Details of Imminent Capital Increase

The Board of Directors of Eik Banki P/F has decided that the new shares of the
previously announced capital increase will be offered at a price of DKK 575 per
share. Each share has a nominal value of DKK 100. 

The new shares will be offered with pre-emptive rights to present shareholders.
The pre-emptive rights are calculated as a right to subscribe 1 new share a nom
DKK 100 in new share capital for each 7 shares a nom DKK 100 that shareholders
possess of the present share capital in beforehand. The allocation of
pre-emptive rights will be made automatically by Værdipapircentralen A/S at a
date which will be no later than at 12.30 CET the day before the offering
period starts. 

In the event that existing shareholders do not exercise their pre-emptive
rights, new investors or shareholders who wish to subscribe for more shares
can, in the offering period, set forth binding requests for subscription of new
or more shares. 

The length of the subscription period will be 14 days.

The minimum amount offered (which is fully underwritten) will be nominal DKK
78,260,900, and the maximum will be nominal DKK 101,616,000. 

The announced capital increase will take place as soon as all legal documents,
including the offering prospectus, have been approved by the respective
authorities - probably later this month. The prospectus will cover the full
details of the offer.

