Major Shareholder Announcement

6 July 2007                                                                     
Company announcement no. 13-07                                                  

Major Shareholder Announcement                                                  

Britt and Richard Bunck have transferred their shares of Søndagsavisen a-s to   
the holding company Baunegård ApS fully owned and controlled by Britt and       
Richard Bunck.                                                                  

Pursuant to the Danish Securities Trading Act § 29 and Executive Order no. 226  
of 15 March 2007 it is hereby announced:                                        

That Baunegård ApS, Fredensborg Kongevej 49, DK-2980 Kokkedal, and Richard      
Bunck, Baunegård, Fredensborg Kongevej 49, DK-2980 Kokkedal, through his        
controlled ownership of Baunegård ApS, CVR no. 30 70 80 83, holds 51.29 % of the
voting rights of Søndagsavisen a-s's share capital as well as 51.29 % of the    
nominal value of Søndagsavisen a-s's share capital.                             

That Baunegård ApS and Richard Bunck, through his controlled ownership of       
Baunegård ApS, on 5 July 2007 has obtained the limit of 50 % of the voting      
rights and of the nominal value of Søndagsavisen a-s's share capital.           

That the voting rights relating to Richard Bunck's shareholding are exercised by
Baunegård ApS, CVR no. 30 70 80 83.                                             

For further information about Søndagsavisen a-s, please contact Lars Nymann     
Andersen, Director of Legal Affairs on tel. +45 39 57 79 47.                    

For further information about Britt and Richard Bunck and Baunegård ApS, please 
contact Richard Bunck on tel. +45 39 57 75 01.                                  

Yours sincerely                                                                 
Søndagsavisen a-s                                                               

Lars Nymann Andersen                                                            
Director of Legal Affairs