M-real s operating result excluding non-recurring itemms in the second quarter was EUR 4 million

M-real Corporation Stock Exchange Release 26.7.2007

Result for the second quarter of 2007

  * Sales were EUR 1,360 million (Q1/07: 1,432). Sales decreased
    following the divestments and capacity closures
  * Operating result excluding non-recurring items was EUR 4 million
    (Q1/07: 31). Operating result including non-recurring items was
    EUR -9 million (Q1/07: 104)
  * Result before taxes, excluding non-recurring items, was EUR -29
    (Q1/07: -15). Result before taxes, including non-recurring items,
    was EUR -42 million (Q1/07: 58). The result was negatively
    affected by scheduled maintenance shutdowns as well as limited
    availability and high price of wood

Result for the first six months of 2007

  * Sales were EUR 2,792 million (Q1-Q2/06: 2,819)
  * Operating result excluding non-recurring items was EUR 35 million
    (Q1-Q2/06: 14) Operating result including non-recurring items was
    EUR 95 million (Q1-Q2/06: -40)
  * Result before taxes excluding non-recurring items was EUR -44
    (Q1-Q2/06: -41)

Events in the second quarter

  * The folding carton plants in Finland and Hungary were divested at
    the turn of May and June. The debt-free value of the divestments
    was approximately EUR 35 million. A loss of approximately EUR 2
    million from the transactions was booked in the second-quarter
  * A decision was made to close down paperboard machine line No. 2
    at the Tako board mill in Tampere by the end of July. Production
    will be transferred to M-real's other board machines in Finland.
  * Pulp production was curtailed due to large scheduled maintenance
    shutdowns and limited availability of wood."Our restructuring programme, including the additional measures
taken, is progressing well but its results have been diluted by the
exceptionally difficult wood supply situation. While positive
development has been seen in the market prices of office paper and
paperboard, the situation in other grades remains unsatisfactory. Our
strategic choice to withdraw from the paper merchanting business by
selling Map Merchant Group will further enhance our cooperation with
select paper merchants and also support our objective to reduce

Mikko Helander, CEO, M-real Corporation

KEY FIGURES              Q2/07  Q1/07  Q2/06 Q1-Q2/07 Q1-Q2/06   2006
Sales, MEUR              1,360  1,432  1,378    2,792    2,819  5,624
EBITDA, MEUR                73    201     17      274      145    299
excl. non-recurring
items, MEUR                 84    112     71      196      199    411
Operating result, MEUR      -9    104    -75       95      -40   -271
excl. non-recurring
items, MEUR                  4     31    -21       35       14     45
Result before taxes,
MEUR                       -42     58   -111       16      -95   -408
excl. non-recurring
items, MEUR                -29    -15    -57      -44      -41    -92
Result for the period,
MEUR                       -49     54   -103        5     -100   -399
Earnings per share, EUR  -0.15   0.16  -0.31     0.01    -0.30  -1.21
Return on equity, %      -10.4   11.2  -18.3      0.5     -8.9  -18.9
excl. non-recurring
items, %                  -8.8   -5.4   -9.1     -7.2     -4.3   -4.4
Return on capital
employed, %               -0.5    9.6   -5.6      4.6     -1.1   -5.2
excl. non-recurring
items, %                   0.7    3.2   -1.2      2.0      1.1    1.4
Equity ratio at end of
period, %                 32.8   32.9   35.0     32.8     35.0   30.9
Gearing ratio at end of
period, %                  117    114    108      117      108    126
Interest-bearing net
at end of period, MEUR   2,192  2,189  2,381    2,192    2,381  2,403
Gross investments, MEUR     62     50    101      112      204    428
Paper deliveries,
1,000 tonnes               965  1,029  1,040    1,994    2,120  4,192
Paperboard deliveries,
1,000 tonnes               313    302    284      615      588  1,161
Personnel at end of
period                  13,302 13,538 15,277   13,302   15,277 14,125

EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and

Market situation

Deliveries made by Western European coated fine paper producers in
January-June were on last year's level. Coated magazine paper and
uncoated fine paper deliveries decreased marginally. In Europe, the
market price of coated magazine paper has slightly decreased, while
market price of coated fine paper has not changed significantly. The
price of uncoated fine paper has continued to increase.

Folding boxboard deliveries by Western European producers increased
from last year's level.

Result for April-June compared to the previous quarter

Sales totalled to EUR 1,360 million (Q1/07: 1,432). Comparable sales
decreased by 4.8 per cent.

Operating result totalled EUR -9 million (Q1/07: 104). It includes,
as non-recurring costs, EUR 9 million in cost provisions and EUR 2
million in asset write-downs related to the profitability improvement
programme in Finland. These figures include the closedown expenses
incurred from paperboard machine line No. 2 at the Tako board mill.
The operating result also includes a loss on sale of EUR 2 million
from the divestment of the carton plants in Finland and Hungary.

The first-quarter operating result included a non-recurring income of
EUR 135 million from the sale of Metsä-Botnia's shares to Metsäliitto
Cooperative. The operating result included a total of EUR 62 million
in non-recurring costs, the most significant items being:

  * a cost provision of EUR 14 million for completing the closedown
    of the Sittingbourne mill
  * a cost provision of EUR 29 million for completing the closedown
    of the Wifsta mill
  * an impairment loss of EUR 16 million from the valuation of assets
    held for sale at the expected selling price in compliance with
    IFRS 5.

Net non-recurring items in the second quarter of 2007 totalled EUR
-13 million (Q1/07: 73).

Operating result excluding non-recurring items totalled EUR 4 million
(31). It was negatively affected by scheduled maintenance shutdowns,
Easter and Midsummer shutdowns, limited availability of wood, further
increases in wood prices and the drop in the average selling price of
coated magazine paper from the previous quarter. The result benefited
from the approximately 3 per cent increase in the price of uncoated
fine paper.

In April-June the volume of paper deliveries totalled 965,000 tonnes
(Q1/07: 1,029,000).  Production was curtailed by 50,000 tonnes
(41,000) in line with demand. Paperboard deliveries totalled 313,000
tonnes (302,000) and production curtailments 31,000 tonnes (17,000).

