Interim report for the six months ended 30 June 2007

Interim report for the six months ended 30 June 2007

- Second quarter revenue rose by 13 per cent year-over-year at fixed exchange
rates and the operating profit was SEK 381 M (286). 
- Operating margin for the second quarter was 25.3 per cent (21.0).
- Revenue for the six-month period rose by 12 per cent at fixed exchange rates
to SEK 3,017 M (2,776).
- Profit after tax for the six-month period was SEK 530 M (425).
- Earnings per share for the first half of the year were SEK 3.64 (2.92).

Comments from the CEO
Continued strong growth and improved profit 
“In the second quarter of 2007, Seco Tools delivered continued strong growth and
an improved profit. A wider market penetration continued during the six-month
period. The growth trend across all market regions was sustained. The largest
region, Western Europe, showed robust development with a double-digit rise in
revenue. Central and Eastern Europe, Asia and South America also continued to
perform well in the second quarter. As at the beginning of the year, growth in
North America was stably positive but somewhat lower than in the previous year.
On the whole, we see no indication of slowing in demand.

The period's brisk revenue growth, combined with high capacity utilisation, a
stable price scenario and continuous rationalisation measures, generated
excellent earnings for the second quarter and the entire first half of the year.
The profit margin thus reached 25.3 per cent for both the quarter and the period
as a whole. The operating profit for the interim period strengthened by 24 per
cent over the year-earlier period and with 13 per cent excluding restructuring
charges for the plant closure in Warren, USA. Return on both capital employed
and equity held steady at very solid levels”.

For additional information contact Kai Wärn, President and CEO, telephone +46
(0) 223-401 10 or Patrik Johnson, CFO, telephone +46 (0) 223-401 20. E-mail can
be sent to 

Previously published financial information can be found under “Investor
Relations & Corporate Governance” on the Seco Tools website (
Seco Tools AB's corporate registration number is 556071-1060 and the company's
address is Seco Tools AB, SE-737 82 Fagersta, Sweden. The telephone number to
the Group head office is +46 (0) 223-400 00.

