Circulation Numbers Denmark May 2007 (weekly publications)

Announcement No. 14/2007	                				                  	
Copenhagen, 18 June 2007

Copenhagen Stock Exchange A/S
Nikolaj Plads 6
DK - 1007 Copenhagen K 

Circulation Numbers Denmark May 2007 (weekly publications)

	             May 2007* 	April 2007*       2nd half 2006**
7 TV-Dage	               34,500	   33,800	           32,756
Billed Bladet	     199,400	  201,400	          197,060
Familie Journalen	     195,300	  196,300	          208,284
Femina	               67,900	   70,600	           77,080
KIG IND	               66,000	   67,000	           71,633
SE & HØR	              185,400	  184,700    	 195,881
SØNDAG	               89,100	   85,400	           97,376
Ude & Hjemme 	     162,000	  178,400	          174,874
Aller Press A/S, total 999,600	1,017,600	        1,054,944

Alt for Damerne	      71,500	   73,800	           80,689
Hendes Verden	      41,500	   53,200	           53,066
HER OG NU	              116,400	  113,000    	 115,909
Hjemmet	              154,100	  153,100	          164,601
Egmont Magasiner A/S, total	383,500	   393,100	   414,265

Total	           1,383,100	 1,410,700	 1,469,209
Source:	Danish Audit Bureau of Circulation
*	Publishers' test numbers
**	Audited half-year numbers

Numbers in bold represent the Aller Group's publications.

Kind regards,
Rella Holding A/S

Contact: Jens Arnth-Jensen, CEO
Telephone: +45 45 42 45 17


20070618 rella - circulation numbers dk may 2007.pdf