Handelsbanken s interim report January - June 2007

Summary January-June 2007 compared with January-June 2006
* Operating profit was SEK 8.5bn (9.1). Excluding the insurance
  operations, operating profit increased by 8% in the banking
  operations, from SEK 7.4bn to 8.0bn
* Return on equity was 20.0% (23.4)
* Income totalled SEK 14.9bn (15.6)
* Expenses were unchanged at SEK 6.6bn (6.6)
* Profits after tax were SEK 6.6bn (7.3)
* Earnings per share were SEK 10.47 (11.29)
* Operating profits in branch office operations outside Sweden
  increased by 41%
* Net interest income in branch office operations outside Sweden went
  up by 15% and in the Swedish branch office operations by 2%

Summary of Q2 2007 compared with Q1 2007
* Operating profit increased to SEK 4.6bn (3.9)
* Return on shareholders' equity increased to 22.7% (17.1)
* Operating profits at branch office operations outside Sweden went
  up by 29% and in the Swedish branch office operations by 3%
* Income in the Swedish branch office operations went up by 6% while
  expenses increased by 1%
* Net interest income went up by 3% in the Swedish branch office
* The Bank opened twelve (four) new branches

The Group


Profits were SEK 8.5bn - net interest income and net commission
income continued to increase
The operating profit was SEK 8,479m (9,130). Net interest income went
up by 3% to SEK 7,793m (7,550). It went up both in the Swedish
operations - an increase of 2% - and in the branch office operations
outside Sweden - an increase of 15%. The average volume of lending in
the Group climbed by 13.3%. Net fee and commission income rose by 11%
to SEK 4,581m (4,135). Despite this, profits went down, which is
mainly due to the fact that last year's profits included a positive
effect in the insurance operations regarding the change in the
deferred capital contribution, including hedges, of SEK 1,402m. The
same item this year was SEK -58m. Expenses were unchanged and
recoveries exceeded loan losses.

Return on shareholders' equity was 20.0% (23.4) and the C/I ratio was
44.1% (42.3). Earnings per share were SEK 10.47 (11.29).

Sharp increase in volumes and strong income trend
The Group's total income was SEK 14,936m (15,579).

Net interest income rose by almost SEK 250m. In the Swedish branch
operations, it increased by 2% to SEK 5,703m (5,576) and in the
branch office operations out-side Sweden by 15% to SEK 1,939m
(1,686). Net interest income in the Swedish operations was negatively
affected by SEK 103m. This was due to the remaining effects in
connection with previous repurchases of bonds. The increase in net
interest income was mainly due to larger business volumes and higher
deposit margins. Loans to the public went up by 10.3% to SEK 858bn in
Sweden and in the branch office operations outside Sweden by 23.0% to
SEK 292bn. The equivalent figures for deposit volumes were increases
of 6.4% and 7.5% to SEK 286bn and 153bn respectively. In Sweden,
deposits from households went up by almost 16% and in the branch
operations outside Sweden by 9.5%.

Net commission income was SEK 4,581m (4,135), an increase of 11%.
Most types of commission income increased. Insurance commissions
represented the largest increase in terms of value, rising by 26% to
SEK 886m (702). Card commissions went up by 16%, while the net figure
after commission expenses for the card operations went up by 21% to
over SEK 350m. Commissions for advisory services represented the
highest rate of increase: 132% to SEK 181m (78).

Net gains/losses on financial items at fair value went down to SEK
1,998m (3,177). In the corresponding period last year, income of SEK
269m was included which arose when eliminating holdings of the Bank's
own securities. There was no corresponding income in the current
period. In the first half of 2006, the insurance operations also had
income of SEK 1,402m relating to the change in the deferred capital
contribution including hedges. In 2007, these items were SEK -58m.
From the second half of 2006, the Bank has hedged itself against the
impact of changes in the deferred capital contribution due to changes
in interest rates and share prices.

Capital gains from the sale of shares in the "Available for sale"
portfolio were SEK 487m (163). Trading income went down to SEK 1,394m
(1,610). The decrease was mainly due to lower income, mainly in fixed
income and foreign exchange trading and from structured products.

Expenses unchanged
Expenses were unchanged at SEK 6,593m (6,582). Staff costs went down
by SEK 180m and other administrative expenses went up by
approximately the same amount. The reduced staff costs were primarily
due to a lower provision for performance-related remuneration, the
figure being SEK 262m (367). The provision for a possible allocation
to the Oktogonen profit-sharing foundation was also reduced to SEK
126m (374), of which SEK 49m related to an adjustment for the amount
for 2006. Together these items reduced staff costs by SEK 353m
compared with the same period in the previous year. The costs of
expanding operations outside Sweden, which are mainly staff costs,
were SEK 130m (99). The number of employees in the Group rose to
10,684 (10,058).

Recoveries exceeded loan losses
Recoveries exceeded gross loan losses and net recoveries totalled SEK
135m (132). The net loan loss ratio was SEK -0.02% (-0.02). Net bad
debts were SEK 898m, a decrease from SEK 1,209m. The proportion of
bad debts was 0.07% (0.11) of lending.

