- All EVP´s of Actavis Group hf. accept Novator´s offer

Reykjavik, Iceland, July 9, 2007. All EVP´s of Actavis Group hf., have
announced to Novator that the takeover bid of Novator for all shares in Actavis
Group hf. is accepted by them and related parties.  All terms and conditions of
the Novator bid apply to the acceptance by the EVP´s and related parties. 

The offer price is EUR 1.075 for each share.  Conditions set forth in the offer
are still valid so the sale of the shares has not been affected. 

Summary and breakdown of the above stated information is as shown in this table:
See attachment.

For further information please contact:
Árni Hardarson, by phone +354 550 3300 / +354 840 7462 or by e-mail 


actavis - novator. en.pdf