, capital increase as a consequence of directed issue with effect from 3 August 2007

|                                      |             Copenhagen, 2 August 2007 |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/S - capital increase as a consequence of directed issue          

With effect from 3 August 2007, 14,736,848 new shares of nominal DKK 0.10 will  
be admitted to trading in the below ISIN code:                                  

| ISIN                                    | Name in the Official List          |
| DK0060074144                            |                       |

The share capital will be increased from DKK 4,964,200.80 (corresponding to     
49,642,008) to DKK 6,437,885.60 (corresponding to 64.378.856 shares).           
The new shares have been subscribed at DKK 4.75.                                

The capital increase has been registered with the Danish Commerce and Companies 

We refer to the prospectus and the announcements of 11 June and 16 July 2007    
published by                                                      

For further information, please contact: Simon Søberg Jørgensen, Surveillance,  
tel. +45 33 93 33 66


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