Mark Russell Bell of Will Participate in the Internet's First-Ever Virtual Body Mind Spirit Expo July 27, 28 and 29

LOS ANGELES, July 2, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Mark Russell Bell of will present a streaming lecture about his experiences and research involving unexplained phenomena for The First-Ever Virtual Body Mind Spirit Expo on July 27, 28 and 29 at with free worldwide attendance.

Bell's lecture is entitled "The Paranormal -- Superconscious Manifestation." He will also host the New Consciousness Research Organization virtual booth in the Expo's Centers and Publications virtual hall.

His nonfiction book Testament is available to be read online without charge. The book is a case study presented via question and answer interview transcripts, journals and photographs. Bell's upcoming book is Hollyweird, an autobiographical account of the author's unexpected yet revealing path of spiritual discovery. Before Bell became a metaphysical author, he worked in the entertainment industry as a publicity writer for Paramount Pictures.

The author interviewed an Oklahoma family experiencing 'talking poltergeist' phenomena in 1995 and published these transcripts in Testament. The family was seen on television in the 1995 ABC special "Ghosts, Mediums, Psychics: Put To The Test" and this footage also aired in 1996 on "20/20."

Bell comments, "My experiences and research have shown me that all living things are continuously interacting with an intermediary Superconsciousness or Spiritual Force that may be recognized through circumstances often described as coincidences and synchronicity, intuition and telepathy, prophetic dreams and visions, mediumship and trance channeling, healing, as well as events associated with such expressions as 'hauntings,' 'talking poltergeists' and 'electronic voice phenomena.' This predicament might be articulated as all living things having a shared Subconscious Mind and 'Thought Conductor.' Such expressions as 'Oneness' and 'Christ Consciousness' are also useful."

Testament was published in January 1997. The book's ISBN is 0-9654916-0-9 and the Library of Congress Catalog number is 96-71184. The Internet edition of the book is available without charge at The Oracle Press edition is available at

More details about the Expo are available at The New Consciousness Research Organization is the Internet division of Oracle Press.

The New Consciousness Research Organization logo is available at


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