Information regarding Sandvik´s capital structure

Information regarding Sandvik´s capital structure

As a part of the redemption procedure approved by the Annual General Meeting 26
April 2007, Sandvik AB carried out a share split where each share was split into
two shares, of which one redemption share. Upon completion of the redemption
procedure the redemption shares were redeemed at a redemption price of SEK 3 per
share. Sandvik´s share capital is restored to the same level as prior to the
redemption procedure.

The Swedish Companies Registration Office has registered a reduction of
Sandvik´s share capital of SEK 711,772,305 through redemption of 1,186,287,175
redemption shares. Further, an increase in the company´s share capital of SEK
711,772,305 is registered following a bonus issue. The increase in the share
capital is transferred from the non-restricted equity. No new shares are issued
in connection with the bonus issue.

Following these transactions Sandvik has a total of 1,186,287,175 outstanding
shares and the share capital amounts to SEK 1,423,544,610.

The redemption procedure means that SEK 3,558,861,525 was distributed to
Sandvik´s shareholders, equivalent to SEK 3 per share. Payment to the
shareholders took place 20 June 2007.

Sandviken, 27 June 2007

Sandvik AB, (publ)

For further information, contact Per Nordberg, Executive Vice President and CFO,
Sandvik AB, tel +46 (0) 26 26 10 60 or Jan Lissåker, Vice President, Investor
Relations, Sandvik AB, tel +46 (0) 26 26 10 23.

Sandvik is a global industrial group with advanced products and world-leading
positions in selected areas - tools for metal cutting, machinery and tools for
rock excavation, stainless materials, special alloys, metallic and ceramic
resistance materials as well as process systems and sorting systems. The Group
had at the end of 2006 about 42,000 employees and representation in 130
countries, with annual sales of more than SEK 72,000 M.

