- Kaupthing Bank Issues Subordinated Bonds

Kaupthing Bank hf. has issued subordinated bonds in the amount of EUR 250
million classified as Tier 1 capital according to regulation no. 156/2005 on
additional own funds items for financial undertakings. These are perpetual
bonds carrying a fixed coupon of 6.75 per cent and are callable by Kaupthing
Bank five years after the date of issue provided that the conditions of the
above mentioned rules are met. 

The bonds were sold to 66 investors, mostly European. The bookrunners were
Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank and HSBC. 

For further information please contact: 
Gudni Adalsteinsson, Global Treasurer, at +354 444 6126 
Jónas Sigurgeirsson, Chief Communication Officer, at + 354 444 6112.