Financial income and expenses totalled EUR -32 million (-46).
Exchange differences from trade receivables, trade payables,
financial items and the valuation of currency hedging were EUR 2
million (-5). Net interest and other financial expenses amounted to
EUR -34 million (-41). Other financial expenses include a profit of
EUR 7 million (-1) from unwinding and valuation of interest rate

The result before taxes for the review period was EUR -42 million
(58). The result before taxes, excluding non-recurring items,
totalled EUR -29 million (-15). The negative impact of income taxes,
including the change in deferred tax liabilities, was EUR 7 million

Earnings per share were EUR -0.15 (0.16). Excluding non-recurring
items, earnings per share were EUR -0.13 (-0.08). Return on equity
was -10.4 per cent (11.2), and -8.8 per cent (-5.4) excluding
non-recurring items. The return on capital employed was -0.5 per cent
(9.6), and 0.7 per cent (3.2) excluding non-recurring items.

Result for January-June compared with the corresponding period last

Sales totalled EUR 2,792 million (Q1-Q2/06: 2,819). Comparable sales
were up 1.7 per cent.

Operating result was EUR 95 million (-40). The operating result
excluding non-recurring items amounted to EUR 35 million (14). Net
non-recurring items in January-June 2007 totalled EUR 60 million, the
most significant being:

  * sales gain of EUR 135 million from Metsä-Botnia shares
  * a cost provision of EUR 14 million for completing the closedown
    of the Sittingbourne mill
  * a cost provision of EUR 29 million for completing the closedown
    of the Wifsta mill
  * an impairment loss of EUR 16 million from the valuation of assets
    held for sale at the expected selling price in compliance with
    IFRS 5
  * a total of EUR 11 million consisting of a cost provision and
    asset write-downs related to the programme to improve
    profitability of operations in Finland.

Non-recurring items in January-June 2006 totalled EUR 54 million, the
most significant being:

  * a sales loss of EUR 35 million for the Pont Sainte Maxence paper
  * a cost provision totalling EUR 19 million related to the
    efficiency improvement programmes at the Alizay, Stockstadt and
    Hallein mills.

The profitability of Consumer Packaging, fine papers and merchant
operations improved due to positive price development and
profitability improvement measures. Despite the profitability
improvement measures taken, the profitability of the Publishing
business area dropped due to a weak US dollar and negative price
development. Operating result excluding non-recurring items improved
year on year, helped by the approximately 9 per cent price increase
of uncoated fine paper and the profitability improvement measures
taken. Factors with a negative effect on the operating result
included the average drop of 8 per cent in the value of the US
dollar, the increase in the price of pulpwood, production losses at
pulp mills due to the weak availability of wood, as well as extensive
maintenance shutdowns in Alizay and Husum pulp mills. Performance in
January-June 2006 suffered from the maintenance and investment
shutdown in Alizay and the investment shutdown at the Simpele
paperboard mill.

The volume of paper deliveries in January-June totalled 1,994,000
tonnes (2,120,000). Production was curtailed by 91,000 tonnes in line
with demand (99,000). Paperboard deliveries amounted to 615,000
tonnes (588,000) and production curtailments to 48,000 tonnes

Financial income and expenses totalled EUR -78 million (-54).
Exchange differences from trade receivables, trade payables,
financial items and the valuation of currency hedging were EUR -3
million (5). Net interest and other financial expenses amounted to
EUR -75 million (-59). Other financial expenses include profit of EUR
6 million (7) from unwinding and valuation of interest rate hedges.

The result before taxes was EUR 16 million (-95). The result before
taxes, excluding non-recurring items, totalled EUR -44 million (-41).
Income taxes, including the change in deferred tax liabilities, were
EUR -11 million (-5).

Earnings per share were EUR 0.01 (-0.30). Excluding non-recurring
items, earnings per share were EUR -0.21 (-0.15). Return on equity
was 0.5 per cent (-8.9), and -7.2 per cent (-4.3) excluding
non-recurring items. The return on capital employed was 4.6 per cent
(-1.1), and 2.0 per cent (1.1) excluding non-recurring items.


On 30 June 2007 the company  had 13,302 employees (31 December  2006:
14,125), of  which  4,243  (4,220)  worked  in  Finland.  Divestments
accounted for a reduction of 678  employees in 2007. The company  had
approximately  400  summer   employees  at  the   end  of  June.   In
January-June M-real employed an  average of 13,610 people  (Q1-Q2/06:
15,207). In 2007 the  figures include 30  per cent of  Metsä-Botnia's
personnel compared to 39 per cent in 2006.


Gross capital expenditure in January-June totalled EUR 112 million
(Q1-Q2/06: 204). This includes a EUR 72 million share of
Metsä-Botnia's capital expenditure (90), based on
M-real's ownership, which in 2007 amounted to 30 per cent and in 2006
to 39 per cent.

Metsä-Botnia's pulp mill investment in Uruguay is progressing as
planned, and the mill will be ready for start-up in September. As the
new mill will start up, M-real will gain self-sufficiency in pulp, in
line with its strategy. The Uruguay mill will be one of the world's
most cost-efficient chemical pulp mills.

Divestments and restructuring

On 30 January 2007 M-real sold 9 per cent of Metsä-Botnia's shares to
Metsäliitto Cooperative for EUR 240 million posting a gain of EUR 135

In the turn of May and June M-real sold all the shares in its
subsidiaries Tako Carton Plant Ltd. to Pyroll Oy and M-real Petöfi
Nyomda Kft to the German STI Group. The total debt-free value of the
divestment of these carton plants located in Finland and Hungary was
approximately EUR 35 million. A loss of approximately EUR 2 million
from the transactions was booked in the second-quarter result.
Excluding non-recurring items, the transactions will have a slightly
negative impact on the operating result in 2007 and will lead to a
decrease of approximately EUR 55 million in annual sales.

The divestments were part of M-real's restructuring programme
announced in October 2006.


At the end of June the equity ratio was 32.8 per cent (31 December
2006: 30.9) and the gearing ratio 117 per cent (126). Some of
M-real's loan agreements set a 120 per cent limit on the company's
gearing ratio and a 30 per cent limit on the equity ratio. Calculated
as defined in the loan agreements, the gearing ratio at the end of
June was approximately 102 per cent (111) and the equity ratio
approximately 36 per cent (34).

Net interest-bearing liabilities totalled EUR 2,192 million at the
end of June (2,403). 12 per cent of the long-term loans were
denominated in foreign currencies. 77 per cent of the loans were
floating-rate and the rest fixed-rate. At the end of June the average
interest rate on loans was 6.8 per cent and the average maturity of
long-term loans 3.8 years. The interest rate maturity of loans was
7.2 months at the end of June. During the period it varied from 7 to
8 months.

Cash flow from operations in January-June amounted to EUR 132 million
(Q1-Q2/06: 106). Working capital was up by EUR 18 million (57).

