Interim Report January-June 2007

Metsäliitto Group Interim Report January-June 2007 July 26, 2007

Metsäliitto Group's operating profit excluding non-recurring items
EUR 178 million in the first half of the year

Result for the first six months of 2007

  * Sales EUR 4,426 million (EUR 4,672 million). Sales were 5 per
    cent down on the previous year due to divested and discontinued
    businesses. Comparable sales grew by 6 per cent.
  * Operating profit excluding non-recurring items EUR 178 million
    (EUR 108 million) and including non-recurring items EUR 105
    million (EUR 71 million).
  * Result before tax and excluding non-recurring items EUR 66
    million (EUR 22 million).

Result for the second quarter of 2007

  * Sales EUR 2,182 million (EUR 2,314 million).
  * Operating profit excluding non-recurring items EUR 81 million
    (EUR 26 million) and including non-recurring items EUR 70 million
    (EUR -11 million).
  * Result before tax and excluding non-recurring items EUR 34
    million (EUR -23 million).

Events during the second quarter of 2007

  * M-real sold its carton plants in Finland and Hungary in May-June.
    The debt-free price of the deals was approximately EUR 35
    million. M-real booked a loss of approximately EUR 2 million in
    its result for the second quarter from the deals.
  * The statutory negotiations related to the programme to improve
    profitability of
    M-real's operations in Finland were completed. The total
    reduction in person work years due to the programme will be
    approximately 600.
  * The construction of a birch plywood processing line was begun in
    Suolahti. The line will start up at the beginning of 2008."The results of the hard work done in Metsäliitto Group for reversing
the performance trend are beginning to show and this is also
reflected in the result figures for the first half of the year.
Meanwhile, the forest industry's operating conditions have become
more difficult due to the scarcity of wood raw material and therefore
the persistent work towards improved profitability must continue. The
sale of Map Merchant to be implemented towards the end of the year
will considerably improve M-real's financial standing and thus create
a more solid basis for the company's further development."
Kari Jordan, President and CEO, Metsäliitto Group

Metsäliitto is the eigth largest forest industry group in the world
with sales of EUR 8.5 billion and 25,000 employees. Its five business
areas include wood supply, wood products industry, pulp, paper and
board, and tissue and cooking papers. The Group's parent company
Metsäliitto Cooperative and subsidiaries Metsä-Botnia, M-real and
Metsä Tissue operate in 30 countries.

Metsäliitto Group

| Income statement     |   2007 |   2006 |   2007 |   2006 |   2006 |
| (EUR mill.)          |    1-6 |    1-6 |     Q2 |     Q2 |   1-12 |
| Sales                |  4 426 |  4 672 |  2 182 |  2 314 |  9 271 |
| Other operating      |     63 |     89 |     39 |     43 |    175 |
| income               |        |        |        |        |        |
| Operating expenses   | -4 135 | -4 441 | -2 034 | -2 249 | -8 761 |
| Depreciation and     |   -249 |   -249 |   -117 |   -119 |   -707 |
| impairment losses    |        |        |        |        |        |
| Operating profit     |    105 |     71 |     70 |    -11 |    -22 |
| Share of results in  |      3 |      2 |      1 |      2 |      6 |
| associates           |        |        |        |        |        |
| Net exchange gains   |     -3 |      2 |      2 |     -6 |      6 |
| / losses             |        |        |        |        |        |
| Other financial      |   -111 |    -91 |    -49 |    -45 |   -212 |
|  income              |        |        |        |        |        |
| & expenses           |        |        |        |        |        |
| Result before tax    |     -6 |    -16 |     24 |    -60 |   -222 |
| Income tax           |    -48 |    -25 |    -29 |     -1 |    -37 |
| Result for the       |    -54 |    -41 |     -5 |    -61 |   -259 |
| period               |        |        |        |        |        |

Metsäliitto Group

| Key figures          |   2007 |   2006 |   2007 |   2006 |   2006 |
|                      |    1-6 |    1-6 |     Q2 |     Q2 |   1-12 |
| Return on capital    |    3.9 |    2.6 |    5.1 |   -0.2 |    0.1 |
| employed, %          |        |        |        |        |        |
| - " -, excluding     |    6.2 |    3.7 |    5.8 |    2.0 |    4.4 |
|  non-recurring items |        |        |        |        |        |
| Return on equity, %  |   -4.7 |   -3.1 |   -0.8 |   -9.3 |  -10.3 |
| - " -, excluding     |    1.6 |   -0.3 |    1.1 |   -3.6 |    0.7 |
| non-recurring items  |        |        |        |        |        |
| Equity ratio, %      |   27.6 |   29.7 |   27.6 |   29.7 |   28.0 |
| Net gearing ratio, % |    161 |    148 |    161 |    148 |    150 |
| Interest-bearing net |  3 647 |  3 870 |  3 647 |  3 870 |  3 527 |
| liabilities, EUR     |        |        |        |        |        |
| mill.                |        |        |        |        |        |
| Capital expenditure, |    194 |    389 |     98 |    221 |    744 |
| EUR mill.            |        |        |        |        |        |
| Personnel at end     | 24 523 | 30 115 | 24 523 | 30 115 | 25 007 |
| of period            |        |        |        |        |        |

