Repayments (CK91), Realkredit Danmark A/S

OMX Den Nordiske Børs København
		Executive Board
Parallelvej 17
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Telephone +45 7012 5300
Telefax +45 4514 9624

13 July 2007

Announcement number 17 - 2007

Repayments (CK91), Realkredit Danmark A/S

Pursuant to § 27a (1) of the Danish Securities Trading Act, Realkredit Danmark
A/S hereby publishes repayments (CK91) as at 30 June 2007. Please find the data
in the attached Excel file. 

This announcement has been published in compliance with the Transparency
Directive's publication re-quirement. Furthermore, the data will be distributed
in the usual way via the OMX. 

Yours sincerely

The Executive Board

Any additional questions should be addressed to Klaus Kristiansen, Senior Vice
President, Funding & Markets, phone +45 4513 2026 .


bilag 3 til fondsbrsmeddelelse nr. 17 - uk.xls bilag 2 til fondsbrsmeddelelse nr. 17 - uk.xls bilag 1 til fondsbrsmeddelelse nr. 17 - uk.xls nr. 17 - opl. om ydelsesrkker pr. 30.6.2007 - uk.pdf