New CED in Solar Suomi OY

Københavns Fondsbørs A/S

Company News Service

5 July 2007
Page 1 of 1

Announcement		Solar A/S
No. 18 2007		Telephone no. +45 76 30 42 00 	
Contact:		CEO Flemming H. Tomdrup
New CED in Solar Suomi OY

We are very pleased to announced, that 

Jyrki Lignell 

with effect from August 1st, 2007 will take over the responsibility as Chief
Executive Director (CED) in the Groups Finnish subsidiary Solar Suomi OY. 

Jyrki Lignell, Finnish and 57 years, has during the last four years had his own
private company specializing in RFID technology. Prior to that, Jyrki Lignell
has been the CEO of Setec OY. From the middle of the 80´s to the latter part of
the 90´s, Jyrki Lignell was working for Schneider Electric S.A. first as the
CEO for the Finnish subsidiary Schneider Electric Finland OY and later in a
similar position for an acquired company Nokian Capacitors. 

Jyrki Lignell replaces Håkan Byman, who after mutual agreement will leave his
position as CED for Solar Suomi OY. 

We would like to use this opportunity to wish Jyrki Lignell a hearty welcome to
Solar and to thank Håkan Byman for his contribution in building our Finnish

Yours faithfully,

Solar A/S

Flemming H. Tomdrup

Information about Solar A/S

