A Useful Guide to Help You Get Through Divorce -- Author William T. Kerr Offers a 'Complete Guide To A Maryland Divorce'

TOWSON, Md., June 8, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Marriage is a wonderful union between two people who are committed to each other. However, some marriages are not meant to last and divorce becomes inevitable. Author William T. Kerr offers valuable tips for those going through or about to go through divorce in his book, Complete Guide To A Maryland Divorce.

Divorce is a sad reality of life. Becoming overwhelmed during this time is a real hazard. The emotional turmoil of divorce, coupled with the ongoing demands of whatever else we have chosen to do in our lives, drives us in all sorts of directions, often in the wrong one. Divorce is all about choice and change. It is like all of the challenges that lie in wait during your life. It demands change. Divorce, like all change, creates its own stress. It tugs at your courage to redefine yourself what you want out of life and what pain you are willing to endure to get it. Divorce is a challenging physical experience as well as emotionally draining. Complete Guide To A Maryland Divorce tells us not waste our most valuable resource. We should take care of our selves and move on. Divorce can be an opportunity to enrich your experience of life, or it can be a self-fulfilling prophecy of pain -- it's really all up to you.

Complete Guide To A Maryland Divorce is now available for your reading pleasure. To order a copy of this insightful book, just log on at Xlibris.com or visit your nearest book retailer today.

About the Author

Mr. Kerr was educated at the University of Michigan where he obtained a B.B.A. (With Distinction) and his Juris Doctor. He was an Assistant Editor of the University of Michigan Law Review and was a co-recipient of the Howard B Coblentz Award as the outstanding Assistant Editor. Mr. Kerr was as Assistant Professor and Co-Director of the University of Michigan School of Law Clinical Law Program in Ann Arbor, Michigan and thereafter an Associate Professor and Coordinator of the University of Maryland Law School Clinical Law Program. At the University of Maryland Law School, he also taught courses in the Legal Profession, Torts and a seminar in Family Law. Mr. Kerr has specialized in the practice of Family Law in Maryland for over 25 years. He is the author of the Custody and Children Section of Maryland Divorce & Separation Law published periodically by the Maryland Institute for Continuing Professional Education. He is also the author of "The Use of Appointed Counsel for Children in Maryland--A Need for Standards and Guidance" published in University of Baltimore Law Review, volume 26, p. 517 (1997). He is a member of the American, Maryland and Baltimore County Bar Associations. He has been a past Chairman of the Education Committee and a member of the Family Law Committee, 1990-1995, of the Baltimore County Bar Association and has been a speaker at several continuing education seminars on topics ranging from complex custody, Munchausen's By Proxy and other topics relating to Maryland Divorce and Separation Law.

       Complete Guide To A Maryland Divorce * by William T. Kerr
                  Publication Date: February 23, 2007
         Trade Paperback; $22.99; 359 pages; 978-1-4257-5109-8
         Cloth Hardback; $32.99; 359 pages; 978-1-4257-5115-9

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