Business areas

| Sales and      |  Wood  |   Wood   | Pulp *)  |  Paper   | Tissue |
| Operating      | Supply |   Pro-   | Industry |   and    |  and   |
| profit         |        |  ducts   |          |   Bo-    |  Coo-  |
| 1-6/2007       |        | Industry |          |   ard    |  king  |
| (EUR mill.)    |        |          |          | Industry | Papers |
| Sales          |    815 |      740 |      682 |    2 792 |    421 |
| Other          |      8 |        5 |        9 |      183 |      4 |
| operating      |        |          |          |          |        |
| income         |        |          |          |          |        |
| Operating      |   -798 |     -654 |     -539 |   -2 701 |   -338 |
| expenses       |        |          |          |          |        |
| Depreciation & |     -3 |      -23 |      -51 |     -179 |    -73 |
| impairment     |        |          |          |          |        |
| losses         |        |          |          |          |        |
| Operating      |     22 |       68 |      101 |       95 |     14 |
| profit         |        |          |          |          |        |

*) Represents 100%. The Metsäliitto Group consolidates 53% of the
Pulp Industry's figures.

The Interim Report is unaudited

1 January - 30 June 2007

Sales and result
Metsäliitto Group's sales for January-June were EUR 4,426 million
(4,672). As a result of divestments and capacity closures, sales fell
by 5 per cent from the corresponding period last year. Comparable
sales grew by 6 per cent.

Operating profit excluding non-recurring items was EUR 178 million
(108). Non-recurring items totalled EUR -73 million (-37), of which
EUR -62 million (0) were booked during the first quarter of the year.
During the second quarter, non-recurring items came to EUR -11
million net, the majority consisting of cost provisions related to
M-real's restructuring programme. In addition, the non-recurring
items include costs incurred from divestments and capacity closures
of approximately EUR -3 million and sales gains on fixed assets of
approximately EUR 4 million.

Operating profit including non-recurring items was EUR 105 million

Metsäliitto Group's net financial expenses were 2.5 per cent (1.8) of
sales in January-June. The increased financial expenses resulted from
the increase in the general interest level and the change in the
average interest on the loan portfolio. Financial income was EUR 25
million (15), income from associates was EUR 3 million (2) and
financial expenses were EUR 136 million (106). Net exchange
gains/losses booked in financial items were EUR -3 million (+2). At
the end of June, the exchange rate of the US-dollar against the Euro
was 6.2 per cent weaker and that of the pound sterling 2.6 per cent
stronger than at the end of June last year. On average, the dollar
weakened by 8.1 per cent and the pound strengthened by 1.8 per cent.

The result before tax and excluding non-recurring items was EUR 66
million (22) and including non-recurring items EUR -6 million (-16).
Taxes, including changes in deferred tax liability, were EUR -48
million (-25).
The result for the period was EUR -54 million (-41), of which EUR 29
million (14) was attributable to the owners of the parent company and
EUR -83 million (-55) to the minority.

The Group's return on capital employed was 3.9 per cent (2.6) and
return on equity was -4.7 per cent (-3.1). Excluding non-recurring
items, return on capital employed was 6.2 per cent (3.7) and return
on equity was 1.6 per cent (-0.3).

Balance sheet and financing
Metsäliitto Group's total liquidity at the end of June was EUR 1.6
billion (31 December 2006: 2.0). Of this, 0.2 billion (0.2) was in
terms of liquid assets and investments, and 1.4 billion (1.4) in
binding credit facility agreements not included in the balance sheet.
In addition, the Group can satisfy short-term financial needs with
non-binding commercial paper schemes in Finland and abroad as well as
credit lines amounting to approximately EUR 0.6 billion.

The Group's equity ratio was 27.6 per cent in June and net gearing
ratio was 161 per cent (31 December 2006: 28.0% and 150%,
respectively). Interest-bearing net liabilities was EUR 3,647 million
(31 December 2006: 3,527).The equity ratio of the parent company,
Metsäliitto Cooperative, was 56.0 per cent at the end of the period
under review and gearing ratio 40 per cent (31 December 2006: 51.7%
and 23%, respectively).

Metsäliitto Cooperative's members' capital grew by EUR 9.7 million
net in January-June. The actual members' capital grew by EUR 6.2
million, the additional members' capital A grew by EUR 3.6 million
and the additional members' capital B decreased by EUR 0.1 million.
Metsäliitto Cooperative had 130,902 members at the end of June (31
December 2006: 131,139).

At its meeting on 24 April 2007, Metsäliitto Cooperative's
Representative Council decided to pay interest of 6.0 per cent (6.5)
on the members' capital, 5.0 per cent (5.5) on the additional
member's capital A and 3.5 per cent (4.0) on the additional members'
capital B. The interest on member's capital paid for 2006 totalled
EUR 36.2 million (37.4).

Metsäliitto Group employed an average of 24,551 people (29,359)
during the period under review. The reduction in the number of
personnel resulted from divestments and restructuring. The number of
personnel was 24,523 (30,115) at the end of June. The parent company,
Metsäliitto Cooperative, employed 3,453 people (3,404) at the end of
the period.

