Geveko AB: Interim report January - June 2007


  * The consolidated result after tax for the January-June period was
    a profit of SKr 21.7 million (loss 9.1). The result for Q2 2007
    was a profit of SKr 46.9 (loss 23.4).

  * Earnings per share for the January-June period amounted to SKr
    5.10 (loss 1.05). Earnings per share for the second quarter of
    2007 amounted to SKr 10.75 (loss 4.70).

  * The result of Management of Securities was a profit of SKr 42.1
    million (23.8), of which changes in value accounted for SKr 31.1
    million (13.7). The result for Q2 2007 was a profit of SKr 18.6
    million (loss 34.3).

  * Industrial Operations' turnover amounted to SKr 436.5 million
    (388.6). Turnover in Q2 2007 amounted to SKr 346.1 million

  * Industrial Operations' operating result, which tends to be weak
    during the first half-year owing to seasonal factors, was a loss
    of SKr 5.2 million (loss 28.8). The operating profit for Q2 2007
    amounted to SKr 47.3 million (27.5).

  * Industrial Operations' operating profit for 2007 as a whole is
    expected to be better than in 2006, when it was SKr 38.6 million.

  * The return on Geveko's Series "B" shares for the January-June
    2007 period, including dividends paid and redemption of shares,
    was 32%. The SIX Return Index rose by 13% during the same period.

  * During the first half of 2007, by way of dividend and redemption
    of shares, SKr 86 per share was repaid to Geveko's shareholders.

After the end of the period
At the beginning of July two Polish road marking companies  - Technom
and GIK - with an aggregate turnover of some SKr 46 million in 2006,
were acquired. The companies will be integrated with Cleanosol's
business in Poland.

Forthcoming information, 2007-2008
Interim report, January-September             26 October 2007
Year-end release 2007                              25 February 2008
Annual Report 2007                                  April 2008
Interim Report, January-March 2008           24 April 2008
Annual General Meeting 2008                    24 April 2008

AB GEVEKO (publ) co. reg. no.: 556024-6844
Box 2137, S-403 13 Göteborg, Sweden. +46 31 172945

The full report with tables can be downloaded from the following


Interim Report January-June 2007