At the end of June, an average of 6 months of net foreign exchange
exposure was hedged. The degree of hedging varied between 6 and 7
months during the period. At the end of June, approximately 97 per
cent of foreign-currency-denominated shareholders' equity was hedged.

Liquidity is good. At the end of June liquidity was EUR 1,329
million, of which EUR 1,155 million consisted of binding long-term
credit agreements and EUR 174 million of liquid assets and
investments. To meet its short-term financing needs, M-real also had
non-binding domestic and foreign commercial paper programmes and
credit facilities amounting to nearly EUR 600 million.


In January-June, the highest price of M-real's B share on the OMX
Helsinki Stock Exchange was EUR 5.94, the lowest EUR 4.43 and the
average price EUR 5.18. At the end of June the price of the B share
was EUR 4.85. The average price in 2006 was EUR 4.41. The closing
price for 2006 was EUR 4.79.

The trading volume of B shares was EUR 1,327 million, or 88 per cent
of the share capital. The market value of the A and B shares totalled
EUR 1,590 million at the end of June.
Metsäliitto Cooperative owned 38.6 per cent of the shares at the end
of June and held 60.5 per cent of the voting rights conferred by
these shares. International investors owned 41.3 per cent of the

On 13 March 2007 the Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of
Directors to decide on increasing the share capital through one or
more share issues and/or one or more issues of convertible bonds in
compliance with Chapter 10 of the Companies Act so that in either
case a maximum of 58,365,212 of M-real Corporation's B shares with a
nominal value of EUR 1.70 can be subscribed for and the company's
share capital can be increased by a maximum of EUR 99,220,860.40. The
authorisation, valid until further notice, entitles a deviation from
the shareholders' pre-emptive right to subscribe for new shares
and/or issues of convertible bonds and to decide on the subscription
prices and other terms and conditions. The shareholders' pre-emptive
subscription rights can be deviated from provided that there is a
significant financial reason for the company to do so, such as
strengthening the balance sheet, enabling business restructuring or
developing the company's business in other ways.

Antitrust class actions

In connection with the investigations of the EU Commission regarding
fine and magazine paper, which were closed in 2006, purchasers of
magazine paper filed several class action lawsuits in the United
States naming M-real as a defendant along with other paper producers.
In May 2007 the plaintiffs of the last pending class action filed a
notice dismissing the lawsuit against M-real without prejudice.

Strategic review and related measures

The restructuring programme launched in October 2006 and extended in
2007 proceeds as planned. Measures to achieve cost savings by EUR 100
million and reduce working capital by EUR 100 million have been
defined and their implementation is ongoing. In January 2007 M-real
sold a 9 per cent holding in Metsä-Botnia to Metsäliitto Cooperative
for EUR 240 million, posting a gain of EUR 135 million. M-real also
sold the Tako and Petöfi carton plants for a total of EUR 35 million
at the turn of May and June. The sales process of the Meulemans
carton plant continues. The divestment of the Map Merchant Group for
EUR 382 million was announced in early July. The deal is subject to
approval by the competition authorities. After the transaction has
been finalised, M-real will have sold asset items worth over EUR 650
million, exceeding its original target of EUR 500 million.

The Sittingbourne fine paper mill in the UK was closed down at the
end of January, and fine paper machines 6 and 7 at Gohrsmühle,
Germany, in late February. The Wifsta fine paper mill in Sweden was
closed down in July. Around one-third of the production of the
machines now closed has been transferred to M-real's other machines.
Related to the closures, EUR 76 million was recognised as an expense
in the 2006 financial statements and a cost provision of EUR 43
million was booked in the first quarter of 2007 for the completion of
closures. The closures' impact on cash flow is approximately EUR -80
million, slightly over half of which will be realised in 2007 and the
rest in 2008-2015.

The statutory negotiations related to the programme to improve
profitability of operations in Finland have been concluded. The
programme's overall impact on staff is approximately 500 person work
years. The talks also agreed on changes in vacancies and on other
enhancement measures, which will decrease the need for temporary
employees and holiday replacements by approximately 100 person work
years. Previous measures and those now agreed on will result in
annual cost savings of approximately EUR 40 million in Finnish
operations. They will have full effect from the beginning of 2009.
The non-recurring expenses resulting from the programme, totalling
approximately EUR 11 million, were recognised in the second quarter.
The amount includes an asset write-down of approximately EUR 2
million. Paperboard machine line 2 at the Tako board mill, with an
annual capacity of 70,000 tonnes, will be closed down by 31 July
2007, as previously announced. Production will primarily be
transferred to other machines in the Consumer Packaging business.

Events after the period

As part of the strategic review M-real made an essential decision
concerning the distribution of its own products. On 6 July 2007, as
part of its new distribution strategy, M-real announced its plans to
sell Map Merchant Holdings BV and its subsidiaries to the French
Antalis Intenational SAS. The goal is to enhance cooperation with
select European paper merchants. The total value of the transaction,
including possible debt and pension liabilities, is EUR 382 million.
M-real expects to recognise a gain of approximately EUR 80 million in
the figures for the quarter in which the sale is closed. The deal
will not affect
M-real's result before taxes, except for the non-recurring profit
impact of the closed sale. Gearing is estimated to decrease as a
result of the divestment by 21 percentage points. The transaction is
subject to authority approval and is expected to be finalised in the
third quarter of 2007.

In May M-real announced that it would exercise its purchase option
for the Kyröskoski gas combi power plant and the land on which the
Kyröskoski mills are located. The transaction, worth approximately
EUR 13 million, was carried out on 1 July 2007 in compliance with the
terms and conditions of the purchase option agreement.

Wood supply

The exceptionally mild winter in Northern Europe has caused temporary
difficulties in wood supply. The winter season was nearly one-third
shorter than normal, leading to challenges in wood procurement at the
Finnish and Swedish mills due to harvesting problems. Stocks were at
a clearly lower level than usual. The price of wood is expected to
remain high. In central Europe, however, the high prices resulting
from more and more wood being used for energy production have seen a
slight downward trend recently. Storm damage and the decrease in
energy wood purchases caused by the mild winter contribute to this
price development.

Wood procurement was also complicated in Russia by the exceptionally
mild winter. Furthermore, the Russian government's decision to
increase export duties on timber indirectly raises wood prices.
Approximately 10 per cent of M-real's wood supply comes from Russia
and can be replaced by wood from other sources if necessary.