Metsäliitto Cooperative is reforming the organisation of Wood Supply
in Finland. According to the plans, the area organisation as it
exists in its present form will be abolished while wood supply
districts will be reinforced. The aim of the reform is to simplify
and streamline the organisation and secure the supply of wood raw
material for the production plants competitively. The new
organisation will be implemented from 1 January 2008.

Investments, corporate/share acquisitions and divestments
Metsäliitto Group's capital expenditure and corporate acquisitions
totalled EUR 194 million (389). The share of Metsä-Botnia's total
investments corresponding to Metsäliitto's holding was EUR 127
million (122) in January-June.

Capital expenditure
The bleaching alteration investment at Metsä-Botnia's Rauma mill was
introduced in June. The aim of the investment is to improve the
quality characteristics of pulp, enhance cost-efficiency and increase
the mill's production capacity.

Corporate/share divestments
On 31 May 2007, M-real sold the entire share capital of its
subsidiary Tako Carton Plant Ltd to Pyroll Oy. At the beginning of
June, M-real sold the entire share capital of its subsidiary Petöfi
Nyomda Kft to the German STI Group. The aggregate debt-free selling
price of these carton plants, located in Finland and Hungary, was
approximately EUR 35 million. As a result of these divestments,
M-real booked a loss of approximately EUR 2 million in its result for
the second quarter.

Metsäliitto Cooperative sold 18.3 per cent of Neomarkka plc's shares
to Neomarkka's main owner, Reka Corporation. The selling price was
EUR 10.45 million and the sales gain for the deal approximately EUR
0.6 million.

Pulp mill project in Uruguay
Metsä-Botnia's Uruguay pulp mill investment is progressing as
planned, and the mill will be ready for start-up in September. The
project employed approximately 4,700 people for the construction
stage in June. The training and orientation programmes for the
process workers at the mill are continuing.
Forestal Oriental S.A., Metsä-Botnia's subsidiary, continues to
expand its planting and harvesting capacity. The company owns about
160,000 hectares of land, of which 60 per cent is cultivated or

Business areas

Wood Supply
Wood Supply sales were EUR 815 million (740) in January-June, and
operating profit came to EUR 22 million (23). Operating profit
includes sales gains on fixed assets of EUR 2 million (4). Wood
Supply Finland accounted for EUR 578 million (589) of the sales and
EUR 14 million (13) of the operating profit.
In Finland, wood trade had a brisk start early in the year and the
purchase volume of the forest industry from private forests grew to
27.5 million cubic metres in January-June, which is about 13 million
cubic metres more than the corresponding figure for last year.

In January-June, wood purchasing outperformed plans and Metsäliitto's
market share was normal. Prices have been rising steeply for nearly
all wood assortments. At the beginning of April, Metsäliitto launched
a campaign to promote thinning in the summer. Metsäliitto's
purchasing target for 2007 is more than 17 million cubic metres.
In Russia, the competition for wood was hard, and the warm weather
hampered wood supply more than in other regions. Russia's
announcement to raise export duties caused a disturbance in the
already tight market. In January-June, Metsäliitto's imports from
Russia to Finland amounted to 0.9 million cubic metres (1.3).
In the Baltic countries, the wood market overheated in the spring and
the price level rose drastically. In Central Europe, storm damage
gave a boost to the wood market and the mild winter weather relieved
the pressure on prices generated by fuel wood supply.

In the Baltic Sea region, winter was nearly a third shorter than
normal, and deliveries to mills in Finland and Sweden did not reach
the planned level. Sufficient quantities of wood were supplied to the
mills, but special arrangements had to be resorted to in production
by advancing maintenance shutdowns, among others things. Deliveries
to the mills totalled 18.8 million cubic metres in the entire
operating area during the first half of the year.

Wood Products
Metsäliitto Wood Products Industry's sales stood at EUR 740 million
(1,065), and operating profit was EUR 68 million (40). The decrease
in sales is due to divestments, particularly the divestment of
Moelven Industrier ASA, whose sales in the corresponding period last
year amounted to slightly more than EUR 400 million. Wood Products
Industry's comparable sales increased by 17 per cent during the
period under review.
The demand for wood products is still at a good level and price
increases have continued in all product groups. The Industry's
current challenges are related to the availability of logs and their
price, which has risen considerably in Finland and elsewhere in
Europe. The actual increase in log purchase prices does not yet show
in full in the result for the first half of the year.

During the year the sales function of the plywood division were
reorganised in accordance with customer segments. The sales
organisation of the Sawmilling and Upgrading was also reformed.
The construction of a new birch plywood upgrading unit in Suolahti
has begun. At the Boston mill in UK, the decision was made to invest
in the renewal of the processing line to improve efficiency. In
addition, a number of investments related to further processing of
sawn timber are being prepared in Finland and abroad.

Pulp Industry's sales stood at EUR 682 million (611), and operating
profit was EUR 101 million (89). The improvement of sales and
operating profit compared with the corresponding period last year
resulted from a positive price development for pulp.

