Annual Financial Statement 2006/07 for BoConcept Holding A/S

Copenhagen Stock Exchange                                                       


                                                           Herning, 28 June 2007

Preliminary announcement of the financial statements for 2006/07 for BoConcept  
Holding A/S                                                                     

Revenue has grown by DKK 17.4 per cent on last year and now amounts to DKK      
1,046.6 million                                                                 

Profit before tax was DKK 61.7 million compared to DKK 26.7 million in 2005/2006

The operating margin was increased from 4.1 per cent last year to 6.6 per cent  
in 2006/2007                                                                    

Cash flow before instalments on long-term debt was DKK 25.7 million in 2006/2007

42 new BoConcept Brand Stores have been opened and 12 have been closed down     
during the financial year, resulting in a net addition of 30 BoConcept Brand    

During the financial year the net addition of BoConcept Studios was four        

In accordance with the strategy adopted, the upholstery production has been     
outsourced and the factory in Hornslet has been closed down                     

The long-term strategic and financial targets are updated and adjusted upwards  

The forecast for the financial year 2007/2008 is a pre-tax profit of between DKK
85 and 95 million and a positive cash flow of at least DKK 35 million before    
instalments on long-term debt. Revenue is expected to grow by 15-20 per cent on 

For further information, please contact President and CEO, Viggo Mølholm, or    
Vice President and CFO, Hans Barslund on telephone number: +45 7013 1366        

Preliminary announcement of financial statements                                
The annual report/financial statements for the financial year 01.05.2006 to     
30.04.2007 were considered at the meeting of the supervisory board on 28 June   
2007. The financial statements are hereby submitted to the general meeting for  

The financial ratios have been calculated in accordance with the                
‘Recommendations & Financial Ratios 2005' issued by the Danish Society of       
Financial Analysts. Financial highlights and ratios for                         
2002/2003 and 2003/2004 have not been restated in accordance with the change in 
policies on the transition to IFRS in connection with the annual report for     
2005/2006. Financial                                                            
ratios on which the share split as at 28 August 2006 have an impact have been   
adjusted so as to                                                               
be calculated on the basis of shares in denominations of DKK 10.                
Financial review for 2006/2007                                                  
BoConcept Holding A/S, which now consists of the activities of BoConcept A/S    
only, produced revenue of DKK 1,046.6 million in the financial year 2006/2007,  
up DKK 154.6 million or 17.4 per cent on last year. Revenue growth is thus      
beyond expectation at the beginning of the year, but slightly below the upward  
adjustment to approximately 20 per cent made by BoConcept in connection with its
third quarter announcement in March 2007, and this is primarily attributable to 
three factors. Firstly, the fact that the very steep increase in sales volume   
experienced in the fourth quarter of 2005/2006 was not fully repeated in the    
fourth quarter of 2006/2007, secondly the postponement of the opening of a few  
Brand Stores to the financial year 2007/2008, and thirdly, revenue growth on the
US market below budget. In the other principal markets revenue growth has been  
satisfactory and in line with expectations.                                     

As a consequence of the divestment of the office furniture manufacturer Dencon  
A/S as at 1 May 2006 the income statement for 2005/2006 has been changed to     
include the result of Dencon A/S in the item 'Result for the year for           
discontinued activities'. All operating items are thus immediately comparable   
for the continuing company BoConcept.                                           

The strategy of concentrating sales through BoConcept Brand Stores and Studios  
implied that the vastly differencing levels of revenue growth in the individual 
sales channels continued on into 2006/2007. Sales to the BoConcept Stores have  
risen by more than 45 per cent compared to last year. Growth drivers are the 9  
per cent increase in same-store-sales compared to 2005/2006 and the opening of  
new BoConcept Brand Stores. A net addition of 30 Brand Stores in 2006/2007 is   
the outcome of 42 new stores being opened and 12 existing stores being closed   
during the year. The net addition of Brand Stores coincides with the most recent
forecast, which was published in March 2007.                                    

In 2006/2007 sales to BoConcept Studios have risen by 16 per cent on 2005/2006, 
and a total of 32 new Studios have been opened while 28 have been closed down.  
The limited net addition of four new Studios, which is just below the expected  
number of 5-10, should be seen in the light of a number of Studios having been  
converted into Brand Stores and the group's general focus on developing the     
franchise model.                                                                

As was expected, sales to product customers have declined by 42 per cent on last
year. The graph below shows the trends in revenue by channel of distribution:   

The company's dedication to BoConcept Brand Stores and Studios implies that     
total group revenue is mainly generated by these distribution channels. Revenue 
generated by product customers, which means wholesale distribution of individual
products to furniture dealers, has declined from 20 per cent to 9 per cent of   
total revenue, and this figure will presumably be reduced even further in the   
year ahead in accordance with our strategy and the allocation of resources.     