The demand for office paper and packaging paperboard, as well as
their price development, is expected to remain good in the third
quarter of 2007. The weak US dollar and the consequent repatriation
of volumes by European producers make it very difficult to forecast
the price development of coated fine paper and coated magazine paper.

M-real has announced price increases for coated and uncoated fine
paper in the autumn. The price of folding boxboard for new orders was
successfully raised in the second quarter and further increases will
be made if the market situation allows. The decline in prices for
coated magazine paper seems to have levelled off in Europe. Once the
market balance improves as a result of capacity closures, the company
will make the most of the opportunities to raise prices during the
rest of the year.

No relief in production input costs is in sight. Under current
conditions, the full-year cost increases in 2007 are expected to
slightly exceed the positive impact of profitability improvement

The third-quarter operating result excluding non-recurring items is
expected to improve from the second quarter.

Risks and uncertainties

Since the forward-looking statements in this interim report are based
on current plans, estimates, and projections, they involve risks and
uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ from those
expressed in such forward-looking statements. For further information
regarding the risk factors, please see page 25 of M-real's Annual
Report for 2006.

Further information:
Seppo Parvi, CFO, tel. +358 10 469 4321
Anne-Mari Achrén, Communications, tel. +358 10 469 4541


Consumer Packaging

                                                    Q1-Q2 Q1-Q2
                      Q2/07 Q1/07 Q4/06 Q3/06 Q2/06  2007  2006  2006
Sales, MEUR             243   235   241   236   237   478   494   971
EBITDA, MEUR             28    39    25    38    24    67    68   131
excl. non-recurring
MEUR                     33    39    25    38    24    72    68   131
Operating result,
MEUR                      8    21     0    17     2    29    26    43
excl. non-recurring
items,MEUR                     15    21     4    17     2    36    26    47
Return on capital
employed, %             4.1  10.9   0.3   7.5   1.3   7.6   6.1   5.1
excl. non-recurring
%                       7.9  10.9   2.1   7.5   1.3   9.4   6.1   5.6
Deliveries, 1,000 t     313   302   288   285   284   615   588 1,161
Board deliveries,
1,000 t                 302   311   279   273   270   613   569 1,121

EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and

Second quarter compared with the previous quarter

The operating result of the Consumer Packaging business area,
excluding non-recurring items, decreased from the previous quarter,
amounting to EUR 15 million (Q1/07: 21). Operating result including
non-recurring items totalled EUR 8 million (21). The operating result
includes, as non-recurring costs, EUR 5 million in cost provisions
and EUR 2 million in fixed asset write-downs related to the programme
to improve profitability of operations in Finland. These figures
include the closedown expenses incurred from paperboard machine line
2 at the Tako board mill.

The result suffered from higher fixed costs, mainly due to seasonal
variation caused by Easter and Midsummer shutdowns, a decrease in
product stocks and the weakening of the US dollar.

Deliveries by Western European folding boxboard producers remained at
the same level with the previous quarter. M-real's deliveries of
folding boxboard were up 4 per cent. The selling price of folding
boxboard in euro fell slightly from the previous quarter due to the
continued weakening of the US dollar.

Linerboard deliveries increased by 3 per cent from the first quarter.
The average selling price remained nearly unchanged.

January-June compared with the corresponding period in 2006

The business area's operating result in January-June totalled EUR 36
million (Q1-Q2/06: 26). Compared to the previous year, profitability
improved mainly due to higher delivery volumes and improved
efficiency. The January-June result in 2006 was negatively affected
by the investment shutdown at the Simpele mill and the strike of
Finnish paper workers.

The deliveries of folding boxboard manufacturers in Western Europe
increased by 5 per cent year on year. M-real's deliveries were also 5
per cent higher. The selling price of folding boxboard in euros was
lower than the previous year due to the weaker US dollar.

Linerboard deliveries increased considerably from the previous year.
The average price in euro corresponded to that of 2006. The selling
price of wallpaper base has risen significantly.

The carton plants sold in Finland and Hungary and the Meulemans
carton plant in Belgium currently for sale have been reported under"Other operations" since the beginning of 2007.


                                                    Q1-Q2 Q1-Q2
                      Q2/07 Q1/07 Q4/06 Q3/06 Q2/06  2007  2006  2006
Sales, MEUR             208   212   220   226   216   420   441   887
EBITDA, MEUR             12    21    23    36    23    33    55   114
excl. non-recurring
items, MEUR              15    21    23    36    23    36    55   114
Operating result,
MEUR                     -7     3     3    14     2    -4    13    30
excl. non-recurring
items, MEUR              -4     3     3    14     2    -1    13    30
Return on capital
employed, %            -2.5   1.3   1.4   5.3   0.9  -0.6    25   3.0
 - excl.
items, %               -1.3   1.3   1.4   5.3   0.9   0.0   2.5   3.0
Deliveries, 1,000 t     302   303   313   320   307   605   624 1,258
Production, 1,000 t     287   282   283   307   270   569   577 1,167

EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and

Second quarter compared with the previous quarter

The second-quarter operating result of the Publishing business area,
excluding non-recurring items, was EUR -4 million (Q1/07: 3). A cost
provision of EUR 3 million was recognised as a non-recurring item
related to the programme to improve profitability of operations in
Finland. The operating result including non-recurring items was EUR
-7 million (3). The operating result was mainly weakened by the
decrease in the average selling price, higher fixed costs due to
Easter, Midsummer and annual shutdowns, as well as higher fibre

Deliveries by Western European producers of coated magazine paper
were down 4 per cent. Delivery volumes remained nearly unchanged in
the Publishing business area.

January-June compared with the corresponding period in 2006

The operating result of Publishing business area, excluding
non-recurring items, was EUR -1 million (Q1-Q2/06: 13). The decrease
was mainly caused by higher fibre costs, a decline in the average
selling price and lower delivery volumes. Cost-savings measures had a
positive impact on the operating result.

Deliveries by Western European producers of coated magazine paper
were down 1 per cent. Volumes in Publishing business area decreased
by 3 per cent.