Foreign-currency-denominated market prices for softwood pulp were, on
average, 20 per cent higher in the first half of the year compared
with the corresponding period last year. The average price of
hardwood pulp increased by 9 per cent. The result was negatively
affected by wood raw material price increases and the about 8 per
cent weakening of the dollar against the Euro.

The pulp market remained stable throughout the first half of the year
and demand was at a good level. Both manufacturers' and customers'
pulp stocks were at a normal level or below normal at the end of
June. New eucalyptus pulp capacity came on to the market from Chile
and Brazil. Towards the end of the year about 3.5 tonnes of
additional short-fibre capacity will enter the market, but its impact
will largely be seen in the first half of 2008.
M-real's result includes 30 per cent (Q2/06: 39%) of the Pulp
Industry's operating profit. In total, 53 per cent of the figures for
Pulp Industry are consolidated into Metsäliitto Group's financial

Paper and Board
Paper and Board Industry's sales totalled EUR 2,792 million (2,819),
and operating profit excluding non-recurring items was EUR 35 million
Operating profit was affected positively by the about 9 per cent
price increase for uncoated fine paper compared with last year's
corresponding period, the higher delivery volumes of folding boxboard
and the implemented cost-savings measures.

No significant changes took place in the market prices for coated
fine paper, but the market prices for coated magazine paper decreased
slightly. Due to the weakened dollar, the euro-denominated selling
price for folding boxboard was also lower than last year in

In addition to the weakened dollar, operating profit was negatively
affected by the higher pulpwood price and the long maintenance
shutdowns at the Alizay and Husum mills.
Net non-recurring items totalled EUR +60 million net (-54) in
January-June. M-real's first quarter operating result included a
non-recurring income of EUR 135 million from the sale of
Metsä-Botnia's shares to Metsäliitto Cooperative and a total of EUR
62 million as non-recurring expenses. The most important expense
items were the EUR 14 million and EUR 29 million cost provisions for
completing the closedown of mills at Sittingbourne and Wifsta,
respectively. In addition, EUR 16 million was entered as an
impairment loss. During the second quarter, M-real booked
non-recurring expenses to a total of EUR 13 million, of which EUR 11
million represented cost provisions and impairment losses related to
the programme to improve profitability of M-real's operations in
Finland and EUR 2 million represented losses on the sale of the
carton plants.

Operating profit including non-recurring items was EUR 95 million
(-40). Net interest and other financial expenses totalled EUR 75
million (59), income from associates was EUR -1 million (-1) and net
exchange gains/losses booked in financial items were EUR -3 (+5).

The result for the period before tax was EUR 16 million (-95),
earnings per share were EUR 0.01 (-0.30) and return on capital
employed was 4.6 per cent (-1.1). Excluding non-recurring items, the
result was EUR -44 million (-41), earnings per share were EUR -0.21
(-0.15) and return on capital employed was 2.0 per cent (1.1).
The equity ratio was 32.8 per cent at the end of June and net gearing
ratio was 117 per cent (31 December 2006: 30.9% and 126%,

Tissue and Cooking Papers
Tissue and Cooking Paper Industry's sales stood at EUR 421 million
(376), and operating profit was EUR 14 million (7). In January-June,
sales grew by about 12 per cent year on year. Growth was boosted by
the Tento a.s. tissue paper company acquired in Slovakia in the
spring of last year, the increase in selling prices and the good
development of own brands.

The rise in the price for the most important raw material, pulp,
resulted in additional expenses of more than EUR 5 million compared
with last year. Price increases and increased sales managed to
compensate for a large part of the negative effect of the more
expensive raw materials.
Sales are expected to continue developing positively over the next
few months.

M-real's action plan
In January 2007, M-real sold 9 per cent of Metsä-Botnia's shares to
Metsäliitto Cooperative for EUR 240 million, posting a gain of EUR
135 million. In addition, M-real sold the Tako and Petöfi carton
plants in May-June for a total of EUR 35 million.

The Meulemans carton plant selling process is continuing. The sale of
the paper merchant Map Merchant Group was announced at the beginning
of July. After the transaction has been finalised, M-real will have
sold asset items for about EUR 650 million, thus exceeding the set
target of EUR 500 million.
The Sittingbourne fine paper mill in UK was closed down at the end of
January. In Germany, the Gohrsmühle fine paper machines 6 and 7 were
closed down at the end of February. The Wifsta fine paper mill in
Sweden was closed down in July. Paperboard machine line 2 at the Tako
Board mill in Tampere will also be closed down by the end of July.

The statutory personnel negotiations related to the programme to
improve profitability of operations in Finland were completed. The
total reduction in personnel due to the programme will be about 500
person work years.
In addition, changes to posts and other enhancement measures were
agreed on so that the need for fixed-term and replacement labour will
be reduced by about 100 person work years. The actions decided on and
already implemented will achieve annual cost improvements of
approximately EUR 40 million in Finnish operations with full effect
from the beginning of 2009.

Events after the review period
At the beginning of July, M-real sold Map Merchant Group to Antalis,
a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sequana Capital. The total value of the
sale is EUR 382 million and M-real is expected to book a gain of
approximately EUR 80 million for the transaction. M-real's net
gearing ratio is estimated to decrease by 21 percentage points due to
the deal. The deal will also have a significant impact on the net
gearing ratio of the entire Metsäliitto Group. The deal is subject to
approval by the competition authorities and is likely to be finalised
in the third quarter. Map's sales were about EUR 1.4 billion in 2006
and it employs about 2,400 people.

