Alm. Brand Bank A/S - Chanve ind shareholding - Alm. Brand Pantebreve A/S

|                                           |           | ALM. BRAND BANK      |
|                                           |           | The Executive Board  |
|                                           |           | Midtermolen 7        |
|                                           |           | DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø |
|                                           |           | Tel.	+45 35 47 48 49 |
|                                           |           | Fax.	                |
|                                           |           |      |
| The Copenhagen Stock Exchange             | Ref.      | HNM/npu              |
| Nikolaj Plads 6                           |           |                      |
| P.O. Box 1040                             |           |                      |
| DK-1007 Copenhagen K                      |           |                      |
| Announcement no. 13/2007                  | Date      | 6 June 2007          |
| Alm. Brand Bank A/S                       | Page      | 1 of 1               |
Alm. Brand Bank A/S - Change in shareholding                                    
Pursuant to section 28a of the Danish Public Companies Act and section 29 of the
Danish Securities Trading Act, notice is hereby given that as at 4 June 2007,   
Brand Bank A/S's holding of shares in Alm. Brand Formue A/S equals an ownership 
interest of 25.0% and 59.6% of the votes. Alm. Brand Bank now holds 294,500 A   
shares of DKK 100 and 479,578 B shares of DKK 100.                              

At the time of the last notification of 24 May 2007, the bank had an ownership  
interest of 24.5% and 59.3% of the votes.                                       

Please direct any questions concerning this announcement to Henrik Nordam, Chief
Executive, tel. +45 3547 4849 or fax +45 3526 6238.                             
Yours sincerely                                                                 
Alm. Brand Bank A/S                                                             
| Henrik Nordam                        |                                       |
| Chief Executive                      |                                       |