The operating result for 2006/2007 was a profit of DKK 69.4 million compared to 
a profit of DKK 36.7 million in the previous financial year. The DKK 32.7       
million improvement in the result on last year is primarily attributable to     
increased revenue since gross profit has fallen from 41.4 per cent to 40.6 per  
cent. The relative distribution costs and administrative expenses have been cut 
as a result of economies of scale thus that the operating margin has increased  
from 4.1 per cent in 2005/2006 to 6.6 per cent in 2006/2007, slightly in excess 
of the expected operating margin of 6 per cent.                                 

The gross profit on the continuing business has been reduced from 41.4 per cent 
to 40.6 per cent since prices of raw materials, energy and labour have been     
increasing dramatically during the financial year 2006/2007. This development in
costs has been compensated for in part by efficiency enhancements and savings   
from increased sourcing in China.                                               

However, since BoConcept's sales prices have been fixed until the next catalogue
season begins in September 2007, it is not possible to pass on the increased    
costs to consumers until that time. No improvement in the gross profit is       
therefore to be expected until the second half of 2007/2008.                    

In accordance with the strategy adopted concerning focus and cost efficiency    
enhancements considerable changes have been made to the company's own production
process during the year. For instance, the upholstery manufacturing facilities  
in Hornslet have been closed down as at 30 April 2007, and BoConcept's wood     
component factory in Lithuania has been sold off. In connection with the closure
in Hornslet 65 employees have been laid off, and production has been transferred
to an existing Lithuanian supplier who will take care of the entire upholstery  
production for the European market in future. Closing down costs of DKK 3.5     
million have been included in the item other operating expenses. Together with  
the DKK 2.2 million which was provided in the 2005/2006 financial statements,   
the total restructuring costs in connection with the closure of the upholstery  
manufacturing facilities are DKK 5.7 million. Under the new ownership, the wood 
component factory in Lithuania will primarily continue as a sub-contractor to   
the above mentioned upholstery manufacturing business in Lithuania. The final   
transfer of the wood component factory was completed as at 1 March 2007, and the
sale has no extraordinary impact on the financial statements for 2006/2007.     

Net financials were negative in the amount of DKK 7.7 million compared to DKK   
10.0 million last year. The improvement is primarily attributable to the        
considerable reduction in interest-bearing debt over the past two years.        

BoConcept's result before tax is thus a profit of DKK 61.7 million compared to a
profit of DKK 26.7 million in the previous financial year. The realised result  
is in line with the most recent forecast of a pre-tax profit of between DKK 55  
and 60 million and an improvement on the pre-tax profit of between DKK 50 and 55
million announced at the beginning of the financial year.                       

Tax for the year amounted to DKK 19.4 million, corresponding to an effective tax
rate of 31.4 per cent. The effective tax rate is therefore just below the       
previously announced rate of 30 to 35 per cent.                                 

The result for the year after tax was a profit of DKK 42.3 million compared to  
last year's profit of DKK 12.7 million. The result is considered satisfactory in
view of the targets adopted.                                                    

The balance sheet total of DKK 546.9 million has risen by DKK 47.6 million on   
last year. The development covers the acquisition of three Brand Stores in the  
USA in the first half of the year and an increase in inventories and receivables
due to the increasing level of activity in BoConcept.                           

Funds tied up in inventories have increased by DKK 21.8 million, partly due to  
increased sourcing in China, a generally increasing level of activity, lower    
inventories at the beginning of the year and a decision to increase buffer      
inventories by an additional DKK 10 million in order to improve our delivery    

Net investments for the year amount to DKK 20.3 million. Gross investments are  
made up of reinvestments in property, plant and equipment amounting to DKK 27.5 
million and DKK 14.1 million in intangible assets in connection with the        
acquisition of the three Brand Stores in the USA. BoConcept intends to sell the 
said Brand Stores within the next one or two years, as it is not part of the    
company's strategy to own Brand Stores in the long run. Thus the Brand Stores   
owned by BoConcept are all for sale. The property in Poland was sold in April   
2007, and Dencon A/S and the production unit in Lithuania have also been sold.  

