Regarding the sale of the hold part in the statutory capital

We inform, that on May 11, 2007, was signed the Contract No. 11/05 regarding
purchase-sale of the parts in the statutory capital.  Under above mentioned
Contract AB “Hanner” sells 39,99999% (thirty nine point nine hundred ninety
nine hundreds ninety nine percent) part in statutory capital of limited
liability company “Judzhin” (in the Russian language - ООО “Юджин”),
established in the Republic of Ukraine, company code - 31303824, legal address
- General Naumov 23B, Kyev, Ukraine, to limited liability company „Kompanija po
upravleniju aktyvami „Kapital Grupp“ (in the Russian language - «Компания по
управлению активами «Капитал Групп»), which is acting on its own name, by the
means and in the interest of no diversified kind closed type share attr.
venture investment fund “Nacionalnyj kapital” (in the Russian language -
Паевого венчурного инвестиционного фонда недиверсификованного вида закрытого
типа «Национальный капитал»). There is expected to conclude the contract during
the following month. For more information please contact Tomas Pauliukonis,
tel. +370-5-2487266.