On heat meters contract in St.Petersburg

City Service OAO, a subsidiary of City Service AB operating in St.Petersburg
City (Russia), has concluded a contract with administration of district
Kirovskiy of St.Petersburg City. According to the contract subsidiary of City
Service AB will equip residential houses of Kirovskyi district with heat
meters. Value of the contract mounts to RUB 70.56  million (approx. LTL 7
million). The contract will come into force on 1 July 2007. 

As of today, the largest in the Baltic States group of real estate maintenance
companies City Service includes 16 companies in Lithuania, Russia, Latvia and
Ukraine. The floor space of buildings maintained by the group of companies grew
more than twice in 2006 and now totals 8.8 million square meters. The fastest
development took place in Saint Petersburg where City Service has acquired
three companies. City Service will take part in privatization of state
households scheduled in Saint Petersburg in the end of this year. The floor
space maintained by the group of companies is expected to reach 10.7 million
square meters by the end of 2007.

Vilius Mackonis,
public relations spokesperson
+370 655 511 01