- Increased its capital

In June 2007 JSC “NORVIK BANKA” registered the increased capital - LVL 30 499
928.00 (EUR 43 397 487.00) in the Commercial Register of Enterprises of the
Republic of Latvia. Previously capital of the Bank amounted to LVL 22 499
928.00 (EUR 32 014 513.00). 

JSC “NORVIK BANKA” operates as a reliable partner of a client, providing
high-quality services. The Bank guarantees individual, innovatory approach to
each client with a view to improve his/her financial well-being. More detailed
information on JSC “NORVIK BANKA” is available at: www.norvik.lv. 

This news is available at NORVIK's web-site:  http://www.norvik.lv/en/bank/news/