A positive cash flow of DKK 25.7 million before repayment of non-current debt   
items has been realised. Due to the increased investments in own Brand Stores   
and the build-up of inventories, this is below the forecast made at the         
beginning of the year of a cash flow of at least DKK 30 million, but above the  
forecast published in March 2007.                                               

As at the balance sheet date the group's equity amounted to DKK 148.5 million,  
and the equity interest amounted to 27.2 per cent compared to 21.7 per cent last

Distribution of profit                                                          
The supervisory board of BoConcept Holding A/S recommends to the company in     
general meeting that the profit of DKK 42,429 ('000) is allocated as follows:   

Dividend for the year		  5,200                                                  
Net revaluation in group enterprises		22,192                                    
Profit carried forward		15,037                                                  

Total		42,429                                                                   

Strategic status and forecast for 2007/2008                                     
In 2006 the supervisory board of BoConcept Holding A/S adopted and implemented a
strategy plan for the group in which they had outlined a number of objectives to
be achieved in 2008/2009 and in 2010, focusing on the optimisation of the       
business model, organic growth via increased same-store-sales and a considerable
scheduled net addition of BoConcept Brand Stores and Studios.                   

These are the main points in the strategy plan:                                 
Increasing the number of BoConcept Brand Stores and Studios to bring the number 
up to a total of 500 in 2010                                                    
Steadily decreasing our commitment to product customers so as to phase these out
in 2008/2009                                                                    
Increased sourcing and productivity enhancements in our own production in order 
to maintain a high gross profit                                                 
Good marginal earnings on increased sales (economies of scale) resulting in a   
higher operating margin                                                         
Reinvestments in non-current assets on a par with annual depreciation and       
amortisation since growth is not capital-intensive, but merely calls for        
increased investments in working capital                                        

The purpose of implementing these strategic measures is to enable the group to  
achieve the following financial targets in 2008/2009:                           
an operating margin of at least 10 per cent                                     
a return on capital employed of at least 20 per cent                            
an annual cash flow before instalments on long-term debt which accounts for at  
least 4 per cent of group revenue                                               

Here at the end of the financial year 2006/2007 the supervisory board of        
BoConcept is pleased to note that the group is well on the way to realising     
these targets, and in the light of the company's results and favourable         
development, it has decided to concentrate even more on profitable growth in the
years ahead. This implies that the company is planning to produce revenue of DKK
2 billion by the end of 2010/2011 - almost twice the revenue realised in        
2006/2007 and still delivers an operating margin of 12 per cent and a 30 per    
cent return on capital employed. The aim is for the cash flow to account for at 
least 6 per cent of group revenue in 2010/2011.                                 

Revenue growth is set to be achieved through increased investments in the       
training of sales staff and a determined effort to perfect our store and product
programmes so that the number of BoConcept Brand Stores will reach at least 350 
in 2010 compared to the existing 300. This corresponds to net openings of       
between 30 to 50 Brand Stores annually in the years ahead, primarily in the ten 
principal markets. The number of Studios is expected to remain at approximately 
150 in 2010/11.                                                                 

Long-term financial targets                                                     

| Targets                           |           2008/09 |              2010/11 |
| Group revenue                     |                   |    Approx. 2 billion |
| BoConcept Brand Stores            |                   |                  350 |
| BoConcept Studios                 |                   |                  150 |
| Operating margin min.             |               10% |                  12% |
| Return on net assets min.         |               20% |                  30% |
| Cash flow % of revenue            |                4% |                   6% |

In addition, BoConcept will continue its efforts to optimise production and     
supply chain management, and the introduction of best practise procedures is to 
ensure that the supply chain costs are flexible enough to match the demand.     
BoConcept will increase the capacity of the future warehousing and distribution 
structure by outsourcing inventories in all regions, wholly or in part. The     
objective is to establish a supply set-up, the costs of which vary according to 
requirements, and where long-term flexibility is ensured in step with changes in
the future supply structure. The ratio of purchases from external manufacturers 
will presumably increase from the existing 60 per cent of total revenue to at   
least 70 per cent in 2010/2011.                                                 

Forecast for 2007/2008                                                          
For the financial year 2007/2008 BoConcept expects a pre-tax operating profit of
between DKK 85 to 95 million and an increase in revenue of between 15 and 20 per
cent on the level prevailing in 2006/2007.                                      

The increase in revenue is based on organic growth due to the full-year effect  
of store openings in 2006/2007 and expectations of a net addition of 30 to 40   
new BoConcept Brand Stores in 2007/2008. Also, a general increase in            
same-store-sales is expected as a result of activities launched to underpin and 
optimise the operation of BoConcept Brand Stores. As in previous years, the sale
to product customers is expected to decline dramatically.                       

