Core sales in May 2007

Recorded Company's sales in May 2007 -  47 749 thousand LTL (13 829 thou. EUR).
There were sold 38 779 t  of the basic product - Diammonium Phosphate (DAP),
that made 39 104 thousand LTL (11 325 thou. EUR).

For the same period last year the sales made 52 278 thousand LTL  (15 141 thou.
EUR), including  72 157 t of Diammonium Phosphate (DAP) for 45 618 thousand LTL
(13 212 thou.EUR). 

Sales revenue for the products and services  of the Company during January-May
2007 - 282 289 thou. LTL ( 81 757 thou. EUR),and 299 185 t of the basic product
DAP sold, earning 233 810 thou. LTL (67 716 thou. LTL).

Sales income during January-May 2006 - 292 913 thou.LTL (84 833 thou. EUR). 
There were sold 364 098 t of the DAP, earning 246 436 thou.LTL ( 71 373 thou.

Regvita Ivanoviene
Financial Director
+ 370 347 66 331