- Statement by the Chairman of Board of Marel Food Systems hf. on the acquisition by LME of shares in Stork NV.

LME ehf. a company, owned by Landsbanki Íslands, Marel Food Systems and Eyrir
Invest has now acquired about 19, 5% of shares in Stork NV. located in Naarden,
Netherlands. Because of this acquisition, LME is now the largest single
shareholder in Stork NV. The market value of the shares is as of now
approximately 300 million Euros and thereof, Marel Food Systems share is 60
million Euros. 

Both Stork NV and Marel Food Systems hf. are listed companies, which,
influences how informations are made to shareholders, investors and publicly.
On one hand, there is the duty to disclose and other hand the duty for
discretion. The benefits of listing are numerous. The support of shareholders
and the financial market has Marel Food Systems to grow annually about 20-25%
for the last ten years. 

Marel Food Systems is the only listed company, which focuses solely on the
manufacturing of high tech equipment for the food processing industry. Within
the industry there is not one single leader, the largest companies have about
10% market share. The companies are either family owned, owned by unlisted
companies or are a part of conglomerates. Stork Food Systems is a part of the
conglomerate owned by Stork NV., which also owns companies in the printing-,
aviation- and oil-industry.  LME is of the opinion that synergies between those
industries are either small or even negative. 

Marel Food Systems and Stork Food Systems have enjoyed successful co-operation
in the development and marketing of high-tech equipment for the food processing
industry for the last eight years. This co-operation has brought customers and
shareholders of both companies' added value and offered employees the
opportunity to undertake challenges within a market area that is constantly

The biggest markets for both of the companies are at present in Northern-Europe
and North America, but in the near future focus will be on new markets in
Eastern- Europe, South America and Asia. Combined, Stork Food Systems and Marel
Food Systems can become the global leader in manufacturing and development of
high tech equipment with estimated 15-20% share of the market in food
processing industry. 

With that vision in mind, Marel Food Systems made a conditional offer to Stork
NV. for acquisition of all shares in Stork Food Systems in December 2005. From
that time, Marel Food Systems has intermittently re-affirmed it is willingness
to merge its efforts with Stork Food Systems. At the same time, Marel Food
Systems has doubled its size with the acquisition of AEW Delford in Britain and
Scanvaegt in Denmark. 

In February 2006, LME reported to AFM (The Netherlands Authority for the
Financial Markets) that it was the owner of 5% shares in Stork NV and that the
purpose of this investment was to ensure continued good co-operation between
Marel Food Systems and Stork Food Systems. At that time, the management of
Stork NV. was discussing with investors the possible delisting of the company.
Those discussions resulted in the conclusion that delisting Stork NV. would not
be realized. 

Recently, LME reported to AFM, that LME had acquired almost 11%.of shares in
Stork NV. Shortly afterwards, the management of Stork NV. published a statement
concerning the intention of Candover to make a take-over bid for Stork NV. at
the price of 47 per share, with the support of the management. During the last
weeks, LME has acquired more shares in Stork NV. and reported accordingly to
AFM of ownership about 17%. As of today, LME owns approximately 19, 5% of
shares in Stork NV. 

LME as the single largest shareholder in Stork NV will not accept offer at 47
per share. The owners of LME deem that there is more room for value creation
within Stork NV. This opinion has been shared with other large shareholders of
Stork NV. 

LME will in the forthcoming weeks confer with all interested parties on how the
best interests of Marel Food Systems and Stork Food Systems are secured. 

Árni Oddur Þórðarson, Chairman of the Board of Marel Food Systems hf.