The full-year effect of the changes implemented in the upholstery production and
the closing down of the factory in Hornslet have resulted in savings on         
production costs. In like manner the projects launched to optimise the work     
routines relating to sales order flow and efficiency enhancements in the board  
furniture production will improve productivity. Overall, an 8 per cent          
improvement in the operating margin is expected.                                

In the year ahead there are plans to make investments in non-current assets     
amounting to DKK 40-45 million, and this is considerably more than last year.   
Extraordinarily, in 2007/2008 investments of DKK 9 million will be allocated for
office and canteen facilities in Ølgod.                                         

The overall target for the year ahead is a positive cash flow of at least DKK 35
million after the repayment of non-current debt items as well as any divestment 
of Brand Stores.                                                                
Business base, strategy and sales markets                                       
BoConcept, which was founded as a joiner's workshop involved in manufacturing   
furniture back in 1952, is today an international retailer and concept holder of
furniture and lifestyle products for private homes.                             

Having its core competences within design, branding, store management,          
optimisation of the sales model and supply chain management, the company now    
concentrates its focus on the development, support and supply of goods to its   
global franchise-based retail chain, which at 30 April 2007 consisted of 193    
BoConcept Brand Stores and 148 BoConcept Studios in 45 countries.               

Design and production development                                               
Controlled from the headquarters in Denmark BoConcept's store and product       
concepts are undergoing constant development in order to ensure that its defined
target group perceives the chain as attractive at all times. It is also from    
here that training and support for the Brand Stores worldwide is developed and  
managed. Creating a uniform and up-to-date store concept with store assistants  
who are able to offer the end-customer the best possible service in a way which 
is unique within the industry is an important part of BoConcept's mission.      

The group's dedication to the development of its designs and concepts is a key  
element in this strategy and an absolute prerequisite for the continued success 
of the BoConcept Brand Stores. Product Management is responsible for the        
development of a totally co-ordinated collection in close strategic co-operation
with external designers.                                                        

The design and concept development itself is based on a BoConcept Brand Store   
with a floorage of 1,000 sqm. In the development phase, regard is had not only  
to ensuring that the products have a high design content and are trendsetters;  
they also have to be commercially viable and affordable. The entire BoConcept   
range, featuring wall units, sofas, tables, chairs, beds, accessories etc. is   
completely coordinated as regards colours, wood types and design.               

During the past year a number of new products have been launched, including     
storage furniture, tables, chairs and sofas. All new products support           
BoConcept's strategy of obtaining a better positioning in the market. This is   
reflected in the choice of materials and higher design content.                 

The new products have been well received by the BoConcept Brand Stores and      
Studios, and these new items will be implemented in the stores and studios in   
the beginning of the new financial year. The new products are expected to       
enhance the image of the chain and increase sales per sqm.                      

In order to maintain our high reliability in delivery for the benefit of the    
end-customers of the BoConcept chain, the number of products in the collection  
must remain unchanged and thus the number of products to be discontinued        
corresponds to the number of new products. Due to the launch of new products    
during the year a total of approximately 20 per cent of the product range has   
therefore been replaced.                                                        

Marketing strategy                                                              
The global communications platform is managed centrally, and this ensures that  
the marketing process is effective and that we have the same design expression  
and point of departure no matter whether activities take place in Shanghai or   
New York.                                                                       

The marketing efforts of BoConcept target the urban-minded shopper and are based
on the vision of becoming the 'no. 1 brand within urban interiors' and the focal
point is the chain's new slogan - urban design.                                 

The objective of the international and centrally organised communications       
platform is to increase awareness of and concentrate the focus on BoConcept's   
design concept and thereby create traffic to the individual BoConcept Brand     
Store and ensure customer loyalty. For this reason a vast number of marketing   
materials have been created in support of BoConcept as a brand, its visibility  
on the individual markets and the sales volume of the individual BoConcept Brand
Store. Two marketing materials have been assigned an especially high priority.  
Firstly, we have produced the ultimate furniture catalogue available in the     
industry, showing the latest trends in urban home interiors and presenting the  
BoConcept range in the best way possible, and secondly, we have perfected the   
graphics of our international website which now also contains an online edition 
of the product catalogue.                                                       

We have also launched a new and contemporary BoConcept logo which has been      
implemented in all marketing materials in 2006/2007 and has become a key element
in the development of the store concept. A vast number of the storefronts of the
BoConcept Brand Stores have already been upgraded, and the aim is for the       
remaining storefronts to be upgraded by 1 September 2007. In addition, we have  
been perfecting our concept and added new elements in order for the stores to be
perceived as modern, innovative and supportive of our focus on design.          