In May, M-real announced that it would exercise its purchase option
for the gas combi power plant in Kyröskoski and the land on which the
Kyröskoski mills are located. The acquisition is worth approximately
EUR 13 million and was finalised on 1 July 2007.

Risks and uncertainties
Since the forward-looking statements in this interim report are based
on current plans, estimates and projections, they involve risks and
uncertainties which may cause actual results to differ from those
expressed in such forward-looking statements. Information regarding
the risk factors is presented in the Metsäliitto Group's Annual
Report 2006.

Outlook for the third quarter
Demand for wood in Finland is good for all wood assortments and the
price level is record high. Due to the low stock levels and the
difficulties in Russian deliveries, the supply of wood to the Group's
mills in the next quarter will be challenging, particularly in terms
of pulpwood.

Wood Products Industry's prospects for the near future are mainly
positive. Demand is expected to remain at a good level and product
prices are expected to continue rising

moderately. On the other hand, increased log prices will have a
negative effect on the result for the third quarter and particularly
the last quarter.

The availability of pulpwood and increasing prices, as well as the
weak US dollar, will burden pulp mill operations during the second
half of the year. However, thanks to the increase in pulp prices
during the first half of the year, the cost increases will not have a
significant impact on the result in the near future.
M-real has announced price increases for coated and uncoated fine
paper next autumn. The price for folding boxboard was successfully
raised in the second quarter and the aim is to make further
increases, depending on the market conditions. The decline in the
prices for coated magazine paper in Europe seems to have levelled off
and any opportunities for increasing prices will be utilised when the
market balance improves.
The operating result of Paper and Board Industry excluding
non-recurring items is expected to improve compared with the second

In the third quarter, Metsäliitto Group's profitability will be
burdened particularly by the increased prices for the raw materials
of Wood Products Industry. However, the Group's operating profit
excluding non-recurring items is anticipated to reach the level of
the second quarter.
Espoo, 26 July 2007
Metsäliitto Group
Board of Directors

For further information, please contact:
Ilkka Pitkänen, Group CFO, Metsäliitto Group, tel. +358 10 469 4260
Lauri Peltola, Group CCO, Metsäliitto Group, tel. +358 50 570 5606


| Income          |   2007 |   2006 |  Ch- |   2007 |  2006 |  2006 |
| statement       |    1-6 |    1-6 | ange |     Q2 |    Q2 |  1-12 |
| (EUR mill.)     |        |        |      |        |       |       |
| Sales           |  4 426 |  4 672 | -246 |  2 182 | 2 314 | 9 271 |
| Other operating |     63 |     89 |  -26 |     39 |    43 |   175 |
| income          |        |        |      |        |       |       |
| Materials and   | -2 892 | -2 897 |    5 | -1 443 |    -1 |    -6 |
| services        |        |        |      |        |   423 |   037 |
| Employee costs  |   -648 |   -744 |   96 |   -320 |  -383 |    -1 |
|                 |        |        |      |        |       |   451 |
| Other operating |   -595 |   -800 |  205 |   -271 |  -443 |    -1 |
| expenses        |        |        |      |        |       |   273 |
| Depreciation    |   -249 |   -249 |    0 |   -117 |  -119 |  -707 |
| and             |        |        |      |        |       |       |
|  impairment     |        |        |      |        |       |       |
| losses          |        |        |      |        |       |       |
| Operating       |    105 |     71 |   34 |     70 |   -11 |   -22 |
| profit          |        |        |      |        |       |       |
| Share of        |      3 |      2 |    1 |      1 |     2 |     6 |
| results         |        |        |      |        |       |       |
| in associates   |        |        |      |        |       |       |
| Net exchange    |     -3 |      2 |   -5 |      2 |    -6 |     6 |
| gains / losses  |        |        |      |        |       |       |
| Other financial |     25 |     14 |   11 |     19 |     6 |    23 |
| income          |        |        |      |        |       |       |
| Other financial |   -136 |   -105 |  -31 |    -68 |   -51 |  -235 |
| expenses        |        |        |      |        |       |       |
| Result before   |     -6 |    -16 |   10 |     24 |   -60 |  -222 |
| tax             |        |        |      |        |       |       |
| Income taxes    |    -48 |    -25 |  -23 |    -29 |    -1 |   -37 |
| Result for the  |    -54 |    -41 |  -13 |     -5 |   -61 |  -259 |
| period          |        |        |      |        |       |       |
|                 |        |        |      |        |       |       |
| Attributable to |        |        |      |        |       |       |
| Owners of       |     29 |     14 |   15 |     26 |    -2 |   -25 |
| parent          |        |        |      |        |       |       |
| company         |        |        |      |        |       |       |
| Minority        |    -83 |    -55 |  -28 |    -31 |   -59 |  -234 |
| interest        |        |        |      |        |       |       |
|                 |    -54 |    -41 |  -13 |     -5 |   -61 |  -259 |


