Correction - Financial Calendar 2007 for FIH Erhvervsbank A/S

     The OMX Copenhagen Stock ExchangeThe Luxembourg Stock ExchangeThe Frankfurt
   Stock ExchangeThe Düsseldorf Stock ExchangeEuronext N.V.Oslo Børs ASAJuly 10,

| Stock Exchange Announcement No. 9/2007 - Correction to Financial Calendar    |
| for 2007 for                                                                 |
| FIH Erhvervsbank A/S                                                         |
|                       | The dates for release of financial reports have      |
|                       | changed to :                                         |
|                       | Interim Accounts for Q2 			25.07.2007                |
|                       | Interim Accounts for Q3  			26.10.2007               |

|                       | Yours sincerely                                      |
|                       | Lars Johansen                                        |
|                       | Managing Director, CEO                               |


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