BoConcept inspiration Camp - BiC                                                
In December 2006 BoConcept sent out invitations for the BoConcept inspiration   
Camp in Herning for the second time, and future interior design trends, new     
products, strategic measures and the new brand architecture of the BoConcept    
chain was presented to the 800 BoConcept franchisees and employees from 42      
countries present.                                                              

In the course of three conference days and six fair days the attention was      
focused on the implementation of new concepts, collections, the communications  
platform and sharing of knowledge as regards a number of important day-to-day   
operations, such as opening new stores, interior design and upgrading of Brand  
Stores as well as the exploitation of potential sales increases. In addition,   
special attention was given to the training of staff in service and sales       
functions, for instance, through BoConcept University.                          

With the big support and enthusiasm of the participants, whose number had       
doubled from the first BiC in January 2006, the BoConcept inspiration Camp was a
great success and provided the perfect basis for future endeavours to translate 
BoConcept's concepts and values into the sale of urban interiors to             
end-customers. We have decided to make BiC an annually recurring event and are  
therefore planning to hold the third BoConcept inspiration Camp in December     

Production and supply chain management                                          
BoConcept has progressed from furniture manufacturer to concept holder and      
international distributor of a complete range of branded lifestyle products for 
BoConcept Brand Stores with BoConcept as the sole supplier. This trend implies, 
among other things, that BoConcept places greater focus on sourcing, cost       
efficient production and the optimisation of the company's supply chain.        

Product range and sourcing                                                      
In order to ensure that our collection is always up-to-date and that we satisfy 
the customer target group's expectations to BoConcept's product range, we       
replace 20 to 25 per cent of the range a year, and this calls for great capacity
for change and flexibility throughout the value chain.                          

The products, which include board furniture, chairs, upholstered furniture,     
accessories and shop fixtures, are co-ordinated within the range as to design,  
colours and finishes. In order to ensure that the construction and quality of   
the individual elements in the product ranges satisfy BoConcept's high          
requirements and are independent of production location, BoConcept is working   
closely with suppliers and own production facilities in the development and     
creation of new collections.                                                    
BoConcept's manufacturing and sourcing strategy is to maintain a competitive own
production output in core production areas while other products are purchased   
from our few sub-contractors. BoConcept endeavours to develop meaningful and    
close trading relationships with suppliers in order to secure a critical mass,  
and for this reason close integration is of interest to all the parties         
involved. By adopting this strategy BoConcept expects to be able to attain the  
group's supply and quality objectives and provide a flexible and cost effective 
supply set-up as a basis for future growth and expansion without having to      
invest more heavily in capacity increases etc.                                  

Following the divestment of the wood component factory in Lithuania as at 1     
March 2007 and the divestment of the upholstery factory in Hornslet as at 30    
April 2007 BoConcept's only own production facilities are the two board         
furniture factories in Ølgod and Herning. Within the existing building framework
we will continue to invest in technology and organisation in the group's own    
board furniture factories in order to maintain our competitiveness, ensure a    
flexible supply chain and increase capacity as the number of Brand Stores and   
group revenue increase.                                                         

At the end of 2006/2007 slightly more than 60 per cent of total revenues were   
generated by external suppliers. As BoConcept's revenue increases, an ever      
increasing share of the product range will be sourced from suppliers in the Far 
East and Eastern Europe who are very competitive indeed as regards price,       
quality and delivery times. It is therefore expected that more than 65 per cent 
of BoConcept's revenues will be generated by external suppliers in 2007/2008,   
and that figure will increase to just over 70 per cent in 2010/2011. BoConcept's
sourcing organisation is placed close to the strategic suppliers. For instance, 
the 12-staff Chinese organisation under Danish management focuses on the        
development of supplier relations in Asia while the Danish-based organisation   
handles the contact to other suppliers, most of whom are located in Europe.     

BoConcept Brand Stores and Studios function as shop windows vis-à-vis the       
end-customer. It is here that the product range inspires the customer to place  
his or her order inside the store.                                              

It is BoConcept's declared objective to complete the delivery of 95 per cent of 
all orders at the confirmed time. This delivery service is an important asset to
Brand Stores and Studios which are able to offer their customers the fastest    
delivery times in the industry without being stockholders, and instead they can 
allocate resources for and focus on selling and servicing the end-customer.     

BoConcept A/S handles the delivery of complete customer orders to the delivery  
hubs of Brand Stores and Studios. The Brand Stores and Studios handle the last  
stage of the distribution to the end-customer as well as after-sale service     
themselves. We will soon draft guidelines for these areas in accordance with a  
code of best practise which must be incorporated into the business concept.     

