- Concluding Statement by the IMF mission

An IMF mission visited Iceland for consultations with representatives of the
authorities and the private sector from May 31 to June 11, 2007. At the
mission's final meeting, its chairman presented the mission's concluding
statement. It has been published on the websites of the IMF and Central Bank of

International Monetary Fund
Iceland - 2007 Article IV Consultation
Concluding Statement
June 11, 2007

This document contains the conclusions of the IMF mission that visited Iceland
during May 31 - June 11, 2007. The mission team would like to thank all
participants for the open and fruitful  discussions as well as their warm

1. The medium-term prospects for the Icelandic economy remain enviable.
Open and flexible markets, sound institutions, and skillful management of the
country's natural endowments have enabled Iceland to benefit from the
opportunities afforded by globalization. However, along with increasing
opportunities, the growing openness of international markets unleashes forces
that can also undermine macroeconomic stability, and the road ahead poses
challenges that policymakers must address to ensure a smooth ride. 

2. In part, the destabilizing influence of these forces can be seen in
Iceland's large current account deficits, the rapid growth in indebtedness, and
persistently high consumer price inflation. These developments reflect the
unsustainable pace of domestic demand growth over the last several years. In
the near term, policies will need to tighten appropriately to reduce domestic
demand. Additionally, steps need to be taken to strengthen the ability of both
monetary and fiscal policy to achieve macroeconomic stability. These measures
will increase the economy's resilience to the potentially destabilizing forces
of globalization while enhancing its ability to fully exploit the favorable

3. Contrary to expectations, domestic demand has not yet slowed
sufficiently. Output is expected to grow by 2 to 3 percent in 2007, slowing
close to 1 percent in 2008. While private investment is forecast to decline
this year with the completion of aluminum sector projects, continued strength
in private consumption and a sharp pickup in net exports will drive growth. In
2008, a rising debt-servicing burden and increasing import prices are expected
to reduce private consumption. With the rebalancing of growth toward the
external sector, the current account deficit is projected to decline by roughly
half over the next two years, but remain unsustainably high owing to a large
income balance deficit. Inflation pressures are also expected to remain strong
over 2007, as continued tightness in goods and labor markets imparts
persistence to the rise in inflation induced by the currency depreciation in
mid-2006. The recent rebound in house prices will add further pressures, and
inflation is expected to remain above target at least until end-2008. 

4. It is important to note, however, that underlying this outlook for
domestic demand to return to a more sustainable level is the assumption that a
tightening in policy will be forthcoming. 

Fiscal Policy
5. Fiscal policy needs to be tightened. Although the low level of public
debt reflects sound fiscal management and supports the favorable medium-term
outlook, the tax cuts in early-2007 eased the fiscal stance prematurely.
Measures need to be introduced to ensure that domestic demand pressures
moderate sufficiently without relying too heavily on monetary policy. There are
several fronts on which the new government can take action. First, the planned
rapid increase in public investment should be slowed. Second, the government
must refrain from introducing new spending initiatives until demand pressures
in the economy have fully abated. Third, strong leadership needs to be
demonstrated in the upcoming wage negotiations by holding down public sector
wage growth despite the tightness in the labor market. Further, consideration
should be given to options for facilitating the import of skilled labor from
non-EU countries to ease bottlenecks in the labor market that are fueling wage
growth well in excess of that consistent with the inflation target. 

6. The medium-term fiscal framework should be strengthened to increase
fiscal policy's contribution to macroeconomic stabilization, in line with the
new government's stated objectives. Mechanisms need to be introduced to ensure
that general government spending targets are achieved in each and every year.
Explicit agreements between the central and local governments would help
achieve this goal. Further, moving to a framework with nominal spending targets
based on the central bank's target rate of inflation would lead to a
systematically strong countercyclical fiscal stance and reinforce the joint
ownership of the inflation target by the central bank and the government. 

Monetary Policy

7. With inflation well above target and indications growing that it will
be more persistent than expected at the time of the last Monetary Bulletin,
monetary policy needs to tighten further to ease demand pressures and anchor
inflation expectations. Despite the fall in headline inflation resulting from
the reduction in value added and excise taxes, measures of core inflation
remain well outside the central bank's target range and the absence of slack in
goods and labor markets suggests that inflation pressures will remain strong.
Further, the currency will at some stage depreciate to a more sustainable level
to help restore external balance. When this occurs, monetary policy must guard
against any second-round inflation effects. 

8. Reform of the publicly-owned Housing Financing Fund (HFF) is crucial to
increase the effectiveness of monetary policy and reduce the threat to
macroeconomic stability from potentially volatile international capital flows.
Competition between the HFF and domestic banks is preventing the central bank's
policy instrument from effectively reducing domestic demand pressures and
results in short-term interest rates that are much higher than otherwise would
have been the case. Those sectors of the economy not able to shield themselves
from high interest rates may be permanently damaged, reducing the long-term
growth potential of the economy. As a first step in HFF reform, its lending
limits and loan-to-value ratios should be reduced immediately. Subsequently,
the government needs to permanently remove the distortion in the domestic
financial market arising from the presence of the publicly-owned HFF. At the
same time, targeted programs can be introduced to ensure access to mortgage
funding in all areas of the country. 

Financial Stability

9. The financial system withstood the market stress in early-2006
admirably, but new risks may be emerging. Banks have taken important steps over
the past year to reduce vulnerabilities and increase resilience. Short-term
liquidity management has been strengthened. Ownership structures have been made
more transparent with the sell-down of some cross-shareholdings, which is
important for maintaining investor confidence. As banks continue to expand
rapidly and the complexity of their operations increases, risk management
practices must develop and improve commensurately. 

10. Looking ahead, credit risk should be a key focus for banks and
supervisors. Lending growth remains very strong, and while the delinquency rate
is low, it is a lagging indicator. Lending standards and the quality of loan
collateral need to be monitored closely. Further, banks' foreign-currency
lending to households, which has increased sharply, could potentially become an
important indirect credit risk as unhedged households may underestimate the
impact of currency movements on their debt-service costs. Reform of the HFF
would also improve the pricing of risk in the lending market. 

11. Stress tests conducted by the financial supervisor (FME) suggest that
banks have adequate capital to withstand a combination of extreme credit and
market shocks. However, these scenarios may underestimate the second-round
effects of such shocks and therefore improvements in stress-testing techniques
should continue. Given the rapid expansion of the financial sector, the
envisaged further strengthening of the FME's resources is welcome. At the same
time, the authorities' emphasis on cross-border collaboration in supervision
and crisis management is encouraging. 

12. The formation of a new government presents an ideal opportunity to
take the hard decisions necessary to increase macroeconomic stability in
Iceland. The sooner these decisions are taken, the sooner balance will be
restored to the Icelandic economy.