Interim report 1 January-30 June 2007

Interim report 1 January-30 June 2007

• Total income amounted to SEK 1,891 million (2,349). 

• Total expenses before profit sharing amounted to SEK 979 million (830). For
the full year 2007, expenses before profit sharing are expected to amount to SEK
2.0 to 2.1 billion.  

• Total expenses include a non-recurring write-off of SEK 315 million, related
to a deficit in the profit-sharing system due to overstated trading positions
during the period 2005 to 2007.

• Net profit amounted to SEK 115 million (537), corresponding to earnings per
share of SEK 1.54 (7.79).

• Net profit after adjustment for the non-recurring amortization amounted to SEK
336 million (537).

• The CAD ratio was 13.0% at 30 June 2007.

• The new Max Matthiessen business area was consolidated in Carnegie as of 31
March 2007 and started affect earnings from 1 April 2007.

• All financial data in this report has been adjusted in accordance with what
was previously communicated regarding overstatement of trading positions during
the period 2005 to 2007.

• Carnegie retained its leading market positions according to independent
surveys by Prospera, Extel and Financial Hearings.

• Strengthened Nordic focus within Investment Banking: Anders Onarheim takes
over as Head of Nordic Investment Banking, while Peter Bäärnhielm continues as
Head of Investment Banking in Sweden.

• The Board will summon an Extraordinary General Meeting shortly, see page 18.

Contact persons
For further information, please contact Stig Vilhelmson (President and CEO) +46
8 676 86 01, Ulf Fredrixon (CFO) +46 8 5886 90 12 or Andreas Koch (Information
and IR) +46 8 676 8639.
Further information is available at