As a result of the considerable increase in the sale of accessories, efforts are
currently being made to perfect the logistics of getting goods from suppliers to
stores since this product area is expected to grow considerably in the years    
ahead as the product range is enhanced.                                         

Having introduced a simplified, more effective and less cost-intensive          
distribution structure in 2005, BoConcept Brand Stores and Studios are today    
serviced by the distribution centres in Ølgod (Denmark), Bayonne, New Jersey    
(USA) and Tokyo (JP) respectively, and customer service for the respective      
regions is also centralised here.                                               

In order to maintain our high reliability of delivery as the sourcing ratio     
increases, we found it necessary to increase investments in inventories by DKK  
22 million in 2006/2007. BoConcept will increase the capacity in the future     
warehousing and distribution structure by outsourcing stocks in all regions,    
wholly or in part. The objective is to establish a warehousing structure, the   
costs of which vary according to demand and where long-term flexibility is      
ensured in step with changes in the future supply set-up.                       

With its constant focus on the optimisation of business processes, for instance,
as regards inventory control and the introduction and phasing out of products,  
BoConcept has for many years been able to considerably reduce obsolete stocks.  
Together with increasing sales the introduction of such processes has           
facilitated continuous improvements in the rate of inventory turnover, and in   
future we expect to marginally improve that rate which is currently four times a
year for the group's total inventories.                                         

BoConcept's channels of distribution and franchise concept                      
The group's products are mainly sold through BoConcept Brand Stores and Studios.
A declining share of the group's revenue is also generated by sales to product  
customers, but this share is on the decline due to the strategy adopted by the  
company. Brand Stores are individually run franchise stores, typically with a   
floorage of between 400 and 800 sqm, while Studios typically are shop-in-shop   
units with a floorage of between 100 and 400 sqm located in well-established    
furniture stores, where the brands and products of BoConcept and those of the   
local furniture chain complement each other.                                    

BoConcept's franchise model                                                     
BoConcept bases its franchise model on a well-tested concept, and close         
screening, evaluation and selection from among many potential franchisees takes 
place at group level, taking into consideration factors such as the individual  
skills and competences of the franchisee, and assessing and approving the       
business plan of that particular unit, its location as well as its operating and
financing budgets. A key condition in BoConcept's selection of franchisees is   
also that a genuine foundation for a close trading relationship is established  
with the franchisee through the mutual commitment to and acceptance of the      
concept, trading terms and focus on earnings in the Brand Stores.               

Where a franchise agreement is concluded between BoConcept and an applicant, the
implementation of the individual project plan will commence and proceed         
according to a set procedure. The agreement, which typically has a term of five 
years with the option of renewal, implies, among other things, a set-up fee,    
regular franchise payments to BoConcept, and the revenue contribution of the    
products sold and a marketing agreement between the parties. In addition, it is 
the franchisee's obligation to invest in setting up a Brand Store in accordance 
with guidelines dictated by BoConcept. The franchisee holds the lease.          

BoConcept's franchise model is very attractive indeed, and this is supported by 
the fact that more and more of our existing franchisees are planning to open    
additional stores. One of the reasons for this is that the stores have a        
positive cash flow from day one as customers make prepayments for goods sold,   
and the franchisees are granted credit on shipments from BoConcept. The typical 
store will break even in its first year of having been set up, and it will      
generate a profit in its second year.                                           

It is the objective of BoConcept for 90 per cent of the stores to achieve an    
operating margin of 10 per cent after the third year, and we support this       
objective by having in place a large support organisation for franchisees which 
is concentrated on the group's Retail Operation Managers (ROM), of whom there is
one for every five to eight stores.                                             

Number of Brand Stores and Studios                                              
42 Brand Stores and 32 Studios have been opened in the financial year 2006/2007 
while 12 Brand Stores and 28 Studios have been closed down. The change in the   
number of Studios should be seen in the light of the fact that more franchisees 
decide to convert their Studios into Brand Stores. As at 30 April 2007 the chain
therefore consisted of 193 Brand Stores and 148 Studios, and of this number 17  
Brand Stores were owned by BoConcept itself. Brand Stores and Studios taken     
together are expected to account for 95 per cent of group revenue in 2007/2008. 

The total floorage of Brand Stores in terms of sqm has risen from 77,788 sqm to 
93,288 sqm, corresponding to an average floorage of 483 sqm per Brand Store.    