|                                |  2007 |  2006 |   2006 |
| Balance sheet                  | 30.6. | 30.6. | 31.12. |
| ASSETS                         |       |       |        |
| Non-current assets             |       |       |        |
| Intangible assets              |   602 |   873 |    617 |
| Tangible assets                | 4 132 | 4 311 |  4 197 |
| Biological assets              |    77 |    61 |     71 |
| Shares in associated           |   191 |   201 |    197 |
| and other companies            |       |       |        |
| Interest-bearing receivables   |    38 |    56 |     52 |
| Deferred tax receivables       |    83 |    86 |     77 |
| Other non-interest-            |     6 |    10 |     13 |
| bearing receivables            |       |       |        |
|                                | 5 129 | 5 599 |  5 225 |
| Current assets                 |       |       |        |
| Inventories                    | 1 159 | 1 241 |  1 095 |
| Interest-bearing               |     7 |     8 |    145 |
| receivables                    |       |       |        |
| Non-interest-bearing           | 1 657 | 1 782 |  1 617 |
| receivables                    |       |       |        |
| Cash and cash                  |   227 |   179 |    246 |
| equivalents                    |       |       |        |
|                                | 3 050 | 3 211 |  3 103 |
|                                |       |       |        |
| Assets classified              |    32 |     0 |    103 |
| as held for sale               |       |       |        |
|                                |       |       |        |
| TOTAL                          | 8 211 | 8 810 |  8 431 |
|                                |       |       |        |
| MEMBERS' FUNDS                 |       |       |        |
| AND LIABILITIES                |       |       |        |
| Members' funds                 | 1 294 | 1 324 |  1 289 |
| Minority interest              |   965 | 1 288 |  1 064 |
| Total members' funds           | 2 259 | 2 613 |  2 353 |
|                                |       |       |        |
| Non-current liabilities        |       |       |        |
| Deferred tax liabilities       |   381 |   434 |    382 |
| Retirement benefit obligations |   233 |   264 |    238 |
| Provisions                     |    93 |    77 |     91 |
| Other non-interest-            |    60 |    77 |     56 |
| bearing liabilities            |       |       |        |
| Interest-bearing liabilities   | 3 328 | 3 503 |  3 455 |
|                                | 4 096 | 4 355 |  4 222 |
| Current liabilities            |       |       |        |
| Non-interest-                  | 1 256 | 1 232 |  1 314 |
| bearing liabilities            |       |       |        |
| Interest-bearing liabilities   |   589 |   610 |    512 |
|                                | 1 845 | 1 842 |  1 826 |
|                                |       |       |        |
| Total liabilities              | 5 941 | 6 197 |  6 048 |
|                                |       |       |        |
| Liabilities classified as      |    11 |     0 |     30 |
| held for sales                 |       |       |        |
|                                |       |       |        |
| TOTAL                          | 8 211 | 8 810 |  8 431 |

|Change in    |         |         |    Fair|   Trans-|       |        |       |
|members'     |         |    Share|   value|   lation|       |        |       |
|funds        |     Mem-|    prem-|     and|  differ-|  Reta-|    Min-|       |
|(EUR mill.)  |    bers'|      ium|   other|    ences|   ined|   ority|  Total|
|             |  capital|  reserve|   rese-|         |  earn-|  inter-|       |
|             |         |         |    rves|         |   ings|     est|       |
|Members'     |      558|       32|      42|        6|    690|   1 317|  2 646|
|funds        |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|1.1.2006     |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|Translation  |         |         |        |       -5|       |        |     -5|
|differences  |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|Dividends    |         |         |        |         |    -37|     -24|    -61|
|paid         |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|Increase in  |       15|         |      10|         |       |        |     25|
|members'     |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|capital      |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|Effects of   |         |         |        |         |       |        |      0|
|financial    |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|instruments  |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|Transfers    |         |         |       1|       -3|      2|        |      0|
|between      |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|items        |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|Change in    |         |         |        |         |       |      50|     50|
|minority     |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
| interest    |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|Other changes|         |         |        |         |       |        |      0|
|Result for   |         |         |        |         |     14|     -55|    -41|
|the          |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|period       |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|Members'     |      573|       32|      53|       -2|    669|   1 288|  2 613|
|funds        |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|30.6.2006    |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|             |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|Members'     |      577|       30|      48|        6|    628|   1 064|  2 353|
|funds        |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|1.1.2007     |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|Translation  |         |         |        |         |       |        |      0|
|differences  |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|Dividends    |         |         |        |         |    -35|     -13|    -47|
|paid         |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|Increase in  |       10|         |        |         |       |        |     10|
|members'     |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|capital      |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|Effects of   |         |         |        |         |       |        |      0|
|financial    |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|instruments  |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|Transfers    |         |         |       3|         |     -3|        |      0|
|between      |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|items        |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|Change in    |         |         |        |         |       |       2|      2|
|minority     |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|interest     |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|Other changes|         |         |        |         |      1|      -5|     -4|
|Result for   |         |         |        |         |     29|     -83|    -54|
|the          |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|period       |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|Members'     |      586|       30|      52|        6|    620|     965|  2 259|
|funds        |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |
|30.6.2007    |         |         |        |         |       |        |       |


