Statistics for June 2007

In June 2007 AS Tallink Grupp transported 674,988 passengers which is 78.5% more
than in June 2006. The number of transported cargo units rose by 82.4% and      
number of transported passenger vehicles by 68.4%.                              

AS Tallink Grupp's passenger, cargo units and passenger car numbers for June    
2007 were the following:                                                        

|                           |       Jun 2007 |       Jun 2006 |         change |
| Passengers                |        674,988 |        378,197 |          78.5% |
| Estonia-Finland           |        242,694 |        260,378 |          -6.8% |
| Estonia-Sweden            |         64,403 |         76,039 |         -15.3% |
| Latvia-Sweden             |         31,782 |         20,157 |          57.7% |
| Finland-Germany           |         15,646 |         21,623 |         -27.6% |
| Finland-Sweden            |        320,463 |                |                |

| Cargo units               |         32,662 |         17,906 |          82.4% |
| Estonia-Finland           |         10,269 |          8,472 |          21.2% |
| Estonia-Sweden            |          3,627 |          3,384 |           7.2% |
| Latvia-Sweden             |            985 |            320 |         207.8% |
| Finland-Germany           |          6,764 |          5,730 |          18.0% |
| Finland-Sweden            |         11,017 |                |                |
| Passenger vehicles        |         69,460 |         41,237 |          68.4% |
| Estonia-Finland           |         29,336 |         24,332 |          20.6% |
| Estonia-Sweden            |          5,231 |          7,589 |         -31.1% |
| Latvia-Sweden             |          4,423 |          2,668 |          65.8% |
| Finland-Germany           |          4,733 |          6,648 |         -28.8% |
| Finland-Sweden            |         25,737 |                |                |

The following operational factors influenced the development.                   


Compared to the June of previous financial year, there have been major changes  
in the fleet and operating concept. The product offering has improved for both  
passengers and cargo customers. Introduction of M/S Star and her frequent       
departures have helped to increase the cargo volumes.                           

Compared to the full month operation of M/S Autoexpress 2 in June 2006, this    
year the operation was started later, on the 9th of June 2007.                  

M/S Autoexpress 3 and M/S Autoexpress 4 have been sold and therefore  the       
vessels were not in operations in June 2007.                                    


M/S Victoria was chartered out and didn't operate for five days.                

M/S Vana Tallinn does not operate any more between Paldiski-Kapellskär, but was 
there last year.                                                                


The operations of two vessels and everyday departures to both destinations      
compared to one vessel operations in previous financial year have increased the 
volumes on Latvia-Sweden route.                                                 

Janek Stalmeister                                                               
Financial Director                                                              
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800