In 2007/2008 the target is a net addition of 30 to 40 BoConcept Brand Stores and
an unchanged number of Studios. This objective will primarily be attained on the
four selected growth markets: the USA, Japan, Spain and Germany as well as in   
Denmark and France.                                                             

In the years ahead the group expects store openings of between 30 and 50 net per
year and an unchanged number of Studios. The trend of existing franchisees      
opening new stores is set to continue, and the group's target is to have 500    
sales outlets in 2010/2011, at least 350 of which will be Brand Stores. Growth  
is generated by franchisees since the number of own stores is expected to       
decline in the years ahead as, in principle, all own stores are up for sale.    

Sales optimisation and sales training                                           
In the stores BoConcept's primary focus continues to be on the optimisation and 
growth in same-store-sales. Revenue growth is driven by the traffic to the      
stores, the hit rate and order size. It is BoConcept's declared objective to    
increase same-store-sales for the entire group by at least 5 per cent annually. 

In recent years BoConcept has also committed itself to strengthening the        
decentralised organisation and have roles adjusted thus that national           
organisations are ready for future growth.                                      

The process of expanding BoConcept University and the increased focus on the    
training and retention of employees is proceeding according to plan, and with   
this in mind the BoConcept University organisation has been strengthened with   
two coaches and one co-ordinator in recent months so that the central training  
team now consists of a total of four coaches and one co-ordinator.              

The main focus of BoConcept University is on management, product , sales and    
service courses as well as new courses in recruitment and employee development  
and interior design courses for store managers and assistants.                  

In the financial year 2006/2007 a total of 18 courses with 303 participants was 
held under the auspices of BoConcept University. It was primarily franchisees,  
store managers and market organisations who received training in store          
management and sales techniques. In addition, the group provided product and    
sales training for all store assistants in the chain from May to September 2006.

Moreover, BoConcept is committed to improving end-customers' experience in the  
stores. Mystery shopping tests, which were performed in 134 stores in 13        
countries during 2006/2007, is one method being used. The tests show an         
increasing level of service and quality, and we expect the overall international
average to continue to improve in future. Another method is to conduct actual   
customer surveys. During the past year two international customer surveys have  
been conducted, one focusing on quality, delivery and assembly service, while   
the other highlighted the purchasing process and customer defection on receiving
a price quotation. The findings of the said surveys provide a basis for creating
an improved customer experience in the BoConcept stores and, as a result,       
generating improved earnings.                                                   

More than 130 Brand Stores spread across 13 countries today use the ERP-system  
of the BoConcept chain, Axapta. The system went live in 2001 and is now fully   
integrated with the other IT tools of BoConcept, and this facilitates order flow
control and follow up on same-store-sales.                                      

BoConcept's focus markets                                                       
In terms of design BoConcept's product range is the most commercial and best    
co-ordinated on the market. With its clearly urban profile, which is in line    
with worldwide mega trends, the group's furniture is sold to a target group     
consisting of brand-oriented trendsetters demanding affordable design furniture.

Today BoConcept Brand Stores and Studios can be found in 45 countries, but      
expansion is focused on 10 selected A markets, four of which are A+ markets. A+ 
markets are markets where resources have been allocated for an active search for

Market diversification ensures that sales are only sensitive to regional market 
fluctuations to a limited degree.                                               

| Market distribution                     |                |                   |
|                 |    |           Stores |        Studios |             Sales |
| USA             | +  |           20     |          21    |               12% |
| Germany         | +  |           14     |          12    |               11% |
| Spain           | +  |           35     |           3    |               10% |
| Japan           | +  |           19     |                |                7% |
| France          |    |           14     |                |               10% |
| Denmark         |    |           11     |           8    |                9% |
| Norway          |    |                  |          41    |                6% |
| England         |    |            6     |           3    |                5% |
| Sweden          |    |            4     |           1    |                4% |
| China           |    |           10     |                |                2% |
|                 |    |         -------- |       -------- |          -------- |
| A markets total      |          133     |            89  |               76% |
| B & C markets        |            60    |            59  |               24% |
|                 |    |         -------- |       -------- |          -------- |
| Total           |    |          193     |            148 |              100% |

Developments in the ten principal markets                                       
On BoConcept's largest single market, the USA, a total of eight new stores have 
been opened in 2006/2007, primarily on the east coast and all of them relatively
late in the reporting period. The net addition is seven stores since one has    
been closed down. Sales to the American BoConcept Brand Stores have increased by
9 per cent expressed in the local currency relative to last year. This is       
slightly below the expected level, but this should be seen in the context of the
general decline in the level of spending by American consumers. However, the    
continued shedding of product customers has resulted in a 4 per cent decline in 
total on the American market. In the year ahead the group expects to open eight 
to ten new stores in the USA, some of these in new regions. The continued       
development of the organisation and all routines is therefore necessary to      
ensure the support for both new and existing stores. Total growth on the        
American market is expected to account for at least 20 per cent expressed in the
local currency in 2007/2008.                                                    

