Nordea Bank Finland issues 49 new warrant series on 9 July 2007

Nordea Bank Finland Plc will launch 49 new warrant series on 9 July
2007 under its warrant programme. The underlying assets of the
warrants are the following shares: Nokia (NOK1V), Stora Enso R
(STERV), Outokumpu (OUT1V), Neste Oil (NES1V), Fortum (FUM1V) and
UPM-Kymmene (UPM1V). The warrants are European call and put warrants.
In all warrants five (5) warrants refer to one (1) underlying share.
The warrants are redeemed by cash payment. Upon expiry of a warrant,
the possible net value is paid in cash to the holder of the warrant.


The warrant-specific terms and conditions of all warrants now issued
are part of the prospectus of Nordea Bank Finland Plc dated 9 October
2006 concerning the bank's warrant programme. The terms and
conditions of issue of these warrants are included in the above
mentioned prospectus. These warrant specific conditions are to be
applied in a conflict situation.

| Issuer               | Nordea Bank Finland Plc                    |
| Underlying asset     | Nokia (NOK1V), Stora Enso R (STERV),       |
|                      | Outokumpu (OUT1V), Neste Oil (NES1V),      |
|                      | Fortum (FUM1V), UPM-Kymmene (UPM1V)        |
| Warrant price at the | Market based                               |
| time of issue        |                                            |
| Multiplier           | 1/5                                        |
|                      | Five warrants refer to one share           |
| Warrant lot          | 1 warrant                                  |
| Currency             | EUR                                        |
| Calculation of       | The official closing price of the          |
| expiration value     | underlying asset published by the Helsinki |
|                      | Stock Exchange on the last trading date of |
|                      | the warrant.                               |
| Number of warrants   | Minimum 100,000 and maximum 30,000,000     |
|                      | based on demand in respect each underlying |
|                      | asset.                                     |
|                      | (Nordea Bank Finland Plc is entitled to    |
|                      | increase the number to exceed the above    |
|                      | mentioned).                                |
| Market maker         | Nordea Bank Finland Plc                    |
|                      |                                            |
|                      | Nordea Bank Finland Plc undertakes to      |
|                      | provide bid and ask quotation for the      |
|                      | warrants during the time the warrant is    |
|                      | subject to public trading. The undertaking |
|                      | is valid in the continuous trading of the  |
|                      | stock exchange.                            |
|                      |                                            |
|                      | Quotations concern a minimum of one        |
|                      | thousand (1.000) warrants. The difference  |
|                      | between bid and ask quotation is at the    |
|                      | most:                                      |
|                      |                                            |
|                      | 10 cent, if the bid quotation is less than |
|                      | EUR 2.00                                   |
|                      | 20 cent, if the bid quotation is more than |
|                      | or equal to EUR 2.00                       |
|                      |                                            |
|                      | No bid quotation is given for warrants the |
|                      | market value of which is less than one (1) |
|                      | cent.                                      |
|                      |                                            |
|                      | The market maker reserves right for        |
|                      | temporary disruptions in market making     |
|                      | undertaking when hedging its own position  |
|                      | or during a technical error. If the        |
|                      | disruption will be prolonged, the market   |
|                      | maker will inform about this in the market |
|                      | place.                                     |
|                      |                                            |
|                      | The market maker is entitled to define the |
|                      | values of the parameters affecting the     |
|                      | market making quotation.                   |
|                      |                                            |
|                      | Nordea Bank Finland Plc is not liable to   |
|                      | maintain the market making undertaking if  |
|                      | trading with the underlying shares has     |
|                      | ceased.                                    |
| Collateral           | No collateral                              |
| Compulsory claim     | No                                         |
| for redemption       |                                            |
| Redemption           | Cash payment of the net value              |
| Redemption fee       | 1.5% of net value                          |
| Settlement of the    | Normal trading: as in equity trading: T +  |
| warrant              | 3 banking days                             |
|                      |                                            |
|                      | Redemption: T+3 from the reconciliation    |
|                      | date                                       |
| Additional           | Additional information on the company and  |
| information on the   | the development of the value of the        |
| underlying asset and | underlying company is available on the     |
| underlying company   | website of the Helsinki Stock Exchange:    |
|                      | and on the websites of    |
|                      | the underlying companies.  Additional      |
|                      | information on the volatility of the       |
|                      | underlying asset is available from the     |
|                      | issuer, tel. +358 9 369 49134.             |
|                      |                                            |
|                      | The investors should analyse information   |
|                      | on the company issuing the share before    |
|                      | making decisions on warrants.              |

