The City of Hawthorne Issues Statement Regarding Grand Jury Indictment

HAWTHORNE, Calif., July 25, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Jag Pathirana, City Manager of the City of Hawthorne, California today issued the following statement regarding the Grand Jury indictment of Councilman Louis Velez:

"We are shocked and saddened by the indictment today of Hawthorne Councilmember Louis Velez. This is a horrible day for Councilmember Velez, his family and the community of Hawthorne.

"We understand that the indictment stems from an alleged conflict of interest issue. We have confidence in the legal system, and when all is said and done, it is our sincere belief that he will be exonerated. Councilmember Velez is fully entitled to the presumption of innocence, as indictments indicate nothing about the guilt or innocence of anyone.

"Councilmember Velez rented his family residence from a local developer who later had projects come before the City Council. His rental terms were and are consistent with the current rental market value. Councilmember Velez has fully cooperated with the District Attorney's office and has provided them with evidence that he paid his rent in full monthly.

"Before voting on the developer's projects or otherwise participating in the city's review of the developer's proposal, Councilmember Velez explained his rental relationship to legal counsel and to the Fair Political Practices Commission. Councilmember Velez was told that there were no legal obstacles to his participation in city deliberations concerning the developer's proposals.

"Those of us who work with him know that he is a dedicated public servant who has worked diligently to serve the people of Hawthorne. In 2003 Councilmember Velez was elected to the City Council as one of its youngest members. Prior to that, he served on the city's Civil Service Commission from 2001 - 2003.

"Fellow council members hold Councilmember Velez in such high esteem that in January, 2007, his colleagues unanimously elected him Mayor Pro Tem. He works tirelessly to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Hawthorne through aggressive code enforcement activities, graffiti removal and community clean-up projects. He has been instrumental in attracting new and vibrant businesses to Hawthorne to create jobs for its residents as well as to increase the City's tax base.

"Councilmember Velez spearheaded the lease of the Hawthorne Airport in an effort to revitalize and modernize the aging facilities and to make it a viable and competitive airport in the South Bay. He is an active member of a local volunteer organization that assists members of the community in need. His employment with the Hawthorne School District has enabled him to oversee renovation of existing schools and the construction of new schools for the children of Hawthorne.

"The residents of Hawthorne should know that we stand behind Councilmember Louis Velez 100 percent. We look forward to helping him through this difficult period and I urge my fellow residents of Hawthorne to lend their support to this good man."

Note to editors: Because this is a legal matter, the City will not be giving any interviews regarding this matter at this time.



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