In Germany five new stores have been opened during the year, two by existing    
franchisees, two by a former studio partner and one by a total newcomer. The    
total revenue growth of 25 per cent is made up of dramatic growth in            
same-store-sales in BoConcept Brand Stores and the continued shedding of small  
product customers who are not part of the future strategy. In 2007/2008 the     
group expects to open four or five new BoConcept Brand Stores in Germany.       

In Spain where five new stores were opened during the year, representing a net  
addition of three, the total number of BoConcept sales outlets in operation is  
38. At the same time same-store-sales have grown, which has generated total     
growth of 19 per cent, spread over the year. In 2007/2008 growth is expected to 
remain at the same level.                                                       

In Japan revenue expressed in the local currency has risen by 17 per cent       
despite a decline in revenue to one large product customer who has closed down  
completely during the year. In October a new store opened in the famous Ginza   
area. In total three new Brand Stores in Japan have been opened and two have    
been closed down with a view to obtaining better locations. In 2007/2008 the    
group expects two new store openings on the Japanese market.                    

In 2006/2007 BoConcept's revenue in France grew by 101 per cent as a result of  
the opening of four new sales outlets and the full-year effect of the Brand     
Stores opened during the past year. As at 30 April 2007 a total of 14 stores are
in operation, and this number is expected to be expanded as a result of the     
opening of eight new stores in the year ahead. During the past year France has  
thus grown to become BoConcept's third largest single market.                   

In Denmark six new BoConcept stores have been opened, and this. combined with   
satisfactory growth in same-store-sales, has generated satisfactory revenue     
growth of 23 per cent. BoConcept continues to attract great interest from new   
and existing franchisees who wish to open more Brand Stores, and by year-end    
2006/2007 we had thus already executed agreements to open four new Danish Brand 
Stores in 2007/2008. The migration from Studios to Brand Stores continues at a  
high level, and in 2006/2007 we have therefore closed down a total of 13        
Studios, among other things, due to the changed co-operation with IDEmøbler.    
Despite the fact that the total number of sales outlets is thereby on the       
decline, this development will have a favourable impact on BoConcept's revenue. 

Norway has grown by as much as 23 per cent due to the opening of a number of    
Studios with our partner, Skeidar, so that 41 Studios are now in operation.     
Norway is therefore strictly a Studio market, and there are no plans to open any
Brand Stores.                                                                   

The UK has experienced satisfactory growth in the same-store-sales of all five  
existing stores. In 2006/2007 a new Brand Store opened in the famous department 
store Harrods in London and this brings the total number of UK stores up to six.
Revenue growth in the UK is as much as 44 per cent.                             

In Sweden total revenue has grown by 15 per cent due to a favourable development
in the same-store-sales of the existing Brand Stores. No new Brand Stores have  
been opened during the year on the Swedish market, but we expect to open some in
2007/2008. Revenue to one large product customer in Sweden continues, albeit at 
a lower level.                                                                  

The 6 per cent growth in China is the result of two new store openings, closing 
down five Brand Stores and the relocation of Brand Stores. However, overall the 
newly opened Brand Stores have far greater potential than the older outlets.    

Post-balance-sheet events                                                       
Apart from the events mentioned above, the supervisory board is aware of no     
events after 30 April 2007, which would materially influence the financial      
position of the group.                                                          

Resolutions of the supervisory board and motions to be tabled at the annual     
general meeting                                                                 
The supervisory board has decided to table the following motions for            
consideration by the company in general meeting:                                
1.	Dividend DKK 2 per share will be distributed for the financial year 2006/2007
2.	Authorisation of the supervisory board to acquire up to 10 per cent of the   
company's share capital before the next annual general meeting with reference to
section 48 of the Danish Companies Act.                                         
3. 	Authorisation of the supervisory board to set up a subscription rights      
scheme for executives and a general employee share scheme.                      

General meeting                                                                 
The annual general meeting will be held on the company's premises at Herning on 
28 August 2007 at 4pm.                                                          

Annual report                                                                   
The published annual report is expected to be available in early August 2007.   

Best regards                                                                    
BoConcept Holding A/S                                                           

Svend Sigaard			Viggo Mølholm                                                   
Bestyrelsesformand			Koncernchef

