approval of the following Board of
Bankas SNORAS:
Chairman of the Bord - President of bankas SNORAS Raimondas Baranauskas;
Deputy of chairman of the Board - First vice-president of bankas Snoras,
Director of Financial Management Division of bankas SNORAS Naglis Stancikas; 
Deputy of chairman of the Board - Director of the Retail Banking Division of
bankas SNORAS Žoržas Šarafanovičius; 
Deputy of chairman of the Board - Director of Security and Prevention Division
of bankas SNORAS AB Romasis Vaitekūnas; 
Member of the Board - Director of Legal Department of bankas SNORAS Aušra
Member of the Board - Director of Credit Division of bankas SNORAS Modestas
Member of the Board - Director of Risk Management Department of bankas SNORAS
Gitanas Kancerevyčius 
Full powers of the new members of the Board will come into effect upon
approval of the Bank of Lithuania received in the prescribed manner.

Vladimir Streckij
Director of Finance Brokerage Department
(+370 5)2327212