Commercial Printing

                                                   Q1-Q2 Q1-Q2
                     Q2/07 Q1/07       Q3/06 Q2/06  2007  2006   2006
Sales, MEUR            339   366   369   361   380   705   774 1, 504
EBITDA, MEUR            19     6   -33    14   -26    25    -2    -21
excl. non-recurring
items, MEUR             18    20    19    16    15    38    39     74
Operating result,
MEUR                    -5   -17  -179   -10   -51   -22   -53   -242
excl. non-recurring
MEUR                    -6    -3    -6    -8   -10    -9   -12    -26
Return on capital
employed, %           -1.6  -6.3 -63.3  -3.2 -16.2  -4.0  -8.6  -21.7
excl. non-recurring
items, %              -2.0  -0.8  -1.9  -2.6  -3.2  -1.4  -1.9   -2.2
Deliveries, 1,000 t    422   454   464   453   481   876   978  1,895
Production, 1,000 t    448   457   464   456   494   905 1,003  1,923

EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and

Second quarter compared with the previous quarter

The second-quarter operating result of the Commercial Printing
business area, excluding non-recurring items, totalled EUR -6 million
(Q1/07: -3). Operating result including non-recurring items was EUR
-5 million (Q1/07: -17). Net non-recurring items amounted to EUR 1
million (Q1/07: -14).

The business area's overall delivery volume was down approximately 7
per cent from the previous quarter. The comparable delivery volume
decreased by 3 per cent, taking into account the closedown of the
Sittingbourne mill and Gohrsmühle machines No. 6 and 7. As for raw
material costs, the price of pulp has remained high and the price of
wood has continued to rise. As a result of high prices and weak
availability of wood, pulp production has been curtailed to a certain

The deliveries of Western European coated fine paper manufacturers
decreased by 5 per cent. M-real's overall deliveries of coated fine
paper were 7 per cent lower than in the previous quarter. The
comparable delivery volume of coated fine paper decreased by 3 per
cent. The average selling price in euro was up 1 per cent. The demand
for coated fine paper fell in the second quarter, as did the
operating rates.

The selling price in euro of uncoated fine paper increased by 3 per
cent. The prices of speciality papers continued their slight upward

January-June compared with the corresponding period in 2006

The business area's operating result excluding non-recurring items in
January-June totalled EUR -9 million (Q1-Q2/06: -12). Overall
deliveries were approximately 10 per cent lower year on year due to
the closedown of the Sittingbourne mill and the Gohrsmühle machines,
as well as to the divestment of the Pont Sainte Maxence mill. The
comparable delivery volume corresponded to that of the comparison
period. Profitability was particularly hurt by fibre expenses, which
increased considerably from the previous year. The business area's
comparable average selling price in euro was at the previous year's
level despite foreign currencies weakening against the euro.
Profitability benefited from the cost savings achieved through the
savings programme and from the disposals and closures of unprofitable

Deliveries by coated fine paper producers in Western Europe remained
at last year's level. M-real's overall deliveries of coated fine
paper decreased nearly 9 per cent. The comparable delivery volume
remained unchanged.

Office Papers

                                                    Q1-Q2 Q1-Q2
                      Q2/07 Q1/07       Q3/06 Q2/06  2007  2006  2006
Sales, MEUR             183   202   189   181   174   385   357   727
EBITDA, MEUR             15    -8    26    15    -2     7    18    59
excl. non-recurring
MEUR                     15    22    26    15     8    37    28    69
Operating result,
MEUR                      1   -22    -4    -1   -17   -21   -13   -18
excl. non-recurring
MEUR                      1     8    11    -1    -7     9    -3     7
Return on capital
employed, MEUR          0.6 -12.0  -1.9  -0.2  -9.0  -5.7  -3.4  -2.3
excl. non-recurring
items, %                0.6   5.0   6.0  -0.2  -3.7   2.7  -0.7   1.1
Deliveries, 1,000 t     241   272   264   258   251   513   517 1,039
Production, 1,000 t     257   280   253   259   252   537   516 1,028

EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and

Second quarter compared with the previous quarter

The second-quarter operating result of the Office Papers business
area, excluding non-recurring items, totalled EUR 1 million (Q1/07:

A cost provision of EUR 29 million to finalise the closedown of the
Wifsta mill was reported as a non-recurring item in the previous
quarter. No non-recurring items were recognised in the second

The operating result, excluding non-recurring items, particularly
suffered from the annual shutdowns of the Alizay and Husum mills and
the decrease in delivery volumes. The 3 per cent price increase in
the average selling price had a positive impact on results.

Overall deliveries by Western European uncoated fine paper producers
were down by 7 per cent. The delivery volume of Office Papers
decreased by 11 per cent.

January-June compared with the corresponding period in 2006

The business area's operating result excluding non-recurring items in
January-June totalled EUR 9 million (-3). In 2006 the business area
reported its EUR 10 million share in the cost provision for the
Alizay mill efficiency improvement programme as a non-recurring item.

The operating result was improved mainly by the 9 per cent increase
in the average selling price, as well as the decrease in fixed costs.
It was negatively affected by higher raw material and energy costs.

Overall deliveries by Western European uncoated fine paper producers
were down by 1 per cent. The delivery volume of Office Papers
decreased by 1 per cent.

Map Merchant Group

                                                    Q1-Q2 Q1-Q2
                      Q2/07 Q1/07 Q4/06 Q3/06 Q2/06  2007  2006  2006
Sales, MEUR             349   379   388   342   354   728   719 1,438
EBITDA, MEUR              7     8     5     5     8    15    17    27
excl. non-recurring
MEUR                      7    11    11     5     8    18    17    33
Operating result,
MEUR                      6     7   -59     3     7    13    14   -42
excl. non-recurring
MEUR                      6    10    10     3     7    16    14    27
Return on capital       8.9  11.8 -82.8   4.9   8.2  10.3   8.5 -14.2
employed, %
excl. non-recurring                14.0   4.9
%                       9.2  15.9               8.2  12.4   8.5   9.4
Deliveries, 1,000 t     339   372   367   347   354   711   717 1,431

EBITDA = Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and

Second quarter compared with the previous quarter

The second-quarter operating result of the Map Merchant Group,
excluding non-recurring items, totalled EUR 6 million (Q1/07: 10). A
non-recurring expense of EUR 3 million was reported in the first
quarter. The result was weakened by the seasonally lower delivery

January-June compared with the corresponding period in 2006

The operating result excluding non-recurring items totalled EUR 16
million (Q1-Q2/06: 14). The result was strengthened by the slight
increase in delivery volumes and the rising prices of office papers.

The interim report is unaudited.