Q2 2007 COMPARED WITH Q1 2007

Operating profits increased by 20%
The operating profit was SEK 4,620m (3,859).
The most important income categories increase and income rose by 16%
overall, while expenses increased by 11%. Return on shareholders'
equity was 22.7% (17.1) and the C/I ratio was 43.2% (45.2). Earnings
per share were SEK 6.00 (4.48).

Net interest income continued to increase
Net interest income continued to increase in the branch office
operations, both in Sweden and outside Sweden. Net interest income in
the Swedish branch operations went up by 3% to SEK 2,888m (2,815) and
in the branch office operations outside Sweden by 4% to SEK 989m
(950). Both in Sweden and elsewhere, net interest income was boosted
by higher business volumes. In Sweden, the average volume of lending
increased by 2.5%. There was an increase in both mortgage loans to
households and bank loans to companies. Household deposits increased
by 7.1% to SEK 119bn (111). In the branch operations outside Sweden,
lending volumes continued to grow and totalled SEK 301bn (283), an
increase of almost 7%.

Net fee and commission income went up by 7% to SEK 2,368m (2,213) and
commissions for advisory services increased by SEK 109m to SEK 145m.
Otherwise, commissions for loans and deposits and mutual fund
commissions represented the largest increase. Lending and deposit
commissions increased by 13% to SEK 220m (195) and mutual fund
commissions by 8% to SEK 610m (567). Insurance commissions fell to
SEK 436m (450), mainly due to a lower yield split.

Net financial items at fair value increased between the quarters by
SEK 642m to SEK 1,320m. The increase is mainly due to capital gains
on sales of equities and the impact of changes in the deferred
capital contribution and hedges linked to this which protect the Bank
from changes in the profit/loss. These items are attributable for SEK
595m of the difference between the quarters.

Expenses rose by 11% between the quarters to SEK 3,468m (3,125).
Staff costs increased by SEK 315m, while other administrative
expenses grew by SEK 27m. The increase in costs is mainly due to
allocations for performance-related remuneration and a provision for
a possible allocation to the Oktogonen profit-sharing foundation
increasing between the quarters by SEK 302m. Excluding these,
expenses increased by approximately 1%.

Recoveries exceeded loan losses
Recoveries exceeded gross loan losses and net recoveries totalled SEK
65m (70). The net loan loss ratio was SEK -0.02% (-0.02). Net bad
debts were SEK 898m, a decrease from SEK 937m. The proportion of bad
debts was 0.07% (0.07) of lending. The change between the quarters
was due to large recoveries in the Danish operations, coupled with a
few provisions for probable loan losses.


Branch office operations in Sweden
Between the quarters, branch office operations in Sweden boosted
their profits by 9% before loan losses. After loan losses, profits
rose by 3% to SEK 2,572m (2,487). Income increased by 6% and expenses
by 1%. Continued strong growth in volumes, commissions remaining at a
high level, mainly driven by a strong capital market, and control of
costs lay the foundation for a continued positive trend for profits.
Margins continued to be under pressure in the mortgage loan market.

Time and motion studies at branches were carried out indicating
improvements in productivity corresponding to around 150 full-time

A branch was opened in Gnesta during the quarter, bringing the number
of branches in Sweden to 459.

Handelsbanken Finans experienced a large inflow of leasing business.
The number of outstanding Allkort charge cards has doubled in three
years and exceeded 200,000 cards. During the first half of the year,
the Bank started replacing customers' ATM cards with a Frikort card.
As well as replacing the old Bankomat ATM card, this card also gives
the customer the opportunity to use it as a debit card for shopping.
As at 30 June 2007, there were 90,000 Frikort cards and the new card
will have a positive impact on the Bank's profits.

Branch office operations outside Sweden
Operating profit increased by 29% compared to the previous quarter
and by 41% compared to the equivalent period in the previous year.
The operating profit for the quarter was SEK 837m compared with SEK
648m for the previous quarter. Lending volumes increased by two-digit
figures in all four regional banks and also at Handelsbanken
International. At Handelsbanken International, Germany and Luxembourg
showed the largest increases.

In Great Britain, operations continued their rapid expansion. Four
new branches were opened and eleven new branch managers were
recruited to future new branches. Lending volumes rose by almost 56%
between the two years and operating profit rose by 52% to SEK 129m

In Denmark, another branch was opened in Aalborg. Lending volumes
increased, not least in the form of increased volumes for "Priority
Loans" (prioritetslån), Handelsbanken's mortgage loan product on the
Danish market.

In Finland, two equity-linked bonds were issued, a number of major
leasing transactions were carried out and Handelsbanken continued to
take market shares on the Finnish mortgage loan market. Six new
branches were opened during the quarter. Operating profits in Finland
were SEK 273m, an increase of 19% compared with the corresponding
period last year.

In Norway too, business volumes increased: lending rose by just over
26% and deposits by 19%. Operating profits were SEK 518m, an increase
of 6% compared with same period of the previous year. Deposit margins
continued to improve and an equity-linked bond was issued, the
largest so far in Norway. No new branches were opened during the
quarter, but managers were recruited for future branches in
Lillehammar, Bodø and Kongsberg.