The warrants to be issued

Underlying     Name     ISIN code   Type of Exercise  Issue      Last    Reconciliation Payment of
   share                            warrant  price     date    trading        date      net value
  Nokia     7UNO2EW200 FI0009639843  Put-E   20,00   9.7.2007 21.9.2007    28.9.2007    3.10.2007
  Nokia     7INOKEW260 FI0009639850 Call-E   26,00   9.7.2007 21.9.2007    28.9.2007    3.10.2007
  Nokia     7VNOKEW190 FI0009639868  Put-E   19,00   9.7.2007 19.10.2007   26.10.2007   31.10.2007
  Nokia     7VNO1EW200 FI0009639876  Put-E   20,00   9.7.2007 19.10.2007   26.10.2007   31.10.2007
  Nokia     7VNOKEW210 FI0009639884  Put-E   21,00   9.7.2007 19.10.2007   26.10.2007   31.10.2007
  Nokia     7JNO1EW210 FI0009639892 Call-E   21,00   9.7.2007 19.10.2007   26.10.2007   31.10.2007
  Nokia     7JNOKEW220 FI0009639900 Call-E   22,00   9.7.2007 19.10.2007   26.10.2007   31.10.2007
  Nokia     7JNOKEW240 FI0009639918 Call-E   24,00   9.7.2007 19.10.2007   26.10.2007   31.10.2007
  Nokia     7JNOKEW260 FI0009639926 Call-E   26,00   9.7.2007 19.10.2007   26.10.2007   31.10.2007
  Nokia     7YNOKEW190 FI0009639934  Put-E   19,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Nokia     7YNO1EW200 FI0009639942  Put-E   20,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Nokia     7YNOKEW210 FI0009639959  Put-E   21,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Nokia     7LNO2EW210 FI0009639967 Call-E   21,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Nokia     7LNO2EW220 FI0009639975 Call-E   22,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Nokia     7LNO1EW240 FI0009639983 Call-E   24,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Nokia     7LNOKEW260 FI0009639991 Call-E   26,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Stora     7USTEEW130 FI0009640007  Put-E   13,00   9.7.2007 21.9.2007    28.9.2007    3.10.2007
  Enso R
  Stora     7USTEEW140 FI0009640015  Put-E   14,00   9.7.2007 21.9.2007    28.9.2007    3.10.2007
  Enso R
  Stora     7ISTEEW145 FI0009640023 Call-E   14,50   9.7.2007 21.9.2007    28.9.2007    3.10.2007
  Enso R
  Stora     7ISTEEW155 FI0009640031 Call-E   15,50   9.7.2007 21.9.2007    28.9.2007    3.10.2007
  Enso R
  Stora     7YST1EW130 FI0009640049  Put-E   13,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Enso R
  Stora     7YSTEEW140 FI0009640056  Put-E   14,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Enso R
  Stora     7LSTEEW140 FI0009640064 Call-E   14,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Enso R
  Stora     7LSTEEW145 FI0009640072 Call-E   14,50   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Enso R
  Stora     7LST1EW150 FI0009640080 Call-E   15,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Enso R
  Stora     7LSTEEW155 FI0009640098 Call-E   15,50   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Enso R
  UPM       7UUPMEW190 FI0009640106  Put-E   19,00   9.7.2007 21.9.2007    28.9.2007    3.10.2007
  UPM       7IUP1EW210 FI0009640114 Call-E   21,00   9.7.2007 21.9.2007    28.9.2007    3.10.2007
  UPM       7YUP1EW180 FI0009640122  Put-E   18,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  UPM       7YUPMEW190 FI0009640130  Put-E   19,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  UPM       7LUPMEW190 FI0009640148 Call-E   19,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  UPM       7LUPMEW200 FI0009640155 Call-E   20,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  UPM       7LUP1EW210 FI0009640163 Call-E   21,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  UPM       7LUPMEW220 FI0009640171 Call-E   22,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Fortum    7YFUMEW210 FI0009640189  Put-E   21,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Fortum    7YFUMEW230 FI0009640197  Put-E   23,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Fortum    7LFUMEW240 FI0009640205 Call-E   24,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Fortum    7LFUMEW260 FI0009640213 Call-E   26,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Neste     7YNESEW240 FI0009640221  Put-E   24,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Neste     7YNE1EW260 FI0009640239  Put-E   26,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Neste     7YNESEW270 FI0009640247  Put-E   27,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Neste     7LNESEW280 FI0009640254 Call-E   28,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Neste     7LNE1EW300 FI0009640262 Call-E   30,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Neste     7LNESEW320 FI0009640270 Call-E   32,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Outokumpu 7YOUTEW230 FI0009640288  Put-E   23,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Outokumpu 7YOUTEW250 FI0009640296  Put-E   25,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Outokumpu 7LOUTEW260 FI0009640304 Call-E   26,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Outokumpu 7LOUTEW280 FI0009640312 Call-E   28,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008
  Outokumpu 7LOUTEW300 FI0009640320 Call-E   30,00   9.7.2007 21.12.2007    4.1.2008     9.1.2008

Helsinki, 5 July 2007


Tommi Saarnio

For further information, please  contact Tommi Saarnio p.  +358-9-369


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