Condensed consolidated
income statement             Q1-Q2  Q1-Q2
MEUR                          2007   2006 Change   2006  Q1/07  Q2/07
Continuing operations
Sales                        2,792  2,819    -27  5,624  1,432  1,360
Other operating income         183     69    114    116    155     28
Operating expenses          -2,701 -2,743     42 -5,441 -1,386 -1,315
Depreciation and impairment
losses                        -179   -185      6   -570    -97    -82
Operating result                95    -40    135   -271    104     -9
% of sales                     3.4   -1.4          -4.8    7.3   -0.7
Share of results in
companies                       -1     -1      0      0      0     -1
Exchange gains and losses       -3      5     -8      0     -5      2
Other financial income and
expenses                       -75    -59    -16   -137    -41    -34
Result before taxes             16    -95    111   -408     58    -42
% of sales                     0.6   -3.4          -7.3    4.1   -3.1
Income taxes                   -11     -5     -6      9     -4     -7
Result for the period            5   -100    105   -399     54    -49
% of sales                     0.2   -3.5          -7.1    3.8   -3.6

Attributable to
Shareholders of parent company     5  -100  105  -396   54   -49
Minority interest                  0     0    0    -3    0     0

Earnings per share for result
attributable to shareholders of
parent company (EUR/share)      0.01 -0.30 0.31 -1.21 0.16 -0.15

Taxes include taxes corresponding to the result for the period under

Condensed consolidated balance sheet

                                    30.6.      30.6.      31.12.
MEUR                                 2007    %  2006    %   2006    %
Non-current assets
Goodwill                              376  6.6   570  9.1    376  6.1
Other intangible assets                50  0.9    95  1.5     62  1.0
Tangible assets                     2,956 51.6 3,174 50.5  3,156 51.1
Biological assets                      44  0.8    43  0.7     52  0.8
Shares in associated
and other companies                   107  1.8   115  1.8    109  1.8
Interest-bearing receivables           34  0.6    38  0.6     34  0.6
Deferred tax receivables               31  0.5    32  0.5     31  0.5
Other non-interest-bearing
receivables                             8  0.1    13  0.2     18  0.3
                                    3,606 62.9 4,080 64.9  3,838 62.2
Current assets
Inventories                           679 11.9   737 11.7    676 11.0
Interest bearing                       55  1.0   169  2.7    163  2.6
Non-interest-bearing                1,180 20.6 1,202 19.1  1 210 19.6
Cash and cash equivalents             174  3.0    99  1.6    182  2.9
                                    2,088 36.5 2,207 35.1  2,231 36.1
Assets classified as
held for sale                          32  0.6     0         103  1.7
Total assets                        5,726  100 6,287  100  6,172  100

Shareholders' equity
Equity attributable to
shareholders of parent company      1,823 31.9 2,142 34.1  1,843 29.9
Minority interest                      52  0.9    58  0.9     63  1.0
Total shareholders' equity          1,875 32.8 2,200 35.0  1,906 30.9
Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities              269  4.7   329  5.2    284  4.6
Post-employment benefit
obligations                           194  3.4   204  3.2    199  3.2
Provisions                             81  1.4    66  1.0     79  1.3
Other non-interest-bearing
liabilities                            32  0.6    48  0.8     28  0.5
Interest-bearing liabilities        2,123 37.1 2,123 33.8  2,182 35.4
                                    2,699 47.2 2,770 44.0  2,772 45.0
Current liabilities
Non-interest-bearing liabilities      814 14.2   753 12.0    865 14.0
Interest-bearing liabilities          327  5.7   564  9.0    599  9.7
                                    1,141 19.9 1,317 21.0  1,464 23.7
Liabilities relating to assets
classified as held for sale            11  0.1     0  0.0     30  0.4
Total liabilities                   3,851 67.2 4,087 65.0  4,266 69.1
Total shareholders' equity
and liabilities                     5,726  100 6,287  100  6,172  100

Condensed consolidated cash flow statement

                                            Q1-Q2 Q1-Q2
MEUR                                         2007  2006 2006 Q2/07
Cash flow from
operating activities
Result for the period                           4  -100 -399   -50
Total adjustments                             146   263  701   109
Change in working capital                     -18   -57   65     9
Cash flow arising from operations             132   106  367    68
Net finance costs                             -68   -51 -113   -41
Income taxes paid                             -21   -15  -32   -17
Net cash flow arising from
operating activities                           43    40  222    10
Investments in tangible and
intangible assets                            -112  -204 -428   -62
Divestments of assets and other               275    12   28    35
Net cash flow arising from                    163  -192 -400   -27
investing activities
Share issue, minority interest                  2    23   31     1
Changes in long-term loans and               -197   157  259    50
other financial items
Dividends paid                                -20   -39  -39     0
Net cash flow arising from                   -215   141  251    51
financing activities
Changes in cash and                            -9   -11   73    34
cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at                  182   112  112   137
beginning of period
Translation difference in cash and             -1    -2   -2     0
cash equivalents
Changes in cash and cash equivalents           -9   -11   73    34
Assets held for sale, folding carton plants     2     0   -1     3
Cash and cash equivalents                     174    99  182   174
at end of period

Statement of changes in shareholders' equity

MEUR                                       value
                                   Trans-  and    Re-    Mi-
                             Share lation  other  tained nority
                     Share   pre-  dif-    re-    earn-  inter-
                     capital mium  ference serves ings   est    Total
Shareholders' equity
31.12.2005, IFRS         558   667       6      0  1,040     45 2,316
Net expenses
directly in equity
differences                             -8                         -8
Net investment
net of tax
Currency flow hedges
transferred to
statement, net of
tax                                             2                   2
recognised in
net of tax                                     14                  14
Interest flow hedges
recognised in
net of tax                                      2                   2
Change in
minority interest
restructuring in
Uruguay                                                      13    13

Result for the
period                                              -100      1   -99
Total recognised
and expenses
for the period                          -8     18   -100     14   -76
Dividends paid                                       -39     -1   -40

Shareholders' equity
30.6.2006, IFRS          558   667      -2     18    901     58 2,200

Shareholders' equity
1.1.2007, IFRS           558   667       3     10    605     63 1,906
Net expenses
directly in equity
differences                            -11                   -1   -12
Net investment
net of tax                               8                          8
Currency flow hedges
transferred to
statement, net of
tax                                           -11                 -11recognised in
net of tax                                      3                   3
Interest flow hedges
transferred to
statement, net of
tax                                            -3                  -3
recognised in
net of tax                                      3                   3
Commodity hedges
transferred to
statement, net of
tax                                             6                   6
recognised in
net of tax                                      0                   0
Change in minority
Sale of Metsä-Botnia
shares (9%)                                                 -11
restructuring in
Uruguay                                                       2
                                                             -9    -9
Result for the
period                                                 5      0     5
Total recognised
and expenses for
period                                  -3     -2      5    -10   -10
Dividends paid                                       -20     -1   -21
Shareholders' equity
30.6.2007, IFRS          558   667       0      8    590     52 1,875