Handelsbanken Capital Markets
Capital Markets' operating profit went up by 30% during the second
quarter compared to the previous quarter. Profits were SEK 362m
(279). The flow of business was strong. The Bank participated in
three IPOs, a number of syndications, of which one was the largest
ever in the Nordic countries and a record number of issues of
structured products. Equities operations performed well and an
increasingly large proportion of Capital Markets' brokerage income
was generated through trading with international customers.

Handelsbanken Asset Management
Operating profits went up by 5% compared to the previous quarter and
were SEK 219m (208). Mutual fund assets being managed were SEK 239bn
compared with SEK 193bn one year ago. Morningstar, an independent
rating agency, lifted two more of the Bank's funds into the top
category with 5 stars. The management results in the mutual funds
were generally very good. Discretionary operations also increased in
size, as a result of value increases and acquisition of new

Handelsbanken Pensions & Insurance
Handelsbanken Pensions & Insurance's operating profits during the
second quarter were SEK 270m as compared to SEK 186m for the first
quarter of the year. During the second quarter, one of the largest
individual occupational pensions transactions in the Swedish
insurance business was carried totalling SEK 7.7bn. Annual premiums
linked to this transaction are estimated at around SEK 200m. Sales of
both endowment insurance and healthcare guarantees increased by over
50%. On 1 July, the new collectively-agreed ITP pensions plans came
into force but already this spring SPP could offer companies without
collective agreements plans similar to ITP. These are available for
both defined-benefit and defined-contribution plans.


The Bank has decided to step up the pace of its organic growth
outside Sweden and aims to open 30-40 new branches in the branch
operations outside Sweden during this year. Fourteen branches were
opened during the first six months of the year and another 20 branch
managers were recruited for future new branches. It is planned that
as soon as possible they will be receiving customers at their new

The proportion of the Bank's operating profit generated from
operations outside Sweden was 20%. Some 25% of the Group's lending to
the public is in the branch operations outside Sweden and 47% of the
increase in lending between the quarters was generated in the
non-Swedish branch operations.


Starting on 1 February 2007, the Bank reports the capital requirement
and capital base in accordance with the Basel II rules. The changed
capital requirements have a gradual impact since the transitional
rules allow for an adaptation over a period of three years and in the
first year, the Bank is only allowed to include 5% as a reduction.

Tier 1 capital rose to SEK 63.9bn. SEK 6.8bn of the Tier 1 capital
was Tier 1 hybrid capital. Calculated according to the transitional
rules, the Bank's capital ratio was 10.0%, while the Tier 1 capital
ratio was 7.0%. If no transitional rules had applied, the statutory
capital requirement would have been reduced by 41% compared to the
requirement in accordance with Basel I.

In June 2007, the Bank issued a subordinated loan of almost SEK 1.4bn
classified as a Tier 1 hybrid capital. The issue has a structure that
offers great flexibility for the Bank's future capital planning since
it can be repaid after six years. All else being equal, the issue
increased the Bank's Tier 1 capital by 0.15 percentage points.

At the AGM in April 2007, the Bank's board received a mandate to
repurchase 40 million shares during the period until the 2008 AGM. On
24 April 2007, repurchases started pursuant to this decision and
during the second quarter 4,830,000 Class A shares were repurchased.

At the AGM, it was also resolved to cancel the 20.7 million shares
that the Bank had repurchased since the 2006 AGM. As at 14 May 2007,
20,427,300 Class A shares and 305,500 Class B shares were cancelled.

After cancellation and repurchases, there were 620.5 million
outstanding shares.


Handelsbanken's long-term rating was unchanged with all three rating
agencies which rate the Bank. Moody's rating for the Bank was Aa1 and
from Fitch and Standard & Poor's AA-.


The accounts comply with the IASB's accounting standards adopted by
the EU, the Annual Accounts Act for Credit Institutions and
Securities Companies and accounting directives issued by the Swedish
Financial Supervisory Authority.

Net interest income has changed between the Other  segment and the
Swedish branch office operations segment. The change refers only to
an allocation between the segments and does not affect the Group's
net interest income. This change was made retroactively and the
amount in question is SEK 116m for 2006. (SEK 28m for Q1, SEK 29m for
Q2, SEK 29m for Q3, SEK 30m for Q4). A change was also made in Q1
2007 amounting to SEK 15m. Net interest income is lower in the
Swedish branch office operations segment and higher in the "Other"

From 1 January 2007, the full yield split in the insurance operations
is reported under Insurance in Net fee and commission income. The
figures for 2006 have therefore been adjusted by SEK -276m in Net fee
and commission income and SEK +276m in Net gains/losses on financial
items at fair value.

For further information please contact:

Pär Boman, Group Chief
Executive                                               Bengt Ragnå,
Head of Investor Relations
phone: +46 (0)8 - 22 92 20, pabo01@handelsbanken.se           phone:
+46 (0)8 - 701 1216, bera02@handelsbanken.se

Ulf Riese, Chief Financial Officer
phone: +46 (0)8 - 701 1212, ulri02@handelsbanken.se

The full report including tables can be downloaded from the attached


Interim report January - June 2007