Eik Banki P/F, listing of new shares with effect from 18 July 2007

|                                      |               København, 16 July 2007 |
Eik Banki P/F - listing of new shares                                           

With effect from 18 July 2007, 1,016,160 new shares of a nominal DKK 100 will be
admitted to listing in the ISIN code below.                                     

| ISIN                          | Name in the Official List                    |
| FO0005702340                  | Eik Banki                                    |

The new snares have been registered by the Faroese authority.                   

For further information, please see the prospectus published Eik Banki and      
announcement of 10 July 2007 regarding the offering of shares.                  

For further information, please contact: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 
93 33 66                                                                        
ISIN: FO0005702340 (VP: 1620061)                                                

| Name in the Official List:             | Eik Banki                           |
| Volume before change:                  | 7,113,114 shares (DKK 711,311,400)  |
| Change:                                | 1,016,160 stk. (DKK 101,616,000)    |
| Volume after change:                   | 8,129,274 stk. (DKK 812,927,400)    |
| Subscription price:                    | DKK 575                             |
| Dividend:                              | Full for 2007                       |
| Face value:                            | DKK 100                             |
| Short name:                            | FO-EIK                              |
| Share type:                            | AKTIE                               |

GENERAL INFORMATION                                                             

| Name/bearer:                          | Name                                 |
| Voting rights of listed capital:      | Full                                 |
| Financial year:                       | 1 January - 31 December              |
| Unlisted capital:                     | DKK 0                                |
| Issuing bank:                         | Eik Banki P/F                        |
| Trading lot:                          | 10                                   |
| CONSTRUCTED CBR NO:                   | 00 00 06 71                          |
| GICS:                                 | 40 10 10 15                          |
| Type:                                 | 0                                    |


eik banki - ipo - skema 3 - uk.pdf