                                   Q1-Q2  Q1-Q2
Key ratios                          2007   2006   2006  Q2/07
Sales, MEUR                        2,792  2,819  5,624  1,360
EBITDA, MEUR                         274    145    299     73
excl. non-recurring items, MEUR      196    199    411     84
Operating result, MEUR                95    -40   -271     -9
excl. non-recurring items, MEUR       35     14     45      4
Result before taxes, MEUR             16    -95   -408    -42
excl. non-recurring items, MEUR      -44    -41    -92    -29
Result for the period, MEUR            5   -100   -399    -49
Earnings per share, EUR             0.01  -0.30  -1.21  -0.15
excl. non-recurring items, EUR     -0.21  -0.15  -0.27  -0.13
from continuing operations, EUR     0.01  -0.30  -1.21  -0.15
from discontinued operations, EUR   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00
Return on equity, %                  0.5   -8.9  -18.9  -10.4
excl. non-recurring items, %        -7.2   -4.3   -4.4   -8.8
Return on capital employed, %        4.6   -1.1   -5.2   -0.5
excl. non-recurring items, %         2.0    1.1    1.4    0.7
Equity ratio at end of period, %    32.8   35.0   30.9   32.8
Gearing at end of period, %          117    108    126    117
Shareholders' equity per share
at end of period, EUR               5.55   6.53   5.62   5.55
Net interest-bearing liabilities
at end of period, MEUR             2,192  2,381  2,403  2,192
Gross capital expenditure, MEUR      112    204    428     62
Board deliveries, 1,000 t            615    588  1,161    313
Paper deliveries, 1,000 t          1,994  2,120  4,192    965
Personnel at end of period        13,302 15,277 14,125 13,302

Securities and guarantees
MEUR                              Q2/07 Q2/06 2006
For own liabilities                  56   101   77
On behalf of associated companies     1     1    1
On behalf of Group companies          5     5    5
On behalf of others                   2    10    3
Total                                64   117   86

Open derivative contracts
MEUR                         Q2/07 Q2/06  2006
Interest rate derivatives    2,373 3,302 2,828
Foreign exchange derivatives 3,563 3,577 4,747
Other derivatives              183   116   152
Total                        6,119 6,995 7,727

The fair value of open derivative contracts calculated at market
value was EUR 5.9 million at the end of the review period
(31.12.2006: EUR -8.3 million and EUR 12.0 million 30.6.2006).

The gross amount of open contracts also includes closed contracts,
totalling EUR 2,308.6 million (31.12.2006: EUR 3,664.0 million and
EUR 3,134.7 million at 30.6.2006).

related to fixed assets
MEUR                         Q2/07 Q2/06 2006
Payments in less than a year    48   114  146
Payments later                   5    37   16

Changes in property,                  Q1-Q2 Q1-Q2
plant and equipment, MEUR              2007  2006  2006
Carrying value at beginning of period 3,156 3,178 3,178
Capital expenditure                     110   189   456
Decrease                               -143   -36   -82
Assets classified as held for sale        0     0   -28
Depreciation and impairment losses     -155  -167  -385
Translation difference                  -12    10    17
Carrying value at end of period       2,956 3,174 3,156

                                 Q1-Q2 Q1-Q2
Related-party transactions, MEUR  2007  2006 2006
Transactions with
parent company and
sister companies
Sales                               19    30   35
Other operating income             136     2    3
Purchases                          255   248  491
Interest income                      1     3    7
Interest expenses                    4     9   13
Non-current receivables             20    23   21
Current receivables                 64   187  183
Non-current liabilities              1     1    1
Current liabilities                 43    56  362

Business transactions
with associated companies
Sales                                0     0    0
Purchases                            2     2    4
Non-current receivables              7     7    7
Current receivables                  0     0    3
Current liabilities                  3     1    3

Accounting policies

The interim report was prepared in accordance with the IAS 34
standard Interim Financial Reporting and the accounting policies
presented in M-real Annual Report 2006.

Taxes include taxes corresponding to the result for the period under

New and changed standards

IFRS 7 Financial instruments: Disclosures and a complementary
amendment to IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements - Capital
Disclosures, effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1
January 2007. IFRS 7 introduces new disclosure to improve the
information about the financial instruments in the notes to the
financial statements, but have no effect on classification or
valuation of the financial instruments.

Calculation of key ratios

Return on equity (%)     = (Profit from continuing operations before
                           tax - direct taxes) ./.
                           (Total equity (average))

Return on capital        = (Profit from continuing operations before
employed (%)               tax + interest expenses, net exchange
                           gains/losses and other financial expenses)
                           (Total assets - non-interest-bearing
                           liabilities (average))

Equity ratio (%)         = (Total equity) ./.
                           (Total assets - advance payments received)

Gearing ratio (%)        = (Interest-bearing liabilities - liquid
                           funds - interest-bearing receivables) ./.
                           (Total equity)

Earnings per share       = (Profit attributable to shareholders of
                           parent company) ./.
                           (Adjusted number of shares (average))

Shareholders' equity per = (Equity attributable to shareholders of
share                      parent company) ./.
                           (Adjusted number of shares at end of
                           review period)

Quarterly information

Sales and result                                    Q1-Q2 Q1-Q2
by segment, MEUR      Q2/07 Q1/07 Q4/06 Q3/06 Q2/06  2007  2006  2006
Consumer Packaging      243   235   241   236   237   478   494   971
Publishing              208   212   220   226   216   420   441   887
Commercial Printing     339   366   369   361   380   705   774 1,504
Office Papers           183   202   189   181   174   385   357   727
Map Merchant Group      349   379   377   342   354   728   719 1,438
Internal sales and
other operations         38    38    42    21    17    76    34    97
Sales total           1,360 1,432 1,438 1,367 1,378 2,792 2,819 5,624