| Cash flow statement           | 2007 | 2006 | 2006 |
| (EUR mill.)                   |  1-6 |  1-6 | 1-12 |
| Cash flow from operations     |      |      |      |
| Result for the period         |  -54 |  -41 | -259 |
| Adjustments total             |  405 |  332 |  928 |
| Change in working             | -165 |  -69 |  193 |
| capital                       |      |      |      |
| Cash generated from           |  186 |  222 |  863 |
| operations                    |      |      |      |
| Finance costs, net            | -123 |  -67 | -189 |
| Income taxes paid             |  -42 |  -32 |  -54 |
| Net cash from                 |   20 |  123 |  620 |
| operations                    |      |      |      |
|                               |      |      |      |
| Cash flow from investments    |      |      |      |
| Acquisitions                  |   -9 | -137 | -136 |
| Purchases of assets           | -185 | -252 | -608 |
| Sold assets and others        |   85 |   47 |   69 |
| Net cash from investments     | -109 | -343 | -675 |
|                               |      |      |      |
| Cash flow from financing      |      |      |      |
| Increase in equity            |   12 |   87 |   98 |
| Change in long-term loans and |  106 |  179 |   74 |
| other financial items         |      |      |      |
| Dividends paid                |  -51 |  -62 |  -62 |
| Net cash flow from financing  |   68 |  204 |  110 |
|                               |      |      |      |
| Change in cash and cash       |  -22 |  -15 |   55 |
| equivalents                   |      |      |      |
|                               |      |      |      |
| Cash at beginning of period   |  246 |  194 |  194 |
| Change in cash and cash       |  -22 |  -15 |   53 |
| equivalents                   |      |      |      |
| Cash in assets classified     |    3 |      |   -1 |
| as held for sale              |      |      |      |
| Cash at end of period         |  227 |  179 |  246 |


| Consumer          | I-II/07 | I-II/06 | QII/07 | QII/06 | I-IV/06 |
| Packaging         |         |         |        |        |         |
| Sales             |     478 |     494 |    242 |    237 |     971 |
| EBITDA            |      85 |      78 |     35 |     28 |     154 |
| Depreciation &    |     -44 |     -45 |    -23 |    -23 |     -96 |
| impairment losses |         |         |        |        |         |
| Operating profit  |      41 |      33 |     12 |      5 |      58 |

| Papers            | I-II/07 | I-II/06 | QII/07 | QII/06 | I-IV/06 |
| Sales             |   1 511 |   1 573 |    732 |    772 |   3 118 |
| EBITDA            |      82 |      81 |     53 |      0 |     172 |
| Depreciation &    |    -118 |    -128 |    -60 |    -64 |    -388 |
| impairment losses |         |         |        |        |         |
| Operating profit  |     -36 |     -47 |     -7 |    -64 |    -216 |

| MAP Merchant      | I-II/07 | I-II/06 | QII/07 | QII/06 | I-IV/06 |
| Group             |         |         |        |        |         |
| Sales             |     728 |     719 |    349 |    354 |   1 437 |
| EBITDA            |      15 |      17 |      7 |      8 |      27 |
| Depreciation &    |      -2 |      -3 |     -1 |     -1 |     -69 |
|  impairment       |         |         |        |        |         |
| losses            |         |         |        |        |         |
| Operating profit  |      13 |      14 |      6 |      7 |     -42 |

| Wood Products     | I-II/07 | I-II/06 | QII/07 | QII/06 | I-IV/06 |
| Sales             |     740 |   1 065 |    386 |    555 |   2 045 |
| EBITDA            |      91 |      75 |     52 |     43 |     173 |
| Depreciation &    |     -23 |     -35 |    -11 |    -17 |     -66 |
| impairment losses |         |         |        |        |         |
| Operating profit  |      68 |      40 |     41 |     26 |     107 |

EBITDA = Result before depreciation and impairment losses

| Others            | I-II/07 | I-II/06 | QII/07 | QII/06 | I-IV/06 |
| Operating profit  |      19 |      31 |     18 |     14 |      71 |
| of which          |         |         |        |        |         |
| Wood Supply       |      22 |      23 |     12 |     12 |      44 |
| Tissue and        |      14 |       7 |      7 |      2 |      19 |
| Cooking           |         |         |        |        |         |
| Papers            |         |         |        |        |         |
| Others and Group  |     -17 |       0 |     -1 |      0 |       8 |
| eliminations      |         |         |        |        |         |

M-real includes 30% (2006: 39%) of the Pulp Industry's (Metsä-Botnia)
profit and Metsäliitto a further 23% (2006: 14 %) in the segments
Consumer Packaging
and Papers.

