BankInvest I, Merger sub-fund "Global Emerging Markets (EUR)" 29 June 2007

Copenhagen 28 June 2007 

The Fund Market


The UCITS fund BankInvest I
Sub-fund Global Emerging Markets (EUR)

The fund BI Global Emerging Markets (DKK), which is not listed, and the
sub-fund Global Emerging Markets (EUR) under the UCITS fund BankInvest I, which
is listed, has decided to merge with the latter as the continuing fund. 

In connection with the merger the replacement units from BI Global Emerging
Markets (DKK) will be listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange in EUR. 

The listing is effective from and including 29 June 2007. Thus, the number of
units in the continuing fund Global Emerging Markets (EUR) will increase from
that day. 

Because the merger itself is on condition of final approval from the Danish
FSA, the listing is likewise conditioned of such approval. 
Please see BankInvest's disclosure on the extraordinary general meetings 27
June 2007. 

For further information please contact Kirsten Thaarup, Surveillance, tel. +45
33 93 33 66