Ruukki Group Plc's board of directors has decided to redefine the dividend      
policy of Ruukki Group Plc as follows:                                          

Company follows dividend policy, which takes into account group result,         
financial condition, equity requirements and growth-related financing           
requirements. In addition attention is paid to Company's own taxation and       
shareholders' taxation. Dividend policy is part of the owner strategy, which    
aims besides dividend to increase share value to shareholders. When making the  
possible dividend proposition the board of directors takes into account the     
finance situation, profitability and short-term outlook of the company. There   
are no limitations on dividend payments except for those in the Companies Act.  

The company did not distribute dividend during the years 2004 and 2005. During  
the year 2006 dividend of EUR 0.02 per share has been distributed in accordance 
with the decision of the annual general meeting and EUR 0.01 per share based on 
the decision of extraordinary general meeting. Based on the decision of the     
annual general meeting in 2007 the company has distributed a dividend of EUR    
0.03 per share.                                                                 

Potential dividend distribution in the future depends on the financial condition
of the company, capital requirements and other factors. Planned investments in  
Russia limit the company's possibilities to distribute dividend in the coming   
years. It is possible that no dividend will be distributed to the shares of the 
company during next few years.                                                  
RUUKKI GROUP PLC                                                                

BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                              

Ruukki Group is a multi-sector industrial group having mainly majority ownership
interests in various small and medium-sized companies in e.g. house building,   
sawmilling business, furniture business and care services. Ruukki Group share   
(RUG1V) is listed on OMX Nordic Exchange's so-called small cap category.        

For further information, please contact:                                        

Antti Kivimaa                                                                   
Chief Executive Officer                                                         
Ruukki Group Plc                                                                
Telephone +358 400 501 780