| 1 000 units       | I-II/07 | I-II/06 | QII/07 | QII/06 | I-IV/06 |
| Paper, t          |   2 011 |   2 096 |    992 |  1 016 |   4 119 |
| Paperboard, t     |     613 |     569 |    302 |    270 |   1 121 |
| Sawn goods, m3    |   1 046 |   2 181 |    533 |  1 068 |   3 893 |
| Processed         |     335 |     629 |    169 |    327 |   1 179 |
| timber, m3        |         |         |        |        |         |
| Engineered Wood - |     440 |     487 |    217 |    239 |     935 |
| products, m3      |         |         |        |        |         |
| Pulp & CTMP, t    |     824 |     862 |    398 |    422 |   1 754 |
| (M-real)          |         |         |        |        |         |
| Pulp, t           |   1 346 |   1 244 |    670 |    600 |   2 520 |
| (Metsä-Botnia)    |         |         |        |        |         |


| Quarterly data    |  2007 |  2007 |  2006 |  2006 |  2006 |  2006 |
| (EUR mill.)       |   QII |    QI |   QIV |  QIII |   QII |    QI |
| Sales             |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Consumer          |   242 |   236 |   241 |   236 |   237 |   257 |
| Packaging         |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Papers            |   732 |   779 |   778 |   767 |   772 |   801 |
| MAP Merchant      |   349 |   379 |   376 |   342 |   354 |   365 |
| Group             |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Wood Products     |   386 |   354 |   482 |   499 |   555 |   510 |
| Others & internal |   473 |   496 |   475 |   402 |   396 |   425 |
| sales             |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Group sales       | 2 182 | 2 244 | 2 352 | 2 246 | 2 314 | 2 358 |
|                   |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Operating profit  |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Consumer          |    12 |    29 |     5 |    21 |     5 |    27 |
| Packaging         |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Papers            |    -7 |   -29 |  -176 |     7 |   -64 |    17 |
| MAP Merchant      |     6 |     7 |   -59 |     3 |     7 |     7 |
| Group             |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Wood Products     |    41 |    27 |    46 |    21 |    26 |    14 |
| Others            |    18 |     1 |    24 |    16 |    14 |    17 |
| Group operating   |    70 |    35 |  -160 |    68 |   -11 |    82 |
| profit            |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| - % of sales      |   3.2 |   1.6 |  -6.8 |   3.0 |  -0.5 |   3.5 |
|                   |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Share of results  |     1 |     2 |     2 |     2 |     2 |     0 |
| in associates     |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Net exchange      |     2 |    -5 |     0 |     4 |    -6 |     8 |
| gains / losses    |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Other fin. income |   -49 |   -62 |   -62 |   -60 |   -45 |   -45 |
| & expenses        |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Result before tax |    24 |   -30 |  -220 |    14 |   -60 |    45 |
| Income taxes      |   -29 |   -19 |     9 |   -21 |    -1 |   -24 |
| Result for the    |    -5 |   -49 |  -211 |    -7 |   -61 |    20 |
| period            |       |       |       |       |       |       |


|                             |         |         |         |
| Change in                   | I-II/07 | I-II/06 | I-IV/06 |
| tangible assets             |         |         |         |
| Book value at               |   4 197 |   4 256 |   4 256 |
| beginning of period         |         |         |         |
| Company acquisitions        |       3 |      91 |      92 |
| Increase                    |     193 |     273 |     693 |
| Decrease                    |    -120 |     -40 |    -600 |
| Depreciation and            |    -222 |    -239 |    -530 |
| impairment charges          |         |         |         |
| Assets classified as        |       - |       - |     -28 |
| held for sale               |         |         |         |
| Translation differences     |      81 |     -29 |     315 |
| and other changes           |         |         |         |
| Book value at end of period |   4 132 |   4 311 |   4 197 |

|                             | QII/07 | QII/06 | QIV/06 |
| Commitments                 |        |        |        |
| On own behalf               |    327 |    368 |    408 |
| (incl. leasing liabilities) |        |        |        |
| On behalf of associated     |      3 |      3 |      5 |
| companies                   |        |        |        |
| On behalf of others         |      2 |     20 |      3 |
| Total                       |    332 |    391 |    416 |

|                           | QII/07 | QII/06 | QIV/06 |
| Commitments related       |        |        |        |
| to fixed assets           |        |        |        |
| Payments due under 1 year |     85 |    152 |    195 |
| Payments due in           |      7 |     48 |     20 |
| subsequent years          |        |        |        |

|                           | QII/07 | QIV/06 |
| Open derivative           |        |        |
| contracts                 |        |        |
| Interest rate derivatives |  1 984 |  2 377 |
| Currency derivatives      |  3 001 |  3 838 |
| Other derivatives         |    205 |    173 |
| Total                     |  5 190 |  6 387 |

The market value of open derivative contracts at the end of the
review period was EUR 11 million (31.12.2005: EUR -4 million). Open
derivative contracts also include closed contracts to a total amount
of EUR 275 million (31.12.2006: EUR 871 million).
Accounting policies
The Interim Report was prepared in accordance with the IAS 34
standard Interim Financial Reporting and the accounting policies
presented in Metsäliitto Group's Annual Report 2006.
Taxes include taxes corresponding to the result for the period under
New and changed standards
IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures, and the complementary
Amendment to IAS 1, 'Presentation of Financial Statements - Capital
Disclosures', effective from 1 January 2007. The adoption of this new
standard will result in additional disclosures relating to financial
instruments but does not affect their classification or valuation.


Interim Report January-June 2007