Codan A/S, delisting with effect from 31 July 2007

|                                      |              Copenhagen, 18 July 2007 |
Codan A/S - delisting                                                           

Codan A/S will be delisted with effect from 31 July 2007. Thus, the last day of 
listing will be 
30 July 2007.                                                                   

| ISIN                      | Name in Official List                            |
| DK0010288638              | Codan                                            |

The delisting is due to the fact that RSA Overseas Holding B.V. together with   
the Board of Codan A/S have decided to make a compulsory redemption of the      
minority shareholders in the company in pursuance of section 20b of the Danish  
Companies Act. The four week period during which the minority shareholders may  
transfer their shares in pursuance of the notification of compulsory redemption 
will end on 30 July 2007.                                                       

For further information, please see announcements from the company, including   
announcement of                                                                 
9 July 2007.                                                                    

GENERAL INFORMATION                                                             

| Name:                              | Codan A/S                               |
| Listed share capital (of DKK 20):  | DKK 904,226,000                         |
| CBR No.:                           | 10 52 96 38                             |
| Short name:                        | 40301040                                |
| GICS:                              | CODAN                                   |
| Type:                              | 22                                      |

For further information, please contact: Simon Søberg Jørgensen, Surveillance,  
tel. +45 33 93 33 66


codan - slet - uk.pdf