Consumer Packaging        8    21     0    17     2    29    26    43
Publishing               -7     3     3    14     2    -4    13    30
Commercial Printing      -5   -17  -179   -10   -51   -22   -53  -242
Office Papers             1   -22    -4    -1   -17   -21   -13   -18
Map Merchant Group        6     7   -59     3     7    13    14   -42
Other operations        -12   112    -7    -8   -18   100   -27   -42
Operating result         -9   104  -246    15   -75    95   -40  -271
 % of sales            -0.7   7.3 -17.1   1.1  -5.4   3.4  -1.4  -4.8
Share of results
in associated
companies                -1     0     0     1     0    -1    -1     0
Exchange gains and
losses                    2    -5    -4    -1    -3    -3     5     0
Other financial
and expenses            -34   -41   -41   -37   -33   -75   -59  -137
Result from
continuing operations
before tax              -42    58  -291   -22  -111    16   -95  -408
Income taxes             -7    -4    25   -11     8   -11    -5     9
Result for the period
from continuing
operations              -49    54  -266   -33  -103     5  -100  -399
Result for period
operations                0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
Result for the period   -49    54  -266   -33  -103     5  -100  -399
Minority interest         0     0     1     2     1     0     0     3
Financial result
attributable to
shareholders of
parent company          -49    54  -265   -31  -102     5  -100  -396
Earnings per share,
EUR                   -0.15  0.16 -0.81 -0.10 -0.31  0.01 -0.30 -1.21

Non-recurring                                     Q1-Q2/ Q1-Q2/
items, MEUR         Q2/07 Q1/07 Q4/06 Q3/06 Q2/06   2007   2006  2006
Consumer Packaging     -7     0    -4     0     0     -7      0    -4
Publishing             -3     0     0     0     0     -3      0     0
Commercial Printing     1   -14  -173    -2   -41    -13    -41  -216
Office Papers           0   -30   -15     0   -10    -30    -10   -25
Map Merchant Group      0    -3   -69     0     0     -3      0   -69
Other operations       -4   120     1     0    -3    116     -3    -2
Total of
items in operating
result                -13    73  -260    -2   -54     60    -54  -316
Non-recurring items
financial items         0     0     0     0     0      0      0     0
Non-recurring items
total                 -13    73  -260    -2   -54     60    -54  -316

Operating result
non-recurring items     4    31    14    17   -21     35     14    45
% of sales            0.3   2.2   1.0   1.2  -1.5    1.3    0.5  -0.8
Result before
excl. non-recurring
items                 -29   -15   -31   -20   -57    -44    -41   -92
% of sales           -2.1  -1.0  -2.2  -1.5  -4.1   -1.6   -1.5  -1.6
Result per share,
EUR                 -0.13 -0.08 -0.04 -0.08 -0.16  -0.21  -0.15 -0.27
Return on equity,
items, %             -8.8  -5.4  -2.6  -5.8  -9.1   -7.2   -4.3  -4.4
Return on capital
employed, excl.
recurring items, %    0.7   3.2   1.5   2.0  -1.2    2.0    1.1   1.4

Return on capital                                   Q1-Q2 Q1-Q2
employed, %           Q2/07 Q1/07 Q4/06 Q3/06 Q2/06  2007  2006  2006
Consumer Packaging      4.1  10.9   0.3   7.5   1.3   7.6   6.1   5.1
Publishing             -2.5   1.3   1.4   5.3   0.9  -0.6   2.5   3.0
Commercial Printing    -1.6  -6.3 -63.3  -3.2 -16.2  -4.0  -8.6 -21.7
Office Papers           0.6 -12.0  -1.9  -0.2  -9.0  -5.7  -3.4  -2.3
Map Merchant Group      8.9  11.8 -82.8   4.9   8.2  10.3   8.5 -14.2
Total                  -0.5   9.6 -20.3   1.8  -5.6   4.6  -1.1  -5.2

Capital employed, MEUR Q2/07 Q1/07 Q4/06 Q3/06 Q2/06 Q1/06
Consumer Packaging       741   777   809   914   907   917
Publishing               995 1,020 1,069 1,091 1,094 1,124
Commercial Printing    1,047 1,057 1,040 1,208 1,243 1,273
Office Papers            665   669   722   742   746   754
Map Merchant Group       276   264   257   313   318   323
Other equity             604   583   797   609   578   514
Total                  4,328 4,371 4,694 4,877 4,886 4,904

The capital employed for a segment included its assets: goodwill,
other intangible goods, tangible assets, biological assets,
investments in associates, inventories, accounts receivables,
prepayments and accrued income (excluding interest and taxes), less
the segment's liabilities (accounts payable, advance payments,
accruals and deferred income (excluding interest and taxes).

| Personnel, average  |  Q1-Q2 |  Q1-Q2 |        |
|                     |   2007 |   2006 |   2006 |
| Consumer Packaging  |  1,556 |  2,629 |  2,573 |
| Publishing          |  1,343 |  1,468 |  1,437 |
| Commercial Printing |  3,917 |  4,620 |  4,425 |
| Office Papers       |  1,710 |  1,847 |  1,822 |
| Map Merchant Group  |  2,414 |  2,506 |  2,481 |
| Other operations    |  2,670 |  2,137 |  2,146 |
| Total               | 13,610 | 15,207 | 14,884 |

                                                  Q1-Q2 Q1-Q2
Deliveries, 1,000 t Q2/07 Q1/07 Q4/06 Q3/06 Q2/06  2007  2006 2006
Consumer Packaging    313   302   288   285   284   615   588 1,161
Publishing            302   303   313   320   307   605   624 1,258
Commercial Printing   422   454   464   453   481   876   978 1,895
Office Papers         241   272   264   258   251   513   517 1,039
Paper segments,
total                 965 1,029 1,041 1,031 1,040 1,994 2,120 4,192
Map Merchant Group    339   372   367   347   354   711   717 1,431

|Production,   |       |       |       |       |       |  Q1-Q2|  Q1-Q2|       |
|1,000 t       |Q2/07  |Q1/07  |Q4/06  |Q3/06  |Q2/06  |   2007|   2006|   2006|
|Consumer      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
|Packaging     |    302|    311|    279|    273|    270|    613|    569|  1,121|
|Publishing    |    287|    282|    283|    307|    270|    569|    577|  1,167|
|Commercial    |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
|Printing      |    448|    457|    464|    456|    494|    905|  1,003|  1,923|
|Office Papers |    257|    280|    253|    259|    252|    537|    516|  1,028|
|Paper mills,  |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
|total         |    992|  1,019|  1,000|  1,023|  1,016|  2,011|  2,096|  4,119|
|Metsä-Botnia  |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
|pulp 1)       |    200|    203|    255|    243|    234|    403|    485|    983|
|M-real pulp   |    398|    426|    449|    443|    422|    824|    862|  1,754|

1) corresponds to M-real's share in Metsä-Botnia (39 % until Q4/06,
30 % as of Q